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Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty

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Msssks En-TORS: - The foilnwing is nn ex:nct iroTii on acfilréès on fropu!ar Emicnnon," (ïoli.yered at :!ic closing excrc:sc3 oftiie (al! tfe'rm of thrs scliool by Mr. .Tusepii BstBÍftook. Ey t!ic kiii(Ji)c5 of i.'io rauliorT am pertnittëd to tend il for pabUcatioti.UtU cno of tlic most prominent fenturcsof difiercnco botwecn tho edu enter' and unet-uenled s, thnt tiiü for:rc by beliöidihg :hc fiithom!os dopths and ur.üiTilted fieli.'.s of UnprQVQjfonif aro spread out before him. perceives his own comparativo hrnorance, rjiri is tlius inspeel vi;h energy to narch ODward ciul slikrc in t!ie lioncus of Hierary triumtilis. whilo the laüer 'w" perhnps "nevor had a dozen thovghis in aü his liic. vvlio jieviT lu-üril the vo:] [ihUosophy of scnniee. ncvrr board uflibeity. ncccssiíy or láwl öfTiSf:uioti" ciiinks thnt ho olremly aila on Lsarning'e topniSl aoniinit, and looics with riwignatkw ! iv.-n upon avbM] thni r:;ove!s at his feet: lie coutents hiraecifto livn r;s a tvcro yplie'í in socie■y. ;:tid to iluougli Itíh as ienves down upon tho k-min o!" the river whieft leavo no vealigo of e.vistence behind tKoni. Biit why should 1 present such motives as ibepe to nn enhg'irened cotnmiiniu ? VYby .hould I iroTitiou t'iu ji'.r--.:r; il disurictions creutcd, and the nire r.nJ relied cnjoyiiitiv.s afllüilod hy the cultivution of letters? Why should 1 speak of i:s iai:s:n.-:n:e pworto nvert i!ie deinon that lurks in die train ofésccssiye reñnotrsffñj and luxury when tliere are hi'clier and iv.ore worthy motives to be bc-consLiuied? The intelli;;enee of tho rneiiibcrs :f a ícovfirnnient like ours 3 ind:Gpc:is i!ly coniQCJed with its higheat interest - with its true .hry. in a dospotio governnieiu wheie :he subject is a n:ere v.issal und where the voico 'of ;. ■ tjraUt sways the desti.-iy of rhe nntion,ñora rico ís doubtleea un indispensibie qiinlifícation for a gootl chizen. Thomore ignomni lio ie tlic Icss he knows of the of libeny ain consequomly chambre rcadüy lie bows lo the wil! of' iIir opprossive despot. Jiut it is not eo ín our oicnco n'.-y. Ileso t!io pi-oplc nre rucis ntul overy :nr:n is a S'OvèretsrB; To us are fo;!:iiitt'tl tbe greni intercstsofonr co:iunim cotiniiy. And whq vl! (cuy tli:it wiíiio'.u 'uitcUigcncc We niv unfuio prüti'.ci the solcmn inteicsrs comniiítcd to our clinrgí!? Wlio wtll preicnd tliat wcare qualfie'd to giinYci tlic beaven-born boon o!' U'cii v!c!i we iriíj erit as Qur"rich'est Jegaöjr froin t!io toil toad llooJ of our pilgrim fexbers, wlicn wc nre Jgnor nit ofthe very principies on wliicli t!;;t libeny is boscel? Tbc ciiücl of ignorance knows not when liis rights ac cncroachcd upan or w'jcii ;ie is mmle tíie du;o oí tlcsigtii.'ig And ícüce we seo t!n (hose j)-ircn;s, wbo withbold Voui l'ifir chiidrën t!ie urans of a correct cduc.iion duprive tbeir, of ihc only slneld by wliioh !ioy enn defend thérpfedves í'ro:n t!ie intrusión oí ■rrors and íhmticism, and thé nuhloss attneks ol' Jütnagogues and corrupt lioljticinna. for w'hich llíe jresent age is so cmincntly distinguislied. 'I'lie renonsibilitics t!nt will devolví? upon ííie ■ising gencration cali loudly upjn every paren t, ipon every patriol and cvrry pliilanthropist tplend lus influence, h3 timo and his money to essist in urging fórward the youih in the cultivanon of their minds and in thc ncquisition of that kuowlcdgo which alone cau prepare thum lo lili witU honor, the high ylace3 oftrnst to which they wil] bo callea. Tho youlh of our nmion will be siríimoncJ t perform a niighty There ia a great reíbr. urniun to bo wrought ia our poikicnl and rcligious economy before this nation will becomc what it professes lo be íi iree and christian paopie. The tide of moral and poiiticat comiption tbiit is swceping in dosolatinír wnves throc'h use lengvh and breadtli of our !and, witheriñg her ri;i!iig cnergirs. is to bc met and rolled back by Üie srsprcmccy of niind and the omnipotonce of TKUTII. Tiie evils wlnch exist in our nntion and th'm aro and ever will be at eternul variance nith the principks of civil and religious liberty which like some dark porteiuous cloud, gather thidi in our poliiical horizon and dnrken the sun of our national prosperity must bo destroyed and swcpt nwny. Intcwpcranco that hydra-headed monster, the feil desu-oyed of human happiness and social bliss, tint hns crushed, with its deadly fa nes, more victims thnn war nnd pcstilence combincd. must be encountered and alain by the suori of truth. 8arcnj, tho climax niquity, he oflTppring of teil, tlmt has lor more than four ceniuricsi bi:cn prey:ng upon the viudsof África that has kulnnppcd and drEir,Ted from ihe land of their nativhy more thnn thirty millions of the sons f IJíkií, n:id ha, during tlmt perio;!, grasped in its mcrcilcpg embrace more than two hunürcd millions of helpless victims and crushed them in hoptlcss bondage - the canker worm that has been gnawing it the very root ofthe treeofour liberty until its leaves are withering and its fruit immature. is nlready beginning to full - this bódy of living Jcath must bo bound and hurled back "to tho infernal pit whenco it aroso. Cu! time forbids that I should enumérate al! the evils under which otir nation groans and which will cause its fnüi! overthrow unlees thoy are remove:!. Our country calla i-poh all withbu disünction to ruily around ihestandn:d, lo enlist under t!:e iacred hnnnerof intelügence and truth and mardi iorward in ar.e united phiilunx to its deüveraneo and renovation.


Signal of Liberty
Old News