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The town council of Liverpool has lat el y in the most praiseworthy marmer, instituted an inquiry ioto thecondition of the poor oí the town. It is proposed to erect bullís for the accommodaiïum of the poor, and to estabhsb public walks and places of recreation for the people, at an expense of L100,000. Distribution of the Proteed$ arising f rom iltc sales of the Public Lande.- Tho laster of the Madisonian says: "We learn that bc accounting' officers of the treasury liave idjusted the accounts of the states and turri.ories under the distribution act, and that the jovKrnors have been notiiied by ihe treasury lepartment of the amountspaynble to their respective states. The amount to bedivided is Bi62,144 18, exclusive of the 10 per ceutuin to the states in which tlie ]ands have been ;oid." Mo.vrok Edward3.- The rascality of this iccomplished scoundrel appcars lo be' enrüoss md without parallel. On Tuesday it was discovered that he had cheated his Javvyer, föhn Edtnonds, by exhibiting a forged letter of credit on a house at New Orleans. We expcct next to hen.r that he has got out of the State Prison by forging a pardon from Gov. Seward.-Mom. Cliron. The Advertiser nsks us if it is just that the Vhigö should be in the minority and thedemcrats in the majority, in consequence of tiie iberty party. 'Really, if Ús were the case, ve do not sec what forcé there would be in he q'.iestion. Just! Wiiat, Whigs talk bout justice when tliey rcject the pètilions of reemen? wlien they send iiorne tlieit o.wn repeseutalives for exercising the freedom of peech n Congres ! They are one f the ast parties upon this footstool that sliould talk about justice. The Wliigs pretend to say hat they have done more atraiusl slavery hao any other party - and l hat they will do 11 that is necessary upon this subject, if the jiberty party will unite wjth them. Lot their vhig congres restore tiieright of pelilioa, if bey are sincere- and then perhaps they m;iy Le regarded as a party disposed to do rigbt vhen they can do oüierwise - and as having some claim to talk sbout Justice. - Dangor Gazette. Col ton. - The Macon convention resolved, f we recollect right, tnat the natural price of cotton was 15 cenls per lb. Nature seems to iavp lost all power ove" cotton, for the price n New Orleans hns fallen to 4 14 cents per b, for inferior, and the very best is only 9 cents. The tlieory of natural prices has gone m chase of the theory of remunerating prices.The Jlmerican Diver. - Smitb, the diver, took another leup from the Sunderland Bridge, on Monda)', amklst a vast crowd of spectators, but it nearly cost him his h!e. The height is upwards of 110 feel. but he darted into the water witliout fear, and nfterwards arose apparon'Jy in a verr feeble and exhausted condi'ion. Or. being hrought as!iore, he wiis seized witfi convulsions wlien it wasfouml neecssary to bloed liirn. At first the blood flowed slowiy, and was as black as treaele, showing the great congestión which had taken place in the hing?, togethor with the gorged state of the heart and biood vessele. He suffered for sometimc from nervous exhaustion, but ultimately ral lied. A third attempt would prove fatal. - London Sun, Bcanliful Effect. - In Col. Wymer's report of the battle between the British troops and AfFghans-1, near the city of Candihar, on the L7th Mare!), last, he says : - "I trust I may be permitted to brinor to the Major Genearal's notice the admirable pr;clico, of the artiüery under Lieut. Türner's guidnncej every sho: from which told with beaiitiful effect upon the dense masses of the enemy." The Georgetown (D. C.) Advocate says, that within the last month, at least a hundred slavea have rtm away from their owners in that section of the country, O-We learn from the Free Prese, that the profilsof the Central Railroad,in less tlian eight months, have been scveniy thoiisand dollars. This is a most gratifying result Tcxan Wortlihs, - Of the eigners of iho Dcclaration of Inciependor.ce, ouly three were natives of Mexico, one ot England, one of Scotland, one of Ireland, and 50 of the United States - all but one or two ofichich were from the Slave States! According to the late census, the population of Cubáis 1.04.r),674- of v):om 318,291 are white, anl 727,838 are colored. OTTbe strongest argument against tlie Liberty party, is the opinión of certain adhe ring members of a pro slavcry party, sncli as Slade, etc., that to vote for a slave holder is the be3t way to promote f 'reedom .One of the Providènce papers snys thal a young nnd pretty faciory girl in th-it town has $2000 n cash, the property of her ovvn im'ustry. She refuses to give her name and residence, for fear of too great a rush . The Cleveland Herald of the 16lh saye, that one hundred tons of rnilroad iron, Pittsburgh manufacture, hnvearrived by the CrossCut Canal, for the Poiitiac Rail Road, Michigan. The Bankrupt Late- The lcgislatures of Vermont, Missouri, and Tcnnessce have passd resolutions in favor of a repeal of the ankrupt Law. DTP The Chancnllorhas refused to dissolve the njunction pon the Oakland Counly Bank on the ground ihot the charter had been repealcd, and. if it had not been rcpealed. it had been torfeitcd hy tlio esiübüslinient of an ogency in Detroit. - A final decisión wüj be given by the Supreme Court in Jnnuary. The Bristol (England) Mcrcury says. "the salted American Pork lotely introclueed by the operation of the new Tariff at 4d per Ib. has been bouht up wtth avidiry by the working classes. an we have been iníbrmed tliat the rnore recent iinportations are of a veiy superior qualiiy.Another Disastkr - Steamboat Ehie Sunk.- The Steambont Erie, owned in tlns ciiy by William T. Peasf. an others, while on her downward passage from Port Huron, on Tuesi'ay anemoon, was so serionsly darnaged by coming ";n contact with the ice in Lake St. Clair, that she sunk in nine feet water, ofFPoipt Huron, near Be1, videre. Sh liad little freight on board, and her pnssengers and crew were all sa ved. It is snmewhat doubtful whether shc will be raised bofore spring, but an effort, we understanri, will be made to do so immediately. The passenirers wore compelled to walk five miles throucrh a swamp to rrach Bclvidere. One lady wasof the number- Mrs. William M. St. Clair -of ihis City - Det. Adv. Populalion of Tenncss es.. -From atable prepared by the Clerk of the House of Rcpreaentntives of the Tonnessee Legislaiure, we perceive that Tennessee has a free population of G4G,150 souls. Her slavcs number 183,059; and her Federal population amounts toSalt. - The Grand Rnpids Enquirer eays tliat Mr. Lyon, of' ihat place, is nuw manufucUirinr ilfty bushcls of sak a day oí the purest qualily. Remedyfor Sca Stdcness. - Take as müch Cayenne peper as you can rihtly bear in' a basia of hot soup, and all sickiiers, nausea, or squeainish&esS will disappear.


Signal of Liberty
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