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(ÏTWe coivimcnd to the attention of our reinier? the vvirig1 e::;:acls frornan address to ihe voters.of Maeeacbusettd, publisbedin the Emancipator: TO TliF. VOTiZ'lROF MASSACIUISETTS Fbllow Citizrns - Yon have been cited bv poliliciunó to p}j t ion i pvüs rici h'ntuicia! muís of tlii.s nariüii, nri constant)) reed on, under poJitiool :vci io ffpply the remi iy, each puliucd party sotetmily proinWng yoy to api ly ibat lernedy fuiihfuHy. próvido), by your yoii v,u uld . (ace them th power. Yon huve, coiisëquently. faiUifwl'y ö'rtd patiéntiy ined 'cii party, by plucing ui.-;; oi'C :ii! then ' le oiher over ihe ntfiirs of he country: bui ymi h'ave nol rèalized i'fiërr promi-es. Each successive party ná adiriín i.sirüü'on lüive sqtiaiidéred thepubiip rpvcrnif, inrrodted tbe ï i!o peipl Rnd hurried tis iteac'l. into liankrup'cy and ruin. W'liy hoye tiiey fhus IniJed, i d sp if' en '!; réived yu? Tlieeciet is, politiarigainbHiig and chiainciy Imvè beeji wilwtnuted t'oi uuu-ist paDuolisn .- iid oorf Jaith. Poíiieiait Imvi eiiber fniiëd !. gnoruncè m rii-cuver the i-u causé íif on r prent nñiioualtivils. nnd tliere; (ore ei iiid not pply liie proper rïmtdv; '', bftvinjr dicovered i'. h.-i v hf. n too dmlioiust to apply líié antidote; and, (Jjert?(ore in eiihej o.p, liiivo Ibrfeiieti aijqiuíms uyun i!e coufidenoe of'tl.e ie jii'. Wc asc, ihen, vi'iir unbinssed ond candiel ;ulention i i;.'1 foliowing1 fuct v.s ilie priititiru cunst'oi' iiiir greát nni.ionpj culamities, und to ihe evidencesig'wèh to stib.-tániíate iin; liict, THE TRÜÉ ÖADSE is poen in the itnjiovérisjtnjg untare of í!ir .-■',? Itihar $_:$! fm) :-f!i ij;. iuil:lb eflfei'tS lip (in .h' '(- .■'.);?, KHd il) ihe arbilrury and dtspotiA contrril üt' ihe sittve pofver over lbo K' ni-iül ovcriiiiioir, opplying uil its i ov tts to th'è ittve-lábur t mókc üi' tou1k krop up in pro.-i!Tity wiih the Noirh. ; ;.. .-■ ín support of Uu's proposi(ion re seei in tiie Ibllú.wmg 'considera lioi'is: First, The ilave Lahor Sysifjn u impoi)erisking in lts naivie nnd n artiail aperalious. !ii ftiu'ssachviséMB, oue haHUlie popill:itiun nre pnxlnccrs, .;.n I euppori tin: rtber half. Or.c supports two on :v(í-.!í;o. We híivc done thi' beevven L'h'e year$ cl Í8S0 mi' h nd l!!40. mei all nr éXjM'ftseé. and ndtled &Ql,OUi,QO.O t') our origtnttl tnxublc cn ital, whrcli in ':V:'i nmonnied to $208.000,000. - Tiiii,, oi.e iii)orte(! iwo on nn average, u it;i ibi í-p ten yeari, nnd f;:c(! 4 1-3 per cent. iinnúalíy om a t! Hor. simple in eres . Tooc coin li!i tiiis". ill uur intpllrpence, öhterprise, indutHry, ejonoiny, ski II, maubiirery nml cnpital, worp t-mploypi!, nnd ilie laborera sinniiln !pd by j ist wttg-s Thi'. ;;fiPr all, v;ii :ic{oiiij li-hiür bul liMltv JSfaüo conirtiat ibis wilh the slavr-lnior 'tystem Tnke 4,000.000 of tlie Southern population, wlib :ire dependeht on ili slrtyp-l'abör sysrem t'or flieirsupp rt, ( inri net down the otiiers, over 3.000.000 w'uo re not (iependent mi t-bwc íuw, ;ie being iie pour clpfie ol' (Vee pnpuJutiori and unuble Lp Kiild bliivt's. ;is bnrcly supporting thin?elvc?) miil it is fountl Hint only on? lliird of tin.s'tivs ure. ibe actual producers; !liese In veto support the wfiolë skvé populu'ion, 2,500. - Oüd, :üt(i 1.500.000 white freérrpi; Ije'tfce producinu eJave hna !i stijiiiori fj persons, 4 besideö biiuselt'. How c;m liedöii? Stóves have neiili'T niellignce, enterprièe, imiustry, ecoi.oiny, skill. iiucIhikmt, to aid, or ;vs to stimnlaie tliein. Ev?ry eseniial facility !'r prod''cing wc;i]üi i.s yithlield from tlie:n. If. t hen, urujer f '?■?■ Itibor system, ov.v Mitssu-chuselts frei'iiKin. can only Fupporl twq and avt! 4 '2 8 per cpiiT. annually on :i dollar, wilh all öw aUviintit get, htiir, we ask, in the hume of comknon sonte. can ne pruHucing yoor sltive i-iipporf fivr under alt hls distidvutiiagts? It is impimible in ilie iiMttire ut 1 1 i"i il _■ f?. Hnnce the ahnost untvérsal practico ín :iie S uih of [Doragjog their crops iri u'vnhee of tlieir growili, t u'ecure thé tne;ins ol present subsitnnce; lience the striking external contrast betwern tlie slavj nnd fev States, ahow'tng their poverty and wretcliediiss wiii.'it compared with our prosperity, - As additioiia) evidences, look at ihe speech of Honry Clay of Kentucky, drawing a contrastbetweeu h own Kintp and Oh.r, in 1840, and of T. F M ïrthall, name ycnr, cotnparinn Virginia and New Vork, ami t hit of Mr. Biirke pi Nw Hampphire, betweon his own poor State and the ridi State of ',3'ennessi in Ii of wluci), eoch gentleman proved (mm Btntisiicsj thatthoee Pree Stnrea were more tlian one h'midred percent., in evéry respect, in ttdvance of th.M. BaFe stüte?. Loofc i thètefacta. The nat ion is divided inio two jrrr:)t pysioms óf labor, 'l'lic free labor covering ou!y TWO fiflhs, winlo the sluve labor s1 siein covers thrbr fiflhs óf the terriloiy of ilie Uniiei States. The free lubor system more i han supports itsrlf, white the slnvé I .hor i povrislu's, degrade.--, exlmuss, and siliks to wretchedness, three fii'ths of he geapntfihical l'units ol the United . Wiiy is iliis? The South have greater nutuml re-onrcps focwealth nnd pröspeiity t!an the North; and vet Uire the are sink ng iindei the vyilhering, blastiñg curso of slayery. Skcond, Thfs hns it rffcr.t vpnn tht f ree. States. A gréat intemal tradü isl cnrried nbétw een the North tfnd .Soulh. Wei purichnse theirproHiicta foi sa!o. sh p ö porlion to (orci-n countrfes, nnd koop the rost fot our own use; biit vp spU many rnilliou9 wort hl more to Lheró, aimiialJy, ivê buy ij tliem. Tiie bxlance of whicji is a tottil losa to iiio Norih. Tkeir slave (obor sytttcm, nol produciiig ènoiijsfh anmnilly to meet i.- expondu.ures, j renrlera theia incompetent o pnv tlii.s biiláiice. fndeerf, ii'inkèa all ihis baianai to èupplyVie DBFICIKNC1KS ofihtir slavc labor system. T;k; siüus thus drawn l'rom the Bwrplns par iiio-s of Northern ndustry, thmngh ilie cbannels of trade andiiur money institutions, evory year, to meet their wants, are immonse . A comrnittee wr.s formed af.or the groat break-dówii in 18S7, to nsiertninaijforae pos-! iíiblo the amotint t lm.' Üm Norili have lost ia tho Sonili for an indefinite poriod; and the following facts have appeared. Thcy ore lml;i ïUirlhr.Lc. Mainej New ilamn.-li "ie and VéiDitínt li-ivc lost. in the Soulh ]GL. 000,000. hl ':-.-:. ci'üit-ef'.?, Riiodo I.-land and Cunnecticut, 190 000,00!). New York, 200,000,000. New Jersey, 1.-3J.üOO,OOO. Pliiladèlpiiln, 70,000,OtO. Apd Oliif, 3", 000,000 Mnking an uggieg-!tf! of írr,uOO,000 ol' dollure : wisich havfl (lowed liku the waters nf the .Miöib.sippi, ir'nu he fi ntüin.s of your ndusirv, o . .- pori ÍSoiirlif-rii idlpnes nnd arrogance. The hreakers of iSonïhcrn bunkfilptey hstvè made r'lo!ii sweop ovor the North erëry live or' six vf.ii rs durjng the lus; fórly vears. Our rhnntrtacturere, u's aiid en pitfi iisrs, have beea proa ráleil and ruined, anl ■ hr effects have fallen back iipon tho rnochanica UnJ labprerg. Th s orí in'ntéd U.u misenible and wjcked bankrïipt late. Tho Soiith wit=hing iu repudjate tla-ir torihftfn 'teiás. haye !';i ■ : b Bssinff arn 'X post facto law on banlc. bei na ;'ii!ri by Noriliorn in?i wbu bad b;en ruiiifid by Southern bankriiptcy. Ymu r.ra now sníi'-r ni: tho'se heavy losses and disasirons consequeners, by tolerating Auipncnn éïnvpry, nnd Piipporting pblilicnl r:irnnierri for fiffire. Wel! liarb God anidj 'Jf'lien the wiek ed leur fute, ('f }if'p!c Moun.N." Ye. yonr fio -keis, viiir ribildren, voar .- hnols oi' leariiiiif. yoür rh'nvhps, your Benevolent matilu. are :iü now langüisbiug and suffering, a Uip rn-ult. TuiRn. Look al (nio'h''' snirrrp of tarntion at if ronseqitehce 'fthat inipavenahing sUiVt bib nsyslrm. It renderë the' in tncump ■!► nt in l"-ar tliefr prop'triioii if ihc vx ■".■. ■ ■ ■ nf tl. e General Government, fitince 13,666,666 do' lari, out of overy SÍ3.000.000 ihiit tho gnvërnnent rx'ir-nd.-', - which is tlii'ir con.4ti.titionni proportióri, - ís, ñi fucl, it not infonn, thnnvn npoiiaHy K'pon'the free labor port on of the antrJry! NoiIiij?L is )laluer fhn hfi faci if' the tJave labor sj'atein does not f=nppor: lsclf, i! can not do a forthing towards meeting ïts proportjon of govninjieiital pxi m; os. Bfside?, (Iipd, suvph'intr tho '!eii lencifs of ï Ir ir inip 'veritJ)!nr systerri. uinoun'ing to mutiy inilhonsaiinuálly, yon are compeled lopiy more than 13,000,000 dul ars MiM'iailv for thor.i ihto the nátional tTAtisury. l!:ive ive noihing tpiJo vyitli finvimv? Aih lir; slayery uo coñnection ivttii i l.o bankrHptcies, der-ingeñni nt.--. ithd evila nlier.whjchthe pepple groani Shoiild wo bé bi fFering :o tjie exient wo i:ovnp, could wc ha ve; su ved thesft iöimense pums suuk in the abys-s ot' s'.ávery, for i's íupptirtl Pourth. Thh t't no! al!. WIiph your nonoy hris filled th treasnfy, kctio'hua it'bfèn ttpp'oprioteií? To pav SouthiTii dráputí'for w(?:f!ii)fr Ihé powew pf the goïernment (o (!(--troy your libertie', riilits and iritereatsLook at ilie foMowing I acts. ■'ve lave linliliti presidenta have recwvèd 1.000,noo dollars (rom the trèasnry ; while tliree Northern prusidünts fiave only receíved 00. For prcsi(jeiit?, Sonth over Norlh, 700,000 For viro do., " 50,000 Jii'ljred of Snprcme Conrt for ten Ipst agpointments, South over iS'oríii, 100,000 r'1o(?;'r:i ministers, 30'1-ist nppointnn'üty, Snth over North, 1,000,000 Forpjgn cónfiilsj 33 lst appointmejUf, Soiiih over North, 200,000 Nnvy, chief offirers, !2 last a:-pointmeñtal So'utíi ovor North, 400,000 Arntv. chief officers, Sf5 íasí nppoiniraiifs, Hout h over Nortii, 200,000 FdriificnHona, Sobth over Norlh, 12,000,000 Secreta rfés ánrfcíerksi oí bureaus, Soulh over Nnrlii, 2,000,000 For hnildingsix jail? ihrtHe district l Colnmíii, to id m thc abommabJe slavt Irade, 137.000 Viig-UMA cl.iinw for cervices performed ín the revohit ion, oyérdráwn by forged paperf (see .Mr. II l: 11 a speech In Congres8) over S.C00,000 Mnking nn aggrepate of S10, 47.000 ver and abovo th Nor h, whiK theyoijgbl iot to have received as innch; for our populaion excoedn thoirs in mimbírs, and wo ouyht ;o have had the mujbrity of thp ófficer; and ,ve lía ve to fiirnjsb, also, al', the. cash, as wc' lavo HBÖwn iibov?. This is not (til. The Florida wnr, or rn-it negro hunt, rroí npby'slavè boldert tó aich iiior Aiíriti vt? sla ves, hns co;t the nation see Mr. Gidding'a speech) 40,000,000 dolars.I ■ ■■! M-IIMI l ■ ■MIWW ■- Illll IIHIiHH I !■! I I I ■ !■ 1 1 ■ ■ ■ Wi ■ II Tie original pinchase of Lonit)i iaho, atid Fioridn, to break np ! as'ylums f-r the poor fugitiva ( alavés, iin.l tu increase elave i State?, aod thns sdd t tlie bur den and horrors oí' slavery, 20,000,000 Tiiry hrtvp (■( muco iheir puri chae ;s miirli more, 20,.000,0oO t Tlie ten. oval of Indians, that slave I hotderé ini.'Í!: ret tlnir ni-'i t l:if!s. Si rCt.-OVOr í'iiriiiv slllVCS, i in v"u1;ï t ion of t!ic moMi solemn i troatiea with uhem un the part i of i)ip rovorniiKT.', hy a sirive f holding fuimintsLrptinn, 47,000,000 I United States Bntik Capital simk i ín Ihe South wkich was uwned in the JVortk, 21,000,000 _______ i A;jrsrrp;rntf Iops to the North, in these iieiü'! alone, 8108,000,000 Look ut ánother fa:t. The po.4 ofñce departnteñt received fronc Tíie free Staes lost war, G00,000 dollars more than it cost to carry tho mail; wiiüe it cost to c:irry tho mul in the Soulh, ovy ni. i B'bove tlioir réceipta} &71.000 doUara. Tkus it coat tlu' JVorth tu puy the Southern postaire, 571,000 Luok al another fact. Whcn a surplus revenue accunvilated n '.lio treastiry of tho U i I Suites, i! v;is so divifled arbong the Otates i)iit eoch sl:tvc liolder ni!e lo own Jhe Blavea received ns m'.icli ná Jour Northern fréemen ; for every ten BlavBS, as lljiicb as srvrn Northern freemen; fur every fit'ty slnvos, os iinu-h as tliiy ono Irwmon; nnd each slave holdeí ownjmcr one hundred Blaves, drew as muoh assixty oie freeíne, an:l in that proporlion t'or more or lfss n nuinbor. And tluis thpy rcceivcd of our propurtion," nhout 3. 400,000 Atjgregate of Northern monoy appropriatod U boild up ela- very, !?i7i, J)u nol lose siglii nJ tie facts abwe dtveloprd. First. Wtihive puid to su'ppty tiiP cieficienciea in thir sláve labor aystam, in the ali8;o of Southern luses, 856,000,000 áoU lar. Sccond; IVr, in tlie Norüi, nre obliged to r.ay in fact, í's n coDsé, ilie whole governroeni expenses, amounting annually to 33.i 000,000. Tkifdiy, The South nave tlieVdrawn pnt j that nioney tó bnild up plavery,, over nnfl : ;i!'oe wiint ;a;; bo.-n approprtnttd to tlie [Ñorth, noore 'Inn 8i7l.()0",o;;o. This rks L'ri-.i appróprtafcd 'o eDhi-ü tlie bordera r.ï felnvfiry, to recover fnjriliwe.slaves, .i-.-l o sup;por!, ni extra ad uridue proptflion of s!ave koldeis in office, tluit tiiey niigbt rule us witli a roil of ron. Firrn. Hao hive. (he Sonfk secured the power over thggovernmrnt, thetj bñng n tíiñ "táaorify? Wc aríswer - thougli rhé have a nmjority, vet by hêit0 dtv.ided ii o o et iioliÜCij) [m:!P-, ai d eah j.arU 6t wclí 1 i ii ir for ihe ttsceñdency ovr the othor, '■ h parlits in their turn h; ve ngreed thnt pluvery hall have ni tho imiif)!!:!!)1 office?, proviifed tii ■ Sonlli woitld aid thtir.pariifintujiower. - Piíiis tln (iciíii;iratic arty, lo scciho Son herii votos inri come info potver, BñCrrficed vuur libertietj, rjjfhts, o rul interestsou tho ofsfavery.; üd i? whig p.nfy, to con(] kt thp tpmijratfj have done ihe sanie. Jn pronfló kat facts. Sfave íplders hay fillftd the Prríidontial cluir forly yoars, uid Northern men orily ftovlve V'-ar.-; and lonr out. of the twelvè i: w;ks tilkdby a "Nnríli-TD man wit ri Sonihcru priucipltia." Thus 4+years ont of 02 ihy fjove lial ) tho tviiu'.'] i;i ma :t' Judies of i!ie Suprcme and Circuit nri.l District Courts, tlio Altbrney G(nerajs, D.strict Aftorñeya and Marühbls, all tlie noniinatmns for tho CWiir'':-, t!i; office o'.'the Navy and o," the Army of'all thè Po-ttnasicrs, of :ll ihe TVéasufera i CoHectórs of rovfTnic.-. of :!1 Forciírn .M;!i'-lor.-; ('iianre D'A.'rros k (m n)s Thev (ave, coñ&equeriiJY} p'toscnbed Northern freemen, hoyrevcr ntninffntly qtiujífíed or ofi).-p, uxi nominated s!nve hótd i qg déspota to liíl m'st of tliii.-i' irñp'ortiífit stations. Thus out of tlilat twelvé Jtidgeö of thé Supremo Conrt, ten bern from the Sou'.h, and tico from tKe %'orlh. Fíiréign Ministers, Sibi, ZTTroni tlie Sout!:, nnd 3 from the tíor.'h. GmsiiUi , 98 the South, and 5 from tho Nortn. Níivy, cbief officers, 52 last, 47 from ihe touth, nnd 5 f.oin the i:rth. .rlrmy, chief officer's, 36 lást, 28 from the South, mili 3 froin :lij Ñorth. VVhiletho North have furiiished, sHiRè tho revohrtion, l,4C-2,46r sil- ciers; (lu b'oiiili oniy 2u3.7í3íJ. Ttie {rreat proportion of .""'erretaries nnd Clerics of ihe Bureaus have also been from the South, The South have all the Vice Prosideñts o'tlier in ihe persB of .slavn hoïdeis. r Northern men pledad to slnvcry. ever since the Senate waa equully Balnnned bet.ween thé Nor;h and ÍSonth. And tho South have been aide t íii-'fhy lo control the Senato ana sanction al] :he rjominatíons tlint pleaéed Hiem, or'a Vlave hí!dinsj Presidem, by tlie casting vote o!' ' thfi Vire President bfing gfrvn to the Soulh. Out of' 77 eléctions of pr-eeidents pro tnn. of the Señale, Gl hnve benn ('rom t!e So: th, and only 1(5 from ihe North. Ever íince 1811, eve ; Spe'ajee in the libóse of Representatives lias been o alarr h'Adeh bui. tico. Thée tlii-y h; v ■ been íb!e to si curu all tlie cotnmittees of the Séllate nnd House, nnd thereby secure all i lie reporta in favor of the slave intercsip. Look at it again - 'J'hi' tico poíitical parfics of the JVorth hílVt cvdrd to the South. thouph a cninonty, and ni I ofthetn the. rankest despots, tlu inürr power and control oj thf ' Lov rnmtnt, in ils Legislative. Bxeailivr, Diplomatic, and Judicial deparlr.icnts. The vast power of e m'iit hes the i been fised o crueh Jtforthern Hbo tii s, riglits, and ntrresls, to support and btuld ip that slave labor systeri), and ' support n clnss of the proudesl artgtocrats and Diost "nfi't'liitrr drspots thatcver curged ariV nation iti the world. Whénj thëri". thesetwö ' great Northern partios íiave afreed tb supr3or( ' líjese ii..u ■' 'y liieíaírs, wiíhall their bioo;J ' guiltine8s and their onti-rjepublican principies j and notions, in tbose great offices, do you I!or that Uie nglit. ofpeíition is dee 1 reedom of epe ch c }o jóu wiindrí' iba tour jare ■ les rnyed m 1 1 ■ balfof thenntióni í) ; yo i too} eseniativfB and Sepotura in Congrega é lif; bi('íli!]fr of' their íave pledged lie services of these gmii p the slave power and uiten 1 tftn ■, when llipy get tlu-ro tKèy intikt pe -rvir-s tu í ■ i ■ : e ... re, or íhov ' nust bu broken fn by övi .:lcnt ■laved. Thns ihey urehumided andel )efvre they go, nnJ if tl)i nasters dl poes welï; bat if fti-c: utrd, as did .Mesaré Adams an ( Jigain, ilio slavep'wer liaving the control íf the governinent, ihoy use its diplomatic I powejs nbroad nnd iis legislaüve ;■ home, so to bnild i;p l!i "si-, ns fo tnake the South :ss pro Lbe A'.irih. Hpjic; tin1 whol yovernnienl ms heen udaptod to 1 labor s;jsl m. ;.í tlt sacrifica oftlie freo ihterests. 'J'!io Soutli n verlútve wn prosper, undf nj Nor i', imjüI alavery ís a b r, wijh il its nccninpanyng jñi] is subatitutod. VVbém ver, I lem of pulicy lia failfid to mnke kIüvc lahorns prodttc ive a.s free has i'or nnoüicr, uní! wris iri d, and i hen vi iiis'alñliiy and ex'pprVtneiUing ba3 Been the order Cor more thon 'foflii y Yon see.tlien, ihe cause of II !'ioc oxperinibn . The iwo e reat pol ■ ■ '. tito, lis wo hnve si own iibove, tbnt t'i 8lave In ■l'ior:? shall control í-c-r-j deparimmt governnient,ntid th 'e consfantly tryii;rr èxperiments ín rle policy to 1 n ■ ■ k - shive Ittt.or kr-pí n) vvilH 3 t'rrf-li':or Byatln. Thtsisikv secret vj íhose ckanget. lOach change hae prostruteci ueiir.y -..11 i.r copttnl in the N'irth thal was nveste'd uñder theprrvuius jtalicxjê This ia another ítem ih Northern 1 'S-o-. 'Y? Northi once in all lier qapital in ngriculture and emnmerne, muí prospered under a freo ;. tö the 1 .i ft. v;r A rfiir vvas (!i:c!an d Lo pro icct frpe tr.fioünd salqr'if righis. Lia' were prostrated, nd a tariff polwy w;ts foreril unon ds by John C Colhon nd ihe Thía cruel) wl 011 r. ngricHltitró and com biith, ai-d tbrew 'uv grea: burti n ■■! üic 110 tionál ubi npon ys, bhiiuuH ni the v:ir, n 123,000,000. Wo 1 hen turneo" whftt caoiial ve barí hito inahüt'acttirintr, ñnd when fairly nwkinj heiidwayin pro-;-.. tnriíT puln-y was diifrfed. Joxtn C & when lijé uvoi!;i! debt was pavl off, starled p, headijíg tke nulljfi ir?, aud demanded tho rjKlnctioi) ot'llio tau'ffnnd tfie ilc-'r.-rti c oi Neríheru njonufiicturos, iu 8 ypais, Hmry Clay sftld, ijöt in 0 years, Mr. Callunin. bul U'yOu wi'l say 10 yrarsf, f ir!!! ir o ivifliyo m l'te measiire. It wasagrod t bv Vl'r' '''■'- hoiin om tho pir o h . Tlm Noitli opposed, bul hjivtojr conunttfd ihe p 1 Ihe governmet iritu ote hands of slavry, they cotila not lii'iii lliemsel Tiiiis ni;r nêriicultyrë bas pröflrnfed, onr commerce fiOTccfletroypdj romufoctófioa tioice ruincd, two IJ"::' t -.-1 States Binká liuve :r.(.-!i tp üa dfieïtroyed; i siib tieasiiry scheino invntcd nnd ihen dfe Ij thero ha Impji no siabdily in the Cfovernment. And no..T ííiryi in rho nat ion liave ro:)i:ib'iío.i r n th U brirn; o-; ■ tóri ïpon the N'oiih is JOIïN C. CALI1OÜN nnd fíEMlY CLAY. Tíiey U ivo, i;i 1'nct, beenfuthers ft hese mnd pr ; And nnw you ai e cal) i up n by : ui t pi) tothe !:'!'- ■! ynie fr ilioso en ■ of Hberlj aid oür fmo la!) ir inirre.-t-i. Conn biirbecue?, and dam bakea aro ïnvented to tull yoti iiJuiijT to ;iid in placing flgain al) in r in erf.'.-;rs n:o rheir harïds. 'i'U polilicnl 1 Inve nomiuuted ;i class nf riiPii for the VHriolia iniuor offices in tht S;;;!.-; and genernl gov5rn:n nt, who, ifeleciedi will ns(-v :-ll ihtyr power tfl 1 1 v ito nne or tho it.'ier of" tho.e i)!'';i to i e Prejsklency ! ! To vote Tor tie.-o ondorp officerd i. ir) cote for thsm. Jíi.l you do il? )l yon viólate yoirr pVinciílsíi nd 1 pnce to piense a prb-slhvery party, or the frienda ofsucij a party? You atunal. Looi; ;it Ihfi principies of those distinguiahed slavelioldera. John C. Culhoun h;i 1 cly decínred Ihat í'tiu? prpkr condition of TFUÍ LABO INí; CLA8S IS SLAVKItT, AÜtD TüK CAP.TALIST OUOHT ALWAYS TO O'. laboer!" Tli:s i his deinbcrcy. A now cbinis tbai you and ihe wii'il" dt;mcr!íic party slial! hon'or hira mih ihe PRESIDKNCYÜ! If.the party w:tu . m it principies, it can iiavo n - farther cl -nins om tbc kuiport of honest deuioerats. I iu in his sicc(:i! on tlie Missouri compnunise, "Thai if' eliivery were abo] ia hed, v.hi b!-ick o;:r bio!s ;m I clean onr ho iciues and davghters do ii ?!!!'' He can soa but n step belween his slives ofid h and daughlfti s. Neilheróf these gentlemen lave iiiv jnst concept ions of Northern society, and of paying the lüborer for bin wotk? WilJ you vote for tlifise who despise you as a )aborer, who are spreading prbiciples apd ing all iludir influénce t reduce the claes to a state of sluver.y. Ynn ln;p, you un uiistocr.icy. uní if yon vuto for tbose man or oidora who will vote for tbetn. or 'm nny wise uphold slaVery, yo;i :ire vol build uplherunki mdargeitm tocracy to be fbund in tiic vvorld: í)o yon. deiebt nll ihonopöjipsi Reinember tliat slHyery monopoiizes tiie ri;;.: ■ soulsand happiness pt' more that inimorta) béing'S, and has grotind i tJielr graves, over nnd abofe the na'ural d more than '400,000 óf rh bnag wirhin ti.c ton yivir.s bot ween 1850 nnd Henry Clny cíMin ; (i the capita) iiivested in that grreat ájooopolizlug corporotion to he I, SOOiOOO.pOO dollars - morem thore u';is on (hfi ! ii ed Staies '■.-'■'■■. ■.'■', 1839,] Tinia Ijp c-oolv calcúlales the valiic of deafliTess 1 :) dollars :u.! cents! Now ii i lts you o inake hiiti PRBSIIEKT OF 1'iiE U: STATESÍÜ Fellow citizene, do you osk what.todo w'.ir.n you vota? vTi! Boy, then, give youi ïnffrngéa to notlave holdet; for any . - 3ive your vote lo ivtfut'tu w!io wi 1 pusti in ilavery, by ele'vftting 1 '. ■ rust and power, or by any other rbeáfitiré. - Ven her vote for any man, whether he la a )rolessed abolilitionial or uot, who ia!y that sitttaina slavory. luawr-. : oso only, vlu . i w.ll lcarli.-.'y carry out great ■ in 11 1 - -it-lüti!) - wiio y ! use tii'eir ctinstin p ivver ! ■ . . tect i nd susto in ;i . n ihrouh■y--m! whn w II then ndopt tlie policy nt' tho j Lo systetn, nnd let ü remi i 'i'in1 South n . I ii 3 bor. T.k;v cuuhl then pny íficir proportion of ' relieve üs ironi ■.y;. i.v. Tliey woulrl itjan ivi!-iinie . o-; illy óf 'tir Nurlhïru tttnnutitctu ja a coixli i n l for lluMn, utidor t he produciive on;I torfi prrmnncnl pros.pat'ny to our country. And the e c mmHnce tliid worlr, uer il w iii : Km. . . Thát lesl natioim] ci'il . uniior whtcli no ure i not onlv in il ii ml ui o sound dictóle I os the ñrt great uljecttó bc accompli skeel, to re3tore propurty umi hup- - Th?n v. and DomoC";lic :riic.-i ii) N'ouli ;is dtiêc lavory, and :i;.(l incroainj.' the c vee oftiiObpvéfy cviU whicii thy promise every yr-nr to :3t!. Tiini it !M"r-r,r' the imperious duty ófevci tl, )'iil:in".iirop:tt, jmtrini, and l. ijf thcir CDtiiiti itrytnen, u nbftnáori ilirüe liii ihe ■ioi.-rn- cy,'toec re i e.olection ofthufD tnen ho KPrt ;ill thoir ajorul :uid poliücu! power in o oontitiniofltil wa?. for the trcful ánd abolilion of pj vury-j an ! thereby r-movê j tnation] cuif-o, sicnrethe honor and -wellnréof mr coüHfry, and wiih the !U'S.stnLr of Go..', o-lnli'i-li frci; insii'uliuns iii ;i bosis bm linn tlmi thti nésauli of tvund the revolutions of üme cai theti'. lloping thht tliese iredj IVIlow titizens, wc ibe (;'ir('-. . . i; r.v ).:borers Jor liberty atideqyat nghls ioall men.


Signal of Liberty
Old News