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To Families & Invalids

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The folloTving índispeHsaWtj fiimily reme i dies may be fotmd at the vülaxc dnis stores, and socm at every conntry store in the state. Remcmber and never get them miles3 thcy have the faosimile sigtiature of - 'XC ' 7ièrfyvi on the wrappers, as all othera by ilio saino ñames are base iinpositions and counter, feite. If the merchant neareat you lias thom not, urge hini to procure them at 71 Maiden-Iane. iho next limo he visits New York, or lo write for them. No family should bc a wee!; without these remedies. BALMOFCOLUMBIA.FORTHEHAIR, which will stop it if falling out, or restore il on bald place ; and on children inake it grow rapidly, or on ihoso vvho have lost ihe from any cause ALL VERMIN that infest the hcads of children i i schools, are preventnd or killed by it at once.l'ind the name of '%fa40e$#(jlO on it, or liever try it. Btmember this ahsuys. RHEUMATISM, and ÏMSM positively cured, and all hriveïled muscles and limlis ' are rcsiorcJ, in the o!d or youpg, by the I.ndjan ; Veöetble Er.cciE a::d Nf.kve and Bons Liniment - but never without the name of Comstock &, Co. on it. 1 are whoüy prevehted, or governed f the attack has come on, if you use the only truc Havs' LiNiMKNT.from and cvery ihing relieved by it that adïiiis of an ontward 'application. It acts like a chann. Use iï. HÖ!$.SES that have Ring-Bone, Spavin Wind-Gaüs, &c, are curcd by Roofs1 Sracinc ; and JFöimdcred horses entirely cured hy Rooia Fóunder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemea. Balloy?s Ivlagrical Faia S2s"tractor Sall7O,"-The most extraoidinary reniedy ever invönied for all new or old and sores, and sor e gj It has lielightod thoasauds. It wil) take out all pain in ten minutes, and no failurc. It will cure the jiïf' LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. A botter and more nice and uscful article never was j made. All sliould wear them regularly. S.Ï.'V'S TJE M V5X& A "J CE EïlTTiSRS: on the principie of substi tuting the tonic in place of the st'unulant principie, which has reformed so rnany drunkards. To be used with LTN:S PILLS, superior to aB others for cleunsing the system and the humors aflecting the blood, and for all irregulaiities of the bowels, and the general hen!thiM''rt f jn. - [Sec Dr. Lin's g-&LÏ!lZ f êV nature, thus :] lIáívl" " arrr""i - DFLSPOHN'S HEADACHE REMEDY will effectually cure sick headache, eithtr from the ■"" or bil: i:s. ilundrods of families are using it with great joy. DR. SPOHN'S ELIXinO" HEALTH, for the certain prevemion ! si or any I j 1 general sickness ; keeping the Blómnch in most perfect order, the bowels regular, and a determinaron to ; the surface. &%L{Ï!ZV.-.'':y'i LiÍSiílLÍíiÍLÍLLa pains in the bones, hoarseness, asid F -. . ': -'■ '..-'■■-- ia are quickly cured !y it. Know this by tryïng. CQRNJS.- The Frj m fi PJaater is r. surc cure. hair any shade you wish, bnt wiil not qoiof the skin. i S' LÁ. COMSTOCK-S GOMPOüND EXTRACT. There ie no otfeer prepara. ' lion of Sareaparilla that can o'xcccd or cqual this. If you are sure to get CosiSTOCK's, you will find it ] superior to all others. It does nol require puiling. CELESTIAL BALM OF CHINA. A positivo cure for the piles, and aü external ailings - all interoál irritations broiight tb the surt'ace by (riciioii with ihis B:ilm ; - so in coughs, : swelled orsore throat, tiylitnrss of the chest, ihis Balm i npilif.d on a ñannol will relieve and at once.-Fresh wounds or oíd sores are rapidly cured by it. mt. Bad Wb ■ will prevenl or '-nrr. all incipient r .-. ■ ■ [■_.'■ ■ . j taken in huil-, and is a delightful remedji keiuem. ber the name, and Cumsiock's. KOLMSTOCK'S. VEBM1FD0E cradicate all ((,, : in chüdren or adula with a certainty dstóiiishihg, It is ihe same aa that made by Fahnefetóck, and sella ,vih a rapidity almost mcredible, by Cotnntock Co., New York. TÜOTII DROPS. KLINE'S-curo effectually. fintcrcdnccordin?tnrtof Conitresi, in the yoir 1R4'.1, bfCótMteik &■ Cu.. in thcClerk'soiücn oftlicSouiiuMii Dif trict of Noiv Yort. By applying to our agentó in each town and "illage, papers may be had free, showing the most n. OüC.abic names in the cosntry for these facts, so tha. -o one can fui! to believe them. {Jíj-.e sure you cali for our anieles, and not be put tff With any stories, that others are as sood. HAVE THESE OR NONE, shotild be your moHo- and these never can be Inie and gewint tciihout our namen to thcm. AU these artides to be had wholcsaie and teiail only of us. {Íffl!ttPtÍfáéO Whole8ale Druggists, "1 Maideu-Lane, New York, aud of our agents. V iu. b. o J. H. iïayuud, ...tmo, Aun rhu Aiich. aló-


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