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Johnson Will Stay One Hour In City

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Johnson Will Stay One Hour In City

President Lyndon B. Johnson will fly into Willow Run Airport and travel to Ann Arbor by automobile for a brief one-hour visit in Ann Arbor next Friday, when he will deliver the University commencement address and receive an honorary degree.

A terse U-M statement followed an inspection tour yesterday of Michigan Stadium by U.S. Secret Service agents and White House communications and press corps people. The President will speak at the exercises which begin at 10 a.m. in the stadium. 

U-M officials also announced that Secret Service agents had given permission for further distribution of stadium tickets, halted Tuesday because of the closeness of the remaining 7,000 seats to the speaker's stand.  A total of 80,000 tickets had been distributed at that time.

Exact time of the President's arrival at the airport, his route to Ann Arbor, or the exact number of the remaining 7,000 tickets to be given out was not made public, however.

The commencement, including the President's address, will be televised live over WWJ-TV, Detroit, Channel 4, and broadcast live over U-M radio Station WUOM, local stations, WPAG, WOIA, WHRA, and WYNS, and 12 other radio stations in the state.  WUOM will service the other radio stations.

The Secret Service officials conferred with local police on a protection plan for the President.

The federal officers held a conference with Police Chief Roland J. Gainsley and his staff and plan to return the first of next week to complete arrangements

Although the president will be in Ann Arbor for only one hour next Friday morning efforts to guarantee his safety are geared to cover every detail.  Chief Gainsley said all three platoons from his department, Youth Bureau and Traffic Division officers and nine detectives will be on duty during President Johnson's visit to the Michigan Stadium for the commencement address. 

[image]:  PREPARE FOR PRESIDENT: U.S. secret service agents, White House communications and press corps representatives and University officials conferred yesterday and made an inspection tour of Michigan Stadium.

President Lyndon B Johnson will give the main address at U-M commencement exercises at 10 a.m. next Friday in the stadium. The President will come by car from Willow Run Airport to Ann Arbor.