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The Ver ïintish Ta rif. -The Liverpool Meicnry of Ocl. I4th, say6: The fullowinjr are tho now duties which ciiine into oporaliou on Monday last, the lülh of that month. Beef, salted, 8s. per cwt. Bcof, fresh, or slightly salted, which was prohibited, c.?. r.or cwu from iorc'igu countnes, 28. from Briüsh colonjea. Pork, saltei], (not hams) 8s. per cwt. from fürnVri] counlrice'. Perk, frciii, vnn prohihited, but nowndmitted nt 88. por cwt. from fbreigrn coiintrio, and bothon]y2g. per cut. from lïritish coionie.--. Hams, which paid 28s. per cwt. are now adciiited at 14a. per cwt. Boz's new work on America has excite! considerable interest, and ia meeting with rap jiJ circulution. The En'ish Military force in Canada is to bereduced immediately, and sevcral regiinents are to be sent to China. The National Anti-Corn I-aw league havo def.erniinvd to organizo the wljolecountrj', divi-.linj t in'io twelve districts for tho purpoie of brjnging its strength to teil in Parliament. The eptnto of Enrl Ducie, ín Glonceaterehire, which is snid to be ivorth upwards of L:Jt)O, - 000, is atlvertised for public auction in May lK'Xt. The tunnel on the line of the Sheffield and Mnnchester Railway wil! be thrcü m leng h, upwards of 600 fcet bolow the surface orsummirof ttic hill at its grahfest beiglit, and in rock formation throughout ita entire longth. Tt woiild appear that thePrench government cönfident of the maiötenanco of poace, contemplatea immense redactiona in the land (brees of France.The motion to allow Jew? to resido in Norwny, hiis been negatiyed by tiie Si.orthino-, - There we ra 51 votes tor, r.o 41 aíjainsí, but the constitución requires a raajörity of twothuch. The Emperor of R'.issia has published a ukase, authorizing tlie banker, -Baron Stregütz, of St. Petèrsborgi to make a loan of 40 to 50 msllions röuBlea to dëfray the expenses of the rail-road bet ween St. Petersburg and Moscow. An illustratiott of the immensity ofthecotton trade is aflürtfed by the fact that t!i? destriicti":'!) of 85,000 or 40.000 bajes ! ;y the grcot fire in Liverpool, produced no effect upen pnces. The Paris Commerce snys: - They have mude to '-he Porte uo the proposittOïl to construct a Ruil Road froin Conetantinople to Adrflinopie.. T his prppprition haa been ve!l teseiyedj byt -the execiifionwilj be djfficalt in eortscqittéñée of the long discance, (seVeuty leaguos.) Some iilen may be givcn of the pnormous cxieiit of British manufactures wlietí ii is mëntiönéd that ut. Mnncljester, iu onc frclory ijpA'árds of r. million and n q:;-.:icr yards oí" "jochÍs, not uxecedinjj three ííic!;ps in : ..:.! b, oud composed of cotton, lincn, r.ilk, or wóreted, ma waven in one week, or upwards of L5,227 miles in one y:ar! Later f rom Texas. - General Wollaiidhfa army havo continucd thoir retréat, and at last. : (ivii the spios bad diêcpvered tho fJexican nrtny, numbering about 3,000, at the Presidia Grande, fortifyitlg. The spy comnariy ■ had driven in ,00'J head of calilo, wliicli ixicaha ottempted to drive oft" in tlieir iníirit. The Texnn rorce now in the field, numbers 1,245 troopri. Gi-uoral Soraefvill has so far recovered his Health as to have slarted for tlic rmy. In addition to the one thousand men ivho have continued in the field, it is.thought fhat 1,500 or 2.000 will be reody to marcli at the tiine appoihted, on tlie 10t.h in.-tunt. Tho tróopa are all in excellent spirits, niul are ihxidua to takb üp the lino ofmarch for the Rio Grande. Tlie people of Texas are incilnd jy o lively dèsire lor upon the Mex ic;ins. At Ilo'.isïon, men of all dutjes have enfölledthèmsêlvés. The phutéra, and cithoui? generally, thronghóiit the West, farhiah liberal contnbütions of snpplies for ihe use of the troop?, and are doiny èvery tliinor n tlieir power tp förvyard the expedition. ; gresa was to convene at Washingtofl on thn li:!i InatnDt A B.rttish ileet was oí? Veltico ■ L&tely, bomif! for tiie coast of Mexico. Tiie j echooner Elraa, for G;ilventon, was wreckcd at the inouth of "Brazos recentJy. She had a carpo of L13,000 worth of goocl-, which are a ; tol il loss - no insurance.


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