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Physical Education: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Man'a powers have been ananged by philoiophere into thrce grent classes, viz : pfayeical, intellectual, and moral. Tlieea are so intimately connectetl, and such is tlioir dcriendcnce upon each otlier, that they cannot perforrn their proper functions without harmonioua action. If th8 be truc, t is to mnn's highest interest that oach 3f these classes of powers bc properly cultiTatcd. H8 own happincss and hie usefulness to others demand this. But, while every eflbrt is being made to advanee his intellectual and hÍ9 moral condition, but little is done for his ph;sisM educniion. And ia it said, that thia is unnécessary ? Look around, if you pleaac, and behold the dietrcee au d misery that prey upon our bodieo. And observe how th8 phyaical debüity cripplc6 the raihd, and vi ua irouj our beiog's end and oim. It is notnecessary thí.t jiiís ebould be eo. AíjiíJ ot sickoess a not tha propor plac ed vi;h réneon. Disenso is btit Üje reeult of hia tpior.-mce of h8 own wnys and of tl.c lawg whicb govcrri tha.syéiem. It is maíntattted by higb nuthority, thut v.e rpoy'attain to ouch jtnowjedge oí iha wants aod neceaaities of tUe b'odyj v.a to be esentpt from diseasé; Truc, ího gefin oí decay existe in the system, huí i oent may be nccder&K'il oí retarded by 'l'ill?. une Iic3 to three ecoreandwn; aiiothor bajroly attains to rrttiihood, v.-iiile periáüea in carly infaney. Ay.iin nonio enjoy hetillh, oihcrs tsfa carly to tbo destróyer. Ilerc vo see i-.e necossity of a physical elu(Ui educoiion, wb'reh will cnuble hs to point ont t!ic causo of thi&pr-amaturfl decay hu! dcath, or;e Üiat will toach us how to avoid tlicsesourcc3 of diptaso, which, to mnoy, rendar lite ' !, This i-; QOt too íuuch for such áa ed; ucation to do. Tlio spirit 'of nquiry, wliich :'.zcs tlio present ago, has do ie mncli to throw light upon this subject. But sucli 13 thc novelty of tiie physiclogical doctrines taught, and such thc prejudice whicb exista agiinet thera, -t!at their benign influence is but . But few appreeiate ibeir ifnportance and bflaringupon .,ur healthi It c;m be ebown, tíiat the rcat nuniher of infants :h:it pcrisli, ave victima to tho ignorance of these principies. E;ü few know. int innny a promiaing yostfa has ruined Ulmsclf ly too enrly and cloao application to sturly. Ent how many more are pelf saertficed at tlie shrioe oí priun and íolly? How can a peieon expectto i ?!■;. po physical pain, vv-lio Btrivcs to avoid ihe curse of God, "In ;h3 sweat of ;hy lace tlialt thou cat bread'C' ]]ut few of the fair ee:c are WÍUing to admit that thouéanila of ilicii nu-ubcr perish annually by a conforniity to prevailing fashiona Yct it is a fact, Nvhich, to a candid miñd, can be n elcar as ihe eun at nooi; The etrictures, which ihe cnstoins of refined eocicty put upon ihe tiercise of tho liinbs and muscles, are a fruitful ouree of discaso. In tbc yOTjngof every class cf aninanls vo seo a natural inolination to aciiviiy. Who. day nfier day, could Jollow a chilcl through its round of frolic r.ndplay? None, but a chil l. Thcn, if we fpree theip to assupiö the gravity of manhood, we aro cvidently forcing nature, and thi-i ia daily done i;i our 6chopls. The young miss must prematureiy assutne ilie dignity of a Diatron, oilicrwisc she is branded wiüi the epiüiet of romp, co t!;:it ineiead of devclopiiig the eystcm, she groWe up v.ith q fecble physical orsjanization, from vvhich tlie consequencca cannot bo rcalized, Nor are ihosc laborimis ca!lin,t?;s exempt fro:n ihe penal tiee of nature' s viplated la'.vs. Ovcraction is as injurious ns tHft other oxtreme, nnd I can enumérate soveral wiiliin tlie spjiere oí niy acquaintaufie, who nov, in mid;!lo and adyanced life, are inv;:Ii;]s, and wlio atuihuto thcir dubiliiy to hard labor in their yp.upger áiiyv. Thus ne al! poriods of lifo subject to the ovils arising irom igaoionce oí tlic principies govern our physical organizntiori. And how wide sprt-ad nre these evils. Asa legitímate result of a diseased body the mimi 0 enfeebl.d.- Aetrong intellect and tn aapirlng genius will not !rng be confined to a debilitated body, or, if compcllcd to 6tay, thcy eoon bccjino weighed down a'.sted, by their eympalby with thcir miserable componion. We have eecn n tuis Bliort composition, that physical educaticn may bc beneïicial to the old and the young, the youth and the middle agcd, the Gcholr.r and the man of toih II wliat has been sniJ wili stand the lest of reason, v.e concliuie that our subject is one of vital itnportance, and worthy of our careful nnd caadid examinat i A1")


Signal of Liberty
Old News