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Very Terrible

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It will berecollected that repcated attempts have been made in t;';e South to get up a great Southern Convention, to devise ways nnd means of protection againsl the abolitionists; but hitherto they have all "proved addle.'' - The following, frorn the New York American, shows that desperation hns ngain cnlled for the sanie scheme. "They shall gnash their teelh, and melt away." - Liberty Standard. Rabid Proposilion. - The Lynchburg Virgininn, a paper generally discreet and mensured in its tone and sentiment?, aftor dilufing upon the danger to the South, of the new zeal of the abolitionists, and sugesting a Southern Convenlion in order that the slavebuldirg States may act in concert - adopts and reinforcea thu following notable abduction project: If the Abolitionists, then, hold o'it inducements for ourslaves to run away, or avow their agency in preveniing Iheir recovery after they have escaped, the snggestion of the Danville Reporter is not without gobd reason - to wit, that Societics ehould be formrd i:i the South, for the abduction of all such men as Gerrit Smith, and tlicir transpèrtation to iho South, there to be dealt wilh, not by the mob, according to the Lynch code, but by the i;wv of the land, which for 6imi!ar ae's, perpetrnted'by one of its own citizen?, adjudges a oeil in thé penitentiary the most suifable abode. - The Northern papers will probably hold up their hands in utter abhorrence of a propoBition seemingly of so violent a diameter. - But to our mind it seems to be precisely fitlrd to the crime which it proposes to punish and o check. Our motto is "Hnnds oiF! Let ns alone and we will let ycu alone." But if our Northern hrellucn wiil not consent fo t.'iis rule of mutual forbearance, then we say to themt if you steal our nog -oes, or hide tho etolen good?, we wilJ abdnet and punish the roguos. And that it will come to this, or worse, before many yeare, no one enn reason ably doubt who hasan opportunity of witnees" ing the frequent displays of the ferocious bpirit of the Abolitionists, or who is aware of the indignant feeÜnar of reseniment which facts such as those above referred to must necessarily arouse, in every slave holding State.


Signal of Liberty
Old News