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The Case Of George Latimer

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We mentioned last week the case of this fugitive. He is now imprisoned n Boston under the nuthority of the following order g from his mast er: g "To the Jailor of the Counry of Svfféík: Sir, - Gforge Liitimer, n negro lave anti bclonging to me, and a fugitive from aiy service, and living in IS'orfo'k, in the State of Virginia, ,. vlio is now conimiited to yonr cuslody by k John Wilson, my uttorney, 1 reqncst and l RECT you to hold on niy nccoonSat rny cost, { until removed by me according to lavv. . JAMES B. GRAY. "Costón, Oet.21, 1C42. "YViliiess- E. G. Austin. "Boeion, Ucl 2!, ló'42. I liereby promie i to pay to the keeper of the any Rum due to liitn for keeping the bodv f 6nid Litimer, . on demanci. E. G. AUSTÍN." The SupremeCourt of Massnchuserts have decided that this a sufiicient warrant for keeping Lal impr in jnil. A rcquest of Latimer, signed by hini, and cttested by his copnsel, ibr the prayers of Christians in his behalt', vvaa ( read in ali the churches on the Sabbalh. 1 Latimer' s wife, also a slavc, came on to nn with him, bnt has not !een taken. At the meeting at Fancuil Hall on Sunday t evening, the foilcwing omong other f lions were adopted by nn immense mnjority.- ( They breathe the old fushioned spirit of sev ' enty six. t Resolved, Thct ifall men nrc c:eated free c nnd eqiial, then none are bnrn to bc clnves; { that if all men are endowed by leir Creator ( with an inalienable right In Lihnrty, then to reduce any man f.o servstude is a hamled a:t of robbery and impiety; that ifnll mm urn made of one blood, nnd hnve one coimnon i Fatlier, then they are not djstinct races, hut , meiübern of one comrrïön fámily. Th-it t is as grè't a crime 'o enslnve one hiiman being as it is another - the uncivilized ' African or fhe Russinn seif as the free bom i citizen of toasenchueetts; and that wherever il is perpet raled, or on whntever pèfson, it shonld excite eqnal alarm, indignulion and horror. That in the pe.son of Gcorgn Latimer, now oonfined in Leverett stroet jail on the cii.-irtije of being a slave, are embodied the rights and immimities of a!l ppople; that ho is the representative of every other human heing on tho face of the globe: and that the spint wiiich would reduce !iim to the conduion of slavery is one that would enslave all mankind, if it had the power. Vhereap, The Divine law enjoins it upon us, "notto dcliver unlo his nutster the sciyunt which has cscaped frorn lis master unto 119, but that he shall ciwell with us, even among us, in that place which he shnll in one of our gatos, where he Üketh best," (See Deut xxiii,: 15, 16,) and whereas, Blackstone, in his Commentaries, bas declared, that in al! cases of conflict between Divino and humr.n enactrnentB, "thp inferior law mnst give place to the superior - man's law to God's law, ' or, ns expresspd by the lausented Dr. Channing. "No charter of rnnn's writing can sanctify injustice, or repeal God's cternal law," thereIbre Resolved, That that clause of the U. S. Constitution which requires the surrender of n fugitive slave to his master, is not morally binding upon the American people, and should be disregarded by all who fear God und love rigliteousness. Resolved, therefore, That the clause of the Constitution, requiring the surrender of fu'gitive slavee,ought to be repealed absolutely, to tally, and immediately, and that we pledge ourselves to use every exertion to procure its repeal. That for a citizen of another goveinment to come upon our territory andseize our citizens without form or process of law, is an net of wnr, so decided in the case of the Caroline, and there never can be a hearty unión unless the State which is'subject to nggressions conBents to hold itself as a conqured province.EFWe understand ccrtnin whigs nreaggrievcd because we cntl the Democratie party by tlmt name, n?tead of Locofuro. Wc liold tliat evcry poliucnl party is competent to select their own appellations, nnd shonLl be rccognised by thern. Why should we say Fcdenüst nnd Locoloco instt'ad of Wliig and Democrat? If either of the partc3 can niako nny capita! by callingonch othernatnes. they are welcome to t. Wc ahall not contest theit gainswiih thern. Besides, we have the examplo of their best Siatesmen on our side - Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, J. Q, Adame, and probably mnnyothers. Cnlling names ia nhvnys the resort of blackguarde, when they fail in all other resources.


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