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Anti-slavery Publications

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The subscribfii informs tliers metnbeof Anti--Slavcry Societie, and nlipereon8 wbo :e 6ire to ic;:cl the Slavery puWicntions ihat have issued fro:n tfïë Aoierican rcss, tbaf lie (haa purchased ifl ilic honk.--, pampblele, trnqis, priru etc. Ifttely béíonging to the Arm Anti-fSiavcrv Siiciety, ámoiiiiting to about eiybt hoúsnnd dollare, at od prices, ivfaich he offers for t-aJc !y Lis opent in :uiv ouantity, iit lon vrices for ank only. Samples will be kopt et lis office, corner of Henorer ana Èxenange Trct?, and order will be prorotly attend ogueofthe principa] publicaíions iaanfiexeú, nnd the pricea put ogainst tliom aro ilie feent (reduced) rètail pnces. !y tio liundrc(J or larger qúántity, thcy will b"; oli lovve say For bvund volotnes 25 nér ceht. discount : fftiphmpklets, tr acts and pielu res, .r) percent. Btecoutèt. With résped to most of them is s below tlie actual cost t" me in c:h, Th'ey wern not ptirchasctl with.&.Vietf to seli öt o se the Anti-S'very cause. Sir.ñ an npportunity has not previously óccurrfJ to olitoin Anti-Slave"y ptibHcfttions at these rèlueed pnces, nnd probably will nol opnin. QEditorsofñewspñpers aro requesfêd to ïopy tliis advertisinnent at leng-th fof-three nonthp,and their bilis will be páid in borks,ec. Plo;ie Bend a copy of the pnper contaioina tlie pvertisement. LEVVIS TAPPAN. New Vork-, Mnrch Ipt, IÍM2. BOUND VOLUMES. íinerican Slavery ae it i raujslin 50 Anti-Slavery Manual 2o íl n i Riots, by Pres. Beecher, of UI. Coll. 2r' 4lton Trials Slavery RccorJ, vol?. I, 2 and 3 Bet so !, hy Mrs. Cluld 37 1-2 ery Kxmniner, bound vols. 50 of Philantl Sf 1 -3 's Picture of Slavery 50 Itixtnn on tlie R!:ve trnde 5u ÉJabinet of Frewlom (Clarkson's history of the slave trade,) o'. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 :'iloe Spear Shanmng nn Slavery Öuncan on Sluvéry 23 Bman. in the W. I. by Thome nnd Kimball musliii ' , . , 50 j)o by do in boards with map 2;') Entniosof Constition diseoyered '■■ Fomitai;-, t'lain binding, o4ir.o. 12 1-2 Öustnvtis Vnssa 50 Brrmke's 1 citers f o Misé Beeeber 37 1 2 Jav'a fnquiry ü7 1-2: Jay's View 5 lii'ghl aod Ttuth 2 Lifo of Gronville Sharp 15 Molt' f Biotrranhical Hketehes 37 12 Memoir ofRev. Lemuel Hanes 75 Do oftiovejoy C2 1-2 Nortb Stflir, gal '■líi's 93 r-3 Pennylvnnin Hall 75 Qnarterly Anti-Slnvery Mnnrn7.ine, 8vo. l0 Rankin'? Letters. 18mo. 100 pp. Rihr. riinl urentr in Boston 20 St;?r ot'Freednm, tuiisttn 12 1-S Blavery - cohtnining Declaration of Pentimentftand Cóhmitutkin of t lie Ainer.A. S Socirty: Wesley's Thpoghss on Slavm: Does thé Bible sanction Slávcrv? Addressto thrSynod ni' KVntixky, JNarntive ofÁmos Drsr-r, and YVIiy work tb. l!ie Sla ve? bouud in one vo!." 25 Shvc's Frieml. S2nao. vols. 1, 2 and 3 Fef 50 !o:OgS ofthe Freo ' 33 1-3 sons Rcception in Grcat Britain, 12mo. W Testimonv of God njrninst SKivcry, ISmo. 2 Wheailv, IMu'.'is Memoiróf 2: Westíndiegjby Professor Hovry 50 West indios, hy Harvey and Sturge 7ó Wesley's Thmighta on ínuslin, willí portrait tó.1-8 PAMPHíiBTS. Sets A. S. Álmanucs, (rom 1336 ío 1341 ' inck-sive 37 12 Address to tiir Froc People of Culor 1 AnciQDt Iandmarks S Apojogy tbr Abolitionists S American Slsvery ns ít ís - Ihe Testimony of Thou'inJ WitnesseB 2f Adflross on Rigbt of Petición 2 Ad.lross to Senators and Reprcuentalives ofthe freo States 1 Address on Slavény (Gennnn) 1 A(!. irosa of Coogregational Union of Scotland 1 Aililrfss f Notion-il Cbnvention (Gniron) 1 Aun. ftep. of N. Y. Coinmitt e of Vigllance C.j Oo. ofMas?. A. B. Society Í2 1-2 Appeal to Women in Uio nominally free Statéa 6 1-1 Ujlhentic Anecdotes on American, Slávery 2 Aililie.-s lo tlt Cln:rrli nf Jesús Ciirist, liy the Evnnp lical Union A. S. Society, New Vork city. 4 Anu-Slavery Gatechisin, by Mrs. CliÜd f 1-4 Adims', J..Q. Letter to his Consiitunnts 4 Adams', J. Q. Speecii on ihc Texas Qucstion 12 1-2 Anniril Report? of Am. A.. S. Societj, S!, .4tli, 5th and Gli 12 1-2 Annuii Üi'jiorïs of N. Y. city Ludios' A. t Socioty I 3 Apponl to the Chmtain Women of Ihe South 3 JJible ngainst SLivory 6 Collection oí" ri!-iahie Dncuincnts 6 1-4 Uirney's Lttors t. ihe Ciiurches L Birney on Cölonisation 2 Chattel Principje -o Summnry of the New Testament argument on Slavery, bv Bt-rial Green G Chipnn.i's f)isconrse 3 Cli;iri)inír's I.ot.tois lo Clay 6 Cóndition of Freo Poplè of Color S CrnndaU. Reubon, Trial of 6 Dissertation on Servitiule 12 1 -í2 D'ckinson's Serm -n S Dons the Diblo s;npfion Slayeryi 1 Dec. ofSént. and Conétitiition ofthe Am. A. S. Soítiely 1 Dbcnssion bctvveen Tíiompsonand Creckinridjrtí 25 Drpsr's NarrntivG Ö Extiiiíruisher Kxtingnished 3 Elmore Corrésorilencb Gj.j1-; in slieets 4to. 2 Emnnoipntron in West Indien Tliome and Kimrmll 12 1-2 Emanqipation in West [ndies in 1838 S ! Preedom'8 Defensa 6 Garritsnu's Addro&s al Brondway T.iboriacle C Guaiíii m Genius of the Fctleial Union 6 Genpious Planter 3 Gilloit'ï Rpvicv of Bushnelí'8 T)isco:irse 6 ïmmediate, not Gradual Abohtion 12-2 Jay'tí Thonnrlits on the Duty ofthe Episcopal Chufen 3 Liberty, 8vo. 2:; do; 12mo 15 Morris'8 Speech in ansyer to Cly 3 Mahan'é Rev. Juhn 15. Triai in Kénlucky 12 l-ü Marfyi' Age in America, by Harriet Martineau 6 Modern Bspediency CóhsKjered 6 Power ol Congresá over tlje District of Columbia j 1-4 PU.-i tur the Slave, Nos. !, í and 3 3 Prooeedihg8 of 'he Meetin? to form H-o,idwav Tabernacle Anti-Slaver) Socieií Slavery Rural Code of Haití Koper, Moses Ñarrative of a Fugitivo i of Colorar) Men 12 1;: Kufglesfi Anti. 'ule (, íliiit and Wrong in Boston 1L 1-i. ■ liiivmes 6 tj'a Speech in CönresH in 18ÍJ3 8 Smifh's Ccrriti Jvttf-r !o J;s. Sniylie C Do-. Letter ;o IJenry Clay 6 Slaveholdjng Invtmbly Sinful, "nnthim in se," C Southnrd's Manaal 1 Star (;i' Frci ' Sivhmucker and Smit h'a Lotters 6 :io!i!i''s Vr ] Slavebolding Weiclied lï Slavery in America (London); do. (Gcrny) 3 Tho Mnrtyr, dy Beriah Green Tbinofs fór Nor.heïn Men to fio Viewis of CoionizattoDj bv Riív. J. Nnurse Views of Slavery and KmancipiUion, by ftjisfl Mnrtioenii e '( y;:ii Anti-SJni'ery Rcvnew L.' VVr in Tcxos, ly Benjamin Lundy C VVhy ivork for the Sinir; j VVjlson's Address on West India Emancipation TRAGTS. No. 1. iSt. Domiugo, Ko. 2, ('::sto, No. íj, Colornzótiön, No. , fr..l! Conditjón of the Slave, No. 5, Whnt i AboJitJóii? No. C,TbO'Pen Cnmrtjnftdmenfs, Nu.? Dangei and Sufétj , Ko. 8, Pr-Slvery Btble, No. ), Prejudiëe . Color, No. ip, iVorrhr :n Slaves, No. ] 1, Si . iM'isy'ioilS No. 12, Dr. Nkmm'e Lectureon Slurery, Theabovc :; at I cent cacii. " PRKvTS, ktc. Ilhiptmiions of llie Anli-Slavory Alrnanac for i;: :i The Emajicipnted Family 2 Sla t Market of Amonen Correspondente betw'eenO'Conne] ond Steveus ;i I". do. Clnvam] Ciilhoun 12 1--Printer'a Picture Gnllery S Uner paper, stanped v.'iih print of Lovejóy thoet ' ' i5 L)O. U-i-ll Kn : Ü;);, S i vn èhfO'. 1 Pnvpr for S!:v , i :-; MuiC On cards i-g Potrait ofGerrij Smith rOe In -■ Idition, are the fóUowin?, t!ie prpce ( ofwhich wil! po into Uo Mentlion fund. Argument of Hou. J. Q. Ádams in the cas of the Amistad Africana 25 krgiimenl of Rdger S. l?ahvin, Esq. rio do . jo j. o Trial oftheCaptivep of the Amistad ê re?einnal Document relating lo do C Portrail óS Clinquez jpo Match Sd, z2.


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