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ÍJ-Slavery Societieá, ond aUgerappe wlio de eire to rend ti.e Siayetji piiblicatioos that Jüivr issued froio the Ak: can press, Umt Jie has Dii.-c:!uif=cd uil the boe!;.-, pphicls, tracis, prints etc; lateiy belouging (o the Ai Anti-Slsivery Society, ai.iouiitiug1 to nbout cii'hi tljousind (füÜarP, at'rici )ri.:f.--, uhicli he {Ters for sale by Jiis iin'Ht i ny nnanlity, Í (-"- vriceafor cush vuil. Hanifjca wil! bc kej.t ut Jiis office, curiar óf Uuuover anu eirect?, nnd onlera will bc promtly attendcd to. A catalogue of tlié principal publicutions isr.nncxeii, aild the prices put agaiust liium are the present (reduced) retuil prices. By tlie hmidred or larger quantiry, they will bc sol) lowei gay for bmtnd volumes 2.' per een!., dn on pumvhlcls, tracts and piclvrcs, f0 per cent. discount. With respect to mosc of tl:em this b bt'low tbo actual coat to me in enshi They were not with a view to selJ ui i porfitb'Jtto subservc the Anli-Slavery cuuse.Suoh an oppórlnnity has not previously occfr ro;] to obtftin Anti Slaeiy publicatioiis at Ui redneed prices, and probably will not agüin. fl'Bditors of néwspapera nrc roques'.cd to copy" tliis ndveriisoment at length t'o: lliree month?,und t!:eir bilis will he paid in boöjis,ec, Pleasc eend a copy of tlio paper contitiuiug the advertisement. LEWIS TAPPAN; New York, Man Isr, 1842.Ameriív.n Slavery a it i?, m'uslin O'J Anli-Slavery Manual 2o Alton Riot?, by Pres. Beecber, of "111. Col!. 12mo. :l Alton Trials Slavery Record, vol?. 1, 2 and 3 set SO l&ppeal, by Mrs. Chtld 37 1-2 Anti-SÍaverv líxaminer, bound vols. 50 tecnuties of Philanlhropy S3 1 3 ■iourne's Picture of Slavery 50 FBnxton on the Slave trade 50 Cabinet of Freedom (Clarkson's history of the slave trade,) vol. 1, 2 and 3 eet 1,00 Chloe Spear 25 Channu,g on Slavery 9.? Duncan un Shvery "5 Eman. inthe VV. 1. by Thome anu Kiinball muslin r0 Do by do ii boards with map 25 Enemies of Conetiüon djsco.vëreü 5o Fountain, pjain binding, o4ao. 12 1-2 GastavuB Vnssa 5f's Letters to Miss Beeclier S7 1 2 Jay's ínquiry S7 1-2: Jay's View 50 Light and Truth 2i) Life ofGranville Slnrp ÍS Mott's Biographical Sketches S7 1-2 Memoir ofRcv. Lemael Ilanes 75 Do of Lovejoy 62 1-2 North Star, gilt edges 3J 1-3 Pennsylvani;t Hall '? Qiiartcrly Anti-Slavery Magazine, Cvo. 1,00 Rwikio's Letters, ISmo. luo pp, Right and wrong in Boston 20 Star of Freedom, muslin 12 1-2 Slavery - contaming Dcclaration of Scntimentsand Consiitution of the Atücr. A. S. Society: Wcsley's Tho-.igh-.s on Slavery: Boes tlieBible sapcti'on Slu' very? Addrnss to tho Synod of Kentucky, Naratiwe of Amos Dres.scr, and Whv work for tho Slave? bound in onavol. J , Slave's Friend, SSflQO. vols. 1, L and 3 set 50 ; Songs of the Freo 33 1-3 ( Thompsons Reception in Great Britain, , 12mo. L0 I , Tostimony of Gotl againrt Shvery, 18mo. 2u i Wheally,"Phillis Memoir of Lf ! Wcstlndtes, by Professor Hovry 50 - West Indies, b'y Harvey utid Sturge 75 Weeley's Thonghts on Skvcry, in muslin, vviüi portrait 12 1-2 PAMPHLETS. Sets A. S. Almanucs, from 1836 to 1341 inclusive 37 1 2 Address to the Free Peoplc of Color 1 Ancicnt Landmarks 8 Apolorry fbr Aboliüonists 3 American Slavery as ït Is - the Testimony of a Thonsnnd Vfitnesses 25 Address on Right of Petición 2 Address tn Senators and Representativos of the free Statos 1 Address on Slavery (Germán) 1 Address of Congfègalional Union of ScotAddre&s of Nationnl Convention (Germán) 1 A.ntti Hop. of N. Y. Góiömitti e of Vigilante L5 Do. of Mas?. A. S. Society 12 1 -2 ■ Appeal to Womon in the nominaliy free States G 1-1 Aulhentic Anecdotéa on American Slavery 2 Addreïs to the Chiirch of Jesus Clirist, by the EyatJffflltóal Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anü-Slavery Catechism, by Mrs. Cluld C 1-4 Ad.ims', J. Q. Letters to his Constituehía 4 Adams', J. Speech on the Texas Quc-stion 11-Annual iteports oí vin. n.. ■ juuulj, , 4th, 5th and G'h 12 ÍS. Annual Reports of N . Y. city Ludies' A. S. Society s ! Appeal to the Christain Women of the South S ' Bible against Slavcry 6 Coilcction of Vakiable Documents G 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches 2 Birney on Colonijsation 2 Chattel Principie- a Summnry of the New Teétartierit argument on Slavery, by Beriali Green G Cliipman's üiscourse 3 Char.nmg'sLettosto Clay 6 Condition of Pree People of Color 3 Crandall, Reuben, Trial of 0 DisserUtion on Servitude 12 1-2 Dickinson's Sermn S Does tlie Bible snuction Slavery? 1 Dec. of Sent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society 1 ' Diaeussion betwcen Thompson and Brcckinridge "? Dresser's Narrative Ejctinguiaher Extinguished 3 Elinore Corrcspondence 6; do in sheets -Ito. 2 Emancipation in West Indios Thome and Kimball 12 1-2 Emancipation in West Indies in 1S38 3 Freedom's Defense 6 Gauútíon's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius of the Federal Union 6 Genei ous Planter 3 Gillelt's Review of Bushncll's Discoursc 6 Immédiate, not Gradual Abuhtion 12,-2. Jay's Thoughts on the Duty of the Episcopal Cliurch S Liberty, 8vo. %i; do; 12mo 15 Morris's Speech, in answer to Clay s Mahan's Rev. Julm B. Trial in Kenfucky 12 1-2 Martyr Age in America, by Harrict Martinean 6 Modern Espediency Considered 6 Power of Congress over the District of CoInmbia S 1-4 Plea for the Slave, Nos. 1, 2 and 3 S Proceedings of ihe Meeting to form Broadway Tabernacle Slavery SocieU Pro-Slavery Rurul Coco of HaitíRopcr, Moses Narrativo of a rugitive 2 3;ve f Colorrd Mea 12 l-L lesna Áíuirtute (3 ■ ii) "(lííf.ii 12 l-L ■;y llMmcs 6 ÍSJaiio's Speocb n Congrrèss n 1P.f58 ' 3 Smiili'tí Gerrilt Leftèrio Jijs. Shijlie íi i)o. Letter lo Hoiuy Clay SlavfihoFding Invanably Binfui, "malum iri se," 6 Soutiiurn's Manual 1 Stur óf Frcedoni J I StUmucker n-ul ?mitli's Lellers (J S)a.veboíder's Prayer l Slayeholdih Weighed SlaVfery n America (Lontlon); do. ■ mam) 3 ; '['no Mortyr, by Hcriali Grcn , 'J'hiiia f'"i Northern Men to fio Views of Cdiojii'.'.ution, by liov . J. Nourse 'tiv.-.-í of Siavcry and Eir.ancipation, by Martihean 0 cyah .Anti-üíavory nOvicw L.' W'nr n Texas) by I'enjíimin Limdy 0 Why w.-;rk or the Sftv i VVilêf)iïa Addresa on Wes-t Iiulia Emanciptitian 4 TItACTS. Nn. i. St. Domingo, No. 2,C;isío, JN'o. í5, Colonízrftíon,io. -j, .i oral (joii(iiori oí tiie clave, No. 5, Wjíit is Aboütiou? No. 6,TJip Ton fJonirtiundments, No.7 Dangnr and Saftfty, No. í!, Pro-S!:ivery P.iblo, No. a, Proj'idics lipninet Color. No. 10, Northern Dealers ti Slaves, No. 11, Slavery nnd IVlieTelöns No. 12, Dr. Nelson's fectun; fin Slm'ery. Tho above Tr;ic!.s nrp oo)á ni 1 centcach. PRIiNTS, ktc. Illjistrotíona of the Anti -Slavery Almarwc for 1040 3 Tlie Jimnncipnled Family L5 STa,ye M;ir!cet ofAmehcn Conesnontlencc betwecjiO'Connel and Ste' veneoh . g Do. do. Cl.iy and Cullioun 12 1-2 Prinler's Picture C;illcry 2 Letter papur, stanaped with print of Lovcjov eieet " 13 Lo. with Kneelirjg Slaye slicel 1 Payer for Slaves, witli Müsic, on cania 1-2 Potrait pfGer'níSrtrith 50s ín aqditinn, aro tho follawing, tlie procced of wliich will go uno tho Mendiun fund, Argument ot'Hon. J. Q,. Adnms iri the case of ido Amistad AíVicans L5 Srgiiménl of llover S. Balwin, Esq. do do 12 2 Trial oftlic Captivos of the Amistad G Co:iy!'jí-;i.)!ial Document relatiug to do. 0 Portiüit of ClinciiL-z 1,00 Márch 3d, lü-12.


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