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Tennessee Slavery

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Some inomhs ago there was a plnntcr in the roar pnrt of the county of Groene eight miles dlBtant by the name of wuo died, leaving Borne forty fivo 6laves. A íew weeks since, the Bale of his eflects and slavea took placo ai hi.s jilantruion. One of niy neighbors, Mr. . nttcnded. He told me, tlitit about twenty of hifi slaves wcre the children of white fatiiera, ihat most of the 20 had coloro J or light mottiers. - Fifteen of thcm he supposes wero the children of Mr. himse'.f. Thia is the comtnon report. Mr. States that their rcsemblnnce to the other cliildien of Mr. is so striking ns to lenve no doubt of ths truth of the report in the mindoi any one.who observes thcin. Whethcrhc bad any i'ntëntion to provide for their freédom is unknown to me. He dicd leaving his esta ie indebted so as to vender a sile legal ly necessary. - I do nol Rnow thnt he left nny Will. There wcre parenis mul chüdren bound together by nll those ties which couldbe supposed to exiat in that relation, tlicn to be ssparatetl forevcr. Mr. says it was hc mosi distreesing sight he ivnr wilii'jsBcd. All these poor sl:cs wcre in tear3. The wonien ernbraced ifceir husbaiids in t!c anguish of their bearts. Tho husbnnd 'm qnict grief suBtained his Weeping wife. The child frontic with streama clung to thobosom of i is motfier. I did not attend the sale. It is sufficiently disferaing to me to hcar of it from one who d;d. " ölavcry in iis best estáte, is o bitier cup. Dut who can describe n scène like thia - of 6uch unulterable woc? Would our good christiansand ministers at tho Nortb, if thoy had witneesed this scène of distrésa, Iiave turnd colcily nwny, and soid it was a maiter v.iiii vhich they had aothing to do? I hope and belicve not. It is not bi'cnuse they do not realiza the distress ol ihe down trodden, thnt they do not interest themsclyea more for hiin. If those, who nre quietly surrounded with their wives and children ín 'J:c' family c.ircks of .he North, loving and being lovcd, coald imagine what would be their feeling, if they wore to bc suddenly put upon a etand to be sold to the highest bidder in a elave market, and taken to parts of the world, wl:ere they could Lee each other no more - if they could imagine their distress in sach a cslamity. they can pity the slave. If they have no feelings of compassion for him. or so Hule, they do not liketo offend the slaveholdtr by making u known, will they notbe distreesed to hear, "Innsmuch as ye did it not unto on eof the least of these, ye did it nnt unto mp?"if the lovely Dr. Nelsop were here with lus lamb-like temper, he could preach plainly to our pcople on tliis i;nportant subject, and no onc would hurt him. East Tennessee wou'ld be a snfer place for him, than many parts of the frëe stHtes. The Fiibject of fi s?paration will be kèpt bcfore the peopie. Il we oi' Eaat Tenncssee enn only efiect a scpnratioií, wo then hope to cany tliis important ch:nge into our Consiituiion. If there can be free discussion, there will be no doubt.


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