The Election
The Liberty vote for Senators os far as eard from is as follows: 1341. 184Ã. Wayne, 138 127 Calhoun, 37 155 Oakland, 190 S31 Jacksou, 144 S00 Washtenaw, 260 306 Hillsdale, 87 175 Branch, 57 Kolamazoo, 100 200 St. Joseph, 87 Lena wee, 48 142 13C0. Wc have heard nothing from Ingham, Ea;on, Genesee and Livingston. The Liberty vote in the State will be more han L,000. This is about as we expecfed. - The. vote last year for Govf mor was 1213: for Lieut. Governor, 125S. But vetes were giv;n last year for Governor in counties in whicli no Cüunty nominutions have beenmade; consequeñtl)', no Liberty votes were given in those coun'.ies thia year. We intended to doublé our vote this year, but itseems we have fallen somewhat short of it. Perhaps we may account for it os satisfnctorily as the whigs do for the smallnes of their vote, by saying it was only a local: coun ty olection. Next year we must more than doublé our vote, and continue doing so. Let us work, while oihers prophesy. The Frec Press says the Iiiberty vote of Lenawce fnr Reprcsentatives was 142. The ('ouniy vote was much lcss.
Signal of Liberty
Old News