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Threshing Jiíachins. nnflE undeisigned would inform the public that JL they continue to manufacture Horsk Pownsnnd Machines, two and a half mil es froni the village of Ann Arbor. on the rnilroad. Tiie Horse l'ower isa late invention by S. W. Foster, and is decidedly superior to any other ever otlered to the public, as will oppear by the statements of those who have used them during the last year. It is ligiu in weight and small iu compass, being carried together with the Thresher, in a common waggon box, and drawn with ease by two horses. It is as httle liable to break, or get out of repair, as any other Horse Power, and will work as easy and thrash as much with fuur horsesattaehed to it as any other power with yïe iioreo, otrvill oppear from the recommendations below. New patterns have been made for the cast Iron, and addiiional weight and slrength applied wherevcr it had appeared to be necessary from one year'suse of the machine. Tlie subscribers deern it proper to state, that a numbcr of horse powers were sold last year in the village of Ann Arbor which were believed by the purchasera to be tliose invented by S. W. Foster, and that most or all ot them were either made materially different, or altered buibre sold, so as to be materially different from those made and sold by the subscribers. Such alterations being decidedly detnmeuta tothe utility of the machine. They have rood reason to believe that every one of those rcturned by the purchasers as unsatisfactory were of this class. They are not aware that any Power that went from their shop, and was put in use. as they made t, has been condemned or laid asideas a bad machine. All who wish t.t buy are invited to examine them and to enquire of those who have used them. There will be onefor examination at N. H.Wing's, Dcxter villaje; and one at Martin Willson's storehmst in Detroit - both these gentlemen being agenta for the sale of them. The price will be $J20for a four horse power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden bar cylinder; and $130 for a horse power with a threshing machine with an iron bar cylinder. The attention ofthe reader is invited to tnefollowing recomniendations. S. W. FOSTKR & CO. Scio. April 20, 1 842. RECOMMENDA TIONS.This ís to certify ihat wa have used one of S. W. Foster's newly invenied Horse Powers for nbout five momhs, and threshed with it about 3000 bushels, nnd believe it s constructed on etter principies than any other Horse Power. One of the undersigned has owned and usedeight different kinds of Horse Powers.and we believe that four horses will thrash as much with ihis Power as five will with any other power with which we areacquainted. H. CASE, S. G. IVES. Scio, January. 12, 1942. Tare e to iniorm the public that I have purchased, and have now in use. one of the Horse Powers rccemlyinvented by S W. Foster, made by S. VV. Fosrer, &Co., and believe itbe construct ed upon better principies, and requires less strength of horses than any other power with which 1 am acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clemen3, Sept. 8, 1841. This is to inform the pnblic that I have purchasedoneof the Horse Powers, recently invented by S. W. Foster, and usid it for a number of months, and believe it ie the best power in use, working with less strength of horses than any other power with which I am acquainted, and being email in compass. is easily moved i rom one place to nolher. Í believe 4 horses will tjiresh as much vi th this power as 5 will wilh any other power. 'lie plan and tho working of this power have een universally approvod of by furmera for whom have thrashed. E. S. SMITH. Scio. April II, 1842.SMUT MACHINES. The euhscribers make very good SMUT MACHINES which they will sell for $60. This ïacliine was invented by onc of the subscribere, who has had many year'sexperiencein the milling business. We invite those who wish to buy o 1 good machine for a fair price to buy of ns. It ie inujh as moat of tha machines that cost from 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio, April, 18, 1842. Woolen Manufaclory The subscribere have recently put n operation A woollen manufactory for mnnufacturing woollen cloth by power looms, two and a half miles wesi Irom Ann Arbor village, on the railroad, where n wiab. to manufacturo 'm'ooJ ioto doth onlshares, or for puy by iho yard, on reasonable ernis. They huve ernployed experienced woikiiicn anti Ceel confident tbat work will be well .Jone. They therefore respectfully ask a share f public paironagc, especially fromthose who are n favor of home indcstky. Wool may bc lelt at Scio vUlage. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio, April 13, 1842. Peters pills. 'Tis iun theysny to get well wuh them, ALL mankind throughout tlioir wide and immense circulation that ever try theni continue to buy them. Peters' Pills are purely vegetable; tliey work no miracles, nor do they proleës tu cure all diseases, because ihcy are the scietitific compound ota regular physician, who lias made lus profession the study of nis liie. Dr. Peters is a gradúate of Yale College, also of the Mussac-husetts Medical College, and has soniewhat distinguished bimselfas a man of science and genius among the family of the late Gjv. Peters; Peters' Vegetable Pills are simple in their preparation, mild in their action, thorough in iheir operation, and unrivalled in their results. - The town and country are alike filled wiih thrir praise. The palace and the poor house alike echo with their virtues. In all climates they will retain thcir wonderful powers and exert thein unaitered by age or sitution, and this he voiecoi'a grateiul community proclaimed. - Peters' Pills prevent - keep off disensos if timely used, end have no rival in curiug billious fever, 'ever and ague,dyspepsia, liver sick headadiu, jaundice, aslhnia.dropsy. rlieumaism, enlargement of the spleen, piles, colk', fenaie obstruction, heart burn, furred tonque, i - sca, (iisiention of the etomach and boweljLD-Á. ent diarrhoja. flatulence. habitual i üss of appetite, bloched, or sallow complexión, j and in all cases of torpor of the bowels, where a cathartic or aperienf is indicated, producing ïeilher nausea, griping nor debility; and Ive repeat all who 4uy them continue to try tliem. The most triumpham success hos over attended their use and cnough is already known of them to immortaüze anJ hand thein down tu porterity with the improvements oi'the age m nied ical bcience. Dr. Peters was bred tn the hea!ing art, and in order to supply denunds, he h;s originated and called to his aid the only steam driven machinery in the world for pill working. 'Tis perfect, and its process imparts to the pill essential virtue, because by being perfeclly wrought, all the pills' bidden virtue is revealed, when called into action. and here also it is Peters ' excels all the world and takes all the premiums, j medals and diplomas. So clear the tract tor the Engine - Peters' Pills are coming - a niillion of witnessescan now be herd for ihem- resist!ccs. - do you hear that! while a host can tesiify i ihat ihey beiieve they owe their salvation íioin disease and death to Peters' Pil!, and if calóme] and knivesarc getting partially into dsu8e we are only mistaken. Certificates. - This paper could be filled with them by residents of Michigan, by your friends and neighbors - ask ouragents. It is now well known thnt the people will have Peters' Pille, and 10 hinder would be to stop the rushing wind. Price 25 or 50 cents per box. The resistiess forcé of these truths - their universal reception, added to thc testimony of niillions. "keep it before the people'' must and will be heard throughout this vale of tears. Their happy influence on joung ladies while sufFering under the usual changes of life as directed by the laws of nature, they impart a buoyaney of heart, feeling and action, an elastic step, velvet cheek, lilly and carnation complexión by their action on the chyle, &c. and ladies in del cate situations always admit their power and innocence, and take thein two or three at a timu without in the slightest degree incutring the hazard of an abortion; which faets are of the utm st mportance. Pimples; a young lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and says she feels more grateful to him for the re6toralion of her benwy t fhehnd saved her life. 'Tis fun to get well with Peters Pills.for they cause the blood to course ns limpid and gentle through the veins as a mountain rivulet; 3 or 4 is a conimon dose, heneo the natient is not comuelled to make a nieal.TROUBLE IN PLUTCTS CAMP. Quite astonished Oíd Pluto cnmeto New York, (Hearing Peters had got his Pili Engine at work,) To resign his comniission, his hour glaea nm! scythe; I have come to deliver them all up to you - Sir, my calling is over - my business is through; I have been for three years in a terrible stew, And I really don't know what on earth I'am to do; - Not of your nnghty 6Íre do I come to complain, But a tamal New Yorker, one PETERS by name; The diseases my aids, in this war of mankind, Are subdued by this Peters, what help can we find? I would yield him N. York, sir, if there he would stay: But, sir, Petere will have the whole world for his sway. While musing in cogncil what course to pursue. That Engine of Peters broke forth into view. The King of terrors looked a while, As though his soul was tur ed to bile, At that unspnring scourge of ills, By all men known oe Peters' Pilis. These Pilis of Peters' stop the slaughter. And Ieave8 theblood as pure as water. NowPeters makes? I'veheard him say, Fve hundred thoueand pills a dny; So that the chance is very smali Of people dying there at all; For soon the cheeks, so marked for doom, Begin like any rose to bloom. Look herel all mho try oontinuc to buy them. For sale as ióllows, by Meisre. Beach& Abel, G. Grenville, F. J. B. Crane, Maynard. & Co., G. Ward, S. P. & J. C. Jewett, J. H. Lund, H. Becker, Dickenson & Cogswell, and S. K. Joneo, Ann Arbor: Warner & Co-, and J. Millerd & Son, Dexter, Wm. A. L Shaw, Lima; J. C. Wman8, Sylvan, Hnle, fc Smid., GrassLake; W. Jackson, Leoni; D. T. MJniman, Jackson; M. A. Shoemalier, Michigan Centre; Brotherson & Co.. L. B. Kief &, Gilbert. Mancheeter; D. S. Haywood, Salme; Snow &Keys, Clinton; J. Scattergood & Co., Plymouth; Stone. Bnbcock &Co., andJulins, MoviusfeCo., Ypeilanti; Pierre Teller, Detroit; J. & J. Bidwell, and Dr. Underwood, Adrion; Hart & Mosher. Springville; Hnrmen fc Cook. Brooklyn; Smith & Co., Jonesville; MBoyce, Chicago- and almost"every where eeeOct. 19, li?J2 27-lyTO COUNTRY MERCHANTS AND THE PUBLIC GENERALLY. THE subscriber has on hand and offers for sale ai low ratee, a large and general as, sortment oí Drugs and Medicines, Paims. OilsVarnish, Dye Stufls, &c. &c, wi'h every article in the Drug and Pnint line. Persons wish mg to purchase any articles in the above lineare requested, beforepu-xhasingelsewhere. to cali at PIERRE TELLER'S, Wholesale and Retnil Druggist 139. Jefferson Avenue, eign of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. F,SJ?A OF ELLEN W1LM0TDECEAi j , Otlf e '3 here by 8iven hot the undersigned hae been appointcd by the Hon. George, Judge of Probate in aud for tho County of VVashtenaw, admin.strator on the estáte of Ellen VVilmot, late of Saline in said t-ounty, and hasgiven bondsaccordin" to law - AU persons having demande ngainst said estáte are roquestedto present them for adjustment, and Jll persons ndebted tosaid estáte are requested to nake payment without delay. A0A,bo„Ju„e35f.R81I'WII'LIAl (


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