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( IÍOLMANS, ie Ossaísiaeait. T".' V-r i' r .-: n, rs f. i :; iie.iii it n!l rc:■■ 3 ,,.r :c fidlijwni ii sc.nst's which na(., è-fc:- HH'EUiHATÍSiM loih ' .' hronic: and nflamitory - Gout - Sprn'írts - Bry. I c.iiitrycied TKND'KNS oí Jong stmidi ii g. i; i!-nis;s iii! tnntotird - ronders stilf j-iints 1 y produeinga lienlthy toii$cuinr.jtc(iort. Ii ns . ni Boils 'iu'1 ábckss-kí - ' tijjing ]■■. ''s i i" sw't'Ufcd unü ínijarnéd Br$ast8 [i . i ïppiiêd ii c u'y .-m.';i.'. prevenís U'perntion ór m;'.:;Kr fnni.:ii';. n:ul givfes ih all i c ; ■:! c.:w; '■iiii p.i.'i. Ctrtificates f H .ei; n' rtfecps'enry. . ( i-, o',:('.-(-l lo ihe !'ii!)!ic wiih thc. ■ "iiix !li;it t';tr (.xci.'ís the Oiorkl ■ic'r■ i i.iuiínciits nf iho piesen' úay. lot the abo ve .. A tu, 'I i- iMil.y waniccLto rive it tlm ■ ';■! [)!i'ii:'t'i:i'i: to cvei y tliin" lsc. M'iiv ttw ol eminente liave used thís óítjtmoni i; ! eyiola ib ü'crus. nO 'i'!ic above oiutüicn. is for snle wliileh1e nnd aloíl hy L BF.rjLF.Y A i) i! Arl ■ '■. douor trun) June I5lli, W 9 TO PUYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MEI1GIIANTS. 3[IEsnb?criter invita ilieatlontion of Pliy . Mcians and Onmirv Mercíliahís, to liiin'eseot etock öf Drugs, Mnlkincv, Painí.-, Oib, Oye ötufiV-, VArnish, Bruílit, Uct &c. nüñipr'i i.'.-fui;. oftl,(. lárgésl lid fbKéftta&ortrmonts b:--i.; !if. o tn couniry. Ii Jiis pre.-ont :' ':U '.v] Lo ÍVaind: loo o-. S'ilpii. Q,aiiiinc, superior French cml KngJifih, 20 oz. Snlph. Morpliin, 10 o. Ac (o rJ "z. Carponier's Wiiherill's Extract of i:irk, 1 fïbl. PowtFereá tfbíVb'síb, 1 Che t Rmïbarb looi, 1 bhl; Po'.vdorrd Jaiap, 50 ' . . C-.l n.r], Se Ivvqu Salts, 1 j casis Fail nnl '!iícr sírairied Sperni O,!. 4') bóxes Spej;m Citküop, SÖU0 ;ljfl. VVliita Lñád, dry and grouHd, 4ha k LÍTiseqd Oí!, Üenthls Iiislmmrnís tnH 'Sloctc Gold, Silvcr ni Tin Fui! Plulina f''urr, Ptpcelain Ti-eih. gén?rnl íi-Korimen pfiPaYent Miicnor, nli '" wfiícíi wíl! be soJd on the inost rènsonuble fruí.-:. PIERR-pj TELLEH. 139 Jefferson iVveriite, eígn oí'the Gilt Mnr-h 13. Murrar, Detroit. i AHjÚ'MHÚ U'CHINI SS I A "iV ?ÖÏïJaB, tvfiuM rcsppcrftiliy inform iHe X.0 cit2Lg ni Aun Ari)or rt:uJ lis vicinitj'. thiit ■ fe iris qpened n shop in theLower ïown. ixnmdjafely over the laic mcic.-urüe stíma c-j Luijd & i!i.-íHi. nnd onjxisito tho srore oí' J. Bccklry - '■.. wlinre líe i;i prepafèd it all times lo do vorí i liié fine, wirh pioniplisess, and inaneatand furnblö .Ti'inncr. Pariicular aitention will he pnid to cuttinf éöflems. Produce wil] be taken at the usual 'pri ÖS, : r Work !one at his shop. Theso who hnvc asi) íp i' ■ for services of thts kind, are particu.i'ly invitcvl to cnil Aun Amor. April 27j 1842. tfDR BAMSl'RB'S GATXZ&.X&TIC PS&&S. TTliflfH pili has nöï onTv been used by niy i svM', biu by a number of Pliysiciuns of qfh suíjirtiTiíf. both in rbis and oiher"Siatc3, to By t!io frequent ttharepeaièdsolicttntio'nfc.ofthy tmlsj I have conspn'.cd if) ofler (hum (o th'p uWic -is : toost u'!ir:icious re:nci!y for all tliasc ■illioiis diaeosees originnting in a new coun ■:v. Tlieabove pil! is for sale whoJesn'lfi gnd rtnail :'y, L. UFCKLl'.Y. Ann Arbor. (nwer tqwnYJunp 15tji IS4y. pTO CLOTHIERS. rjnlIEsubíciibpr s jusi in rceipt of a furJ. tlier muijIv of Cloiliier s stock, consistan: oí' 1,1. r[-} N:.: OAÏiDS ƒ cv.; y i:S ,ni '■: JACKS. Aï 'FlNET, w :i:r, yAnp óLEA&sjEm ",,d pick. C.-riys. PïnsÖJTp SHÈARJNG KA chxr. nvruv. ((,e-n -i tente imOKS.PRWS PAPER, .tur ,n,h a ÍEle!E.'?, V o:m"'-'J'OYE VOOD8.uvd !JL SlUFFÜ öi the ve;y btst gfowtlf and il .l!lll'nTli;c. Tliese gowlCcBmipg as ilioy rlo direct from '■;- hanls) ibe sutffcriber is en;.:. Ier] th st-il hjw■! i;i::ii iny o'lier house west iilNtw Yiirk. lic lJl "l(' Bíikcítfi tlie atiemion ■ofiïrmti n'the ■.')t.!ii:ï busin. es. to (lieexa .. inniiun of hls s'ock irwJ ] ic-es beiore going east or pñrchnwrtg tílsew i o re. PIERRE TF.LhF.P, .Vh)!osn!c nnd Retni! brjusrgist, 13?; íeíTorsón Avenue, siijiiaf the Gilt Multar, Donuil. 3TATK OF ÏAtm LAWTON DY. -M-J CEA.i3.Ep. - A'oüco is henby givén. tliát lijeunffersignea li'ave próveH ihe fust witi'hnö estnmentoi Jacob Lawton, decenseJ. nnd lune , tüken leners Tcsinmeiunry thereon. and bnv.e I1;"'1 ;)llíís acepfding to law. All persons iiv lotpil to si; ëéthrè are rctiesfed to mnke , joóï wlflout delav. nnd ai! persons haviñg claims i ■■.r.üisr s-.;vl c?!i e rquested to prfesnt the iuiieip the sabscribers, well ámiiémícátVd. fbr iivaicnt. ; CRORGE E. LAWTON, i DAVID T. M'COU.UM; tt-xecutora of ine laat w.iil and Tesent of i icon ,',-iv. tuñ. D.iiod, Anti Arbor, Mny 7, 18 Í-?. 3m TEMPKKANC HOTEL, 1:7 Honfiaiêr tek23üne. '-.. 't Oí MICHIGAN AND WASULNGTON AVENÜKP, DETROIT.) ■"jP.n: nliove rr.)i;sTs plensnntly situatod non JL t]w;Cepu] Ü-Mi.o.i:! Depoiand s.nownn -.í:;;í throtieh r'èph'ifs; The ttöms'rTrè nlcss 2Í; l:i ' -: ' s ::'! Ttí.'rílni; ;1 ! 1 ït.-w. nnd ihTnWé ! teeupplied u'itli thft c!io:c,v,i u ijtio!;nt. ï"1 tbe proprifttofs issure tímso vvho wíl.ÍTayor " ■: iMhiir cusiflO), !!'! -i I p-iirs shnl be tae.n to ■1'1' :'" :- stay with thoii .-'roe.-Lk'. ' ■ ■ . vifiyfl io. nw ac :o imo !.i:in rmod.- ? t,i wayey pnSü'ngerö to and frum ilu'"■ i ee, o fíxpai .-p. Oclroi-, Apiv1 ?7 Ifi42. ;;rCOXOMY IS WEALTÏT." T'"' Surscrüiciif wül p.-.y pav iwocen'. per poní d in Ooof!.5 or P;tper för ;in qnnn'irv 'f )ol cK-nn SW1NOLE TOW, delivered ot ilic u n Arbor Paper T-lül .IOVFS&ORMSBY. Ann A-bor, April 27, 1-4:J. ,fNEW GOODS ! ! FDF.MSON h-s jurt reèfiveM o complete ■"""' DRY-GÓOD8, GROCFMF ip lor money or most kinda of produce Descnptions nnd prices w.!l be ivcn at theSiorc. Ann Arbor. June J, 1842. X SURGKON.- House and Office, -i few biS'nUt nnedXa.y6tte HUSe' "" " Ann Arbor April 30th, 1843.Jl fR WALK-KR rcspeetiully ii.lorms hi . friends and the public in general, that h h-.s iccrntly commenwd lü?iness. in the toïïor-?h Impone t!oófcnstoBpVcí-S dry goódW))ie,whèfebë spieparcd lo'êtecrtte ft in th neatèst nul i„ost Inshiunr.h!,: myle fority wnh tío pmnt prévam$ fn8l„on nd e,, f J e d;'y' a"d warwntetf to fit or noCuifitig done ;t shor'est iiotice AU tio.da of Mj,lm;ry .Unitorm ? Bfldretn coat amln.nioone. rnnde r1Lneeable to ijSureïent military ur rcgimental order. P Ann Arhor, July 25il. 1B nïéS&t'. f UMBKR consumtly on band nd f„r sak P MISO.N'S PfJKAHJNG MACHINES. .__J I2-8w óehs „rid Lm, poético in te'tóSS Í ta;mperakce nousr, DOT. f IC Étól STORE h Hot 5vd Geld S?athsa ivcr Icisla 1 ft1 T I T U T E npniS lMSiiiution s located in the tcnvn of -B. Raiem, near the north bank of the beautiful mcrwhosenan-cztbears, une mile easi of ha direct rond f, om Teciiinseh to Adrián. Thiseligibieehe Iris been sdcded for its -luiei sccïueion. the fertility and elevation of ant ;cenr-rUre " W WmMphejre, and pleoí Roo.Ms.-There are now on the premises euitble rooniM or the accomii.odauon oi (brtv etu Jenj; which are dcrign to oc.;U,,ied fJr priie s.udy am! lodgirig Oihcr n.c, ssnry buil j mg arcproviili ! fpr recitations and boarding EXPENSES. Tuition per Torm of eleven wecka, 4 nrt Board " with4hoursworkeachweek, 7'?? Room Rent, ' 'L' liicjcJental, TotaI J2.95 Thcre wijl he an additionni charge of one dolar lor hofieptrrsuing the higher bn.nches as Plu asophy, Algebra; Geonïetry, Aationomy. &c .orUjcnnetry L,t... or G:ek nn additïon of w.) (folian wil) be made. Sèbolab are expected o provui.. ihemsi-lvrs with wJwt iumiture thev wi] uctd in ihcir rooms, alöo. with lights. fuel ='e!vpr'1Sllingnüne WÜ1 hereaaer board therá Dills to hescUlco'in a;!vnnce. The school is open o all applicants oí suitnhle age and moral cliaracter incspective of comrltx. on or condition. l [T?77, sjcond term of tl,is sianmer jcill comnente Wcdn.sUiyJulij 2i)th. Il is vtry d.isirnble that ail who design toot end the nool. sl.oud t.e on the croun-have "eir.bilksettled, and tlieir looins prcpoiecl. beré tnr firei driy of ihe term. Any funhc'r in HítíffftoA can beöbtainod ïlt the Insiim.tion. of y addressing; post pair). J. S. Dixo.v, Principal, taiiaiji, Len-uee Co Midi. ' H 'lisin. Máy líJrh. 1842. n5- 2mNEW N.Y. CliKAF STORfi. T.'ÍE snhscriber has just reiurncd from NewïJ YörR witli thè Inrrrt nnd best sdecird ' spwlnert "f DllY GOODS, GROCERIEÜ OROCKERV. BOOrS 4. SHQE8. AND ■ YANKEE KOTiONS', ever broijfht into this i nikkei, pörchoéed pievious to ihe tnriffwhich wiU-enablë Iimi tp. sell fóf' caáh, as cheap as uny J establishmem west of Bcfjtalo As wc do :ness on the Rlai:t Jay System wc wül not De nnflejsold !y ;,ny one in this inaikct, wliich wiU be 'or ibe iiiiërêst of the purchaeer nnd dealer. We woúldéhy (o lie innnerd i.'iat we sell :rood8 in r.'opoition to ïhe prioe of wheat- a JiiElu'l o; v.i,.,,; wül purcli-isfi "a r.iany goodsnt '!ie preeent low pnces e ii dirl last fnll. Wow s ;he int:e lor peoplö 10 my erooda il th'ey want luy them chenp. Tjir nssartmerit coiisist in an 01 ilio faljowirig ijriir.los: BRii-Á !-(!..- -j ■ ( , 1 í I .i !T do. BEAVE Rd SATINET and C ÁS SlMEJfcEkfa'tl'cky jeans, küll'd cloths, F!. v&NKLL, (I a] HikIsm sü:-;. -; GÜEYS, ÜMBftELLAS, SILKS. -i, 'LiN DE LAíSES ALAPItftó. MEaINO TAGLIONTE CASMMEBrfè MAn'ï.S, VICTORIA do, VICTORIA dg CÁPwíJSSáto. ROB ;U)V .,„,; ;;■;, -ir . do BR ISS CLOCK. fíRBfi'l ír:s, HOPE SI I ! :T NGJis rnCLiilGS, fR iVATS TWI.LÍ ÉT) JEANS, CÖTTON YARW CJ5 - tó-VNELè-, GlNGilAAlS? !! ; ;.;,r] TaWt-Cliitlw, MITTENS, CALICÓES, f ör'atl fcïndió " LDIí:S DRKSS liD'KFa, GLOVES. (rul! kin-!?,) LOOKiiVG CLASSES, &c. &c. A ghqjce sa- iiücnt o.' Groceries. such as 1 ene, Siir?, IVT.Iawè, &c. &c, all uf whicb vill le gold nt wliolcsalt; or retnil. Pedlars an he üppjied at this eataljlishment oiow ng foastohish tliem. Theèul)8cribejrdöero8jt useless to go into fnr. ier detail, bnt ;isks ihoi'n to cal} and examibb r thcmselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Scpt. l0, 1842. 3rn75NEW GOODSÜ FDENISON, is now receivingns usuallya well selected nssortment of fall and winter GK)ODS, which will bc sold cheap for cash or barter. N. B. As cheap as any in town. September 24, 1849. rftt


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