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Millerism: Or The Second Coming Of Christ In 1843

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Ab tlie subject of Christ's eecund coming n '43, is beginning to excite some interest in feicnt parta of our state, we thought the publication of the following letter, which we have just received frotn an oíd and intimad f liend, miht not he uninteresting to our retidets. Tt wns nccompnnied by a "PiÊtoïiiai. Chart," intrnded to" Ilústrate " Dun iel' s Vi-ion." With .Mr. Millcr. we linve the pleasme of a personal acqunintance. He is a mnn of ordinary sizc - h.s icfleclivc powers arcwell developed - ia modest and reliiing in his oppeniancu - pathotic and kind in his nddiess, and no doubt perfectly hort et in kis belief. We have lislcncd pcrsonalfy, to his Iccturea - rcad his publishcd woiks, ëxaminied moai r( the orguments in favor ofjiis iheory by otlice. as well ns himse'.f, nndarcsüll unconvinced of the tiuih of his doctrye. That the present state of ttiings with refeienco tQ the woild will be changed the wickeddestroyed - the sninis raised.. and Ciirist jersinalli ajrpcar in 1843 to commencc a thousand years rcign vvilh his people on the "ncw e-irlh," is not yet proved to our satisfaction. We feel no disposilion to ridicule or even to make licht of the subject, but to treat il 'ithall fobcrncss. Wc respect the advocates of tliis thcory. we bolleve tliem honest. but mistaken, and wlien '43. shnll have passed awoy, our on'.y anxieiy s, that those of them, who are aüve, rnny attribiite tlicir error to themselves and not to the Biblc, whosé prophecies we thitik they havo iniseonstrued. We fee! truly grateful to our oíd fiiend Caín for tlie udecp s licitud e," he feels i:i our welfare, and would wiih groat deierence say, that wliciher the world ends in '43. snonr.r or lafer. we beliovo throngh riek mcroj vi God, we are prepared for the cvcntful moment. To our readers, oue and all, we would sny. the end with yon will soon come, whether Miller's theory be trne or false. ond it should bo our greatest concern to be prepared to meet it. That the church isdeeply involvcd in the guilt of slavcry is no doubt true - that the church has "gone to the Devil," wo do not believe, and that we shnll be "left to burn tip with tketcorld," for remaining in her communion remains to be proved. But we subjoin the letter which is just os applicable to thousands of others, as to us.Nashville. N. H. November 25th, 1843. Dkar Brother Becklky: - 1 have learned Iy Ero. J. Hazleton, your place of residcnce. onu also yi'ur opposiiion to tlie doctrine of Christ's second coming in 1843. Nowr my dear brother. I bnve como to the conclusión frora the "signs of the times," ihe word of God, and the teachings of his spirit, that Christ will come to be "admired in oll thetn llmt believe in that day," thnt is next year. My belief in this glorious doctrine has made me more disgueting in the eycs of ihe public than 4Mcthodism and Anti-slavery combined. But sir. here I stand in the name and in ibe strength of "Danikl's God," a bold and fearless advocate of Anti-slavery nnd the coming of Christ next year. Uut Methodismsir, has gone to the Dcvi}, and you know it ;is wcll as I. My God, what are they about? Nothing more nor kss than trading and trafficking in "slavcs and souls of men," for whoni a Saviour died. And whüe l am vvriting, thousunds of mothers aro frantic with grief in consequence oftheir children heiig torn from their embrace by Methodist priests, class leaders, stewards, &c. Are you still connected with that crew? I ask you in t'.c nivie of God to come oit rf htr, lest you be a parsaker of her plagues. If you are found in Babyion nat year, or are londingyour influence lo sustain a sect that tolcratcs the hope blasting and soul damning systom of slavery, l teil you in ihe fear God, if you are thus found you will be iêft to burn wp ie;tk the world. I am free frotn the yoke of sedarían bondage, and have been for about one year. I bless God it has been the best ye;iv of my lifc. feel that I have givcn all for Chrtst - got on board the gospel ship, she hos passed the lust lighl house, and in a few rnonths will leave all hor crew on the "ncw earth." and will crown them i(Kings and Pricsts imio God," and will reign on the carth forever and ever. You may wieh to know whcre I am, having left the Church. Well, sir, I am in the road where I always e.vpcct to bc. When Christ comes to gather home his children, kc will not go to ihe church records tofuid than. No si', not He. I teil you my brother. we are down on the lnst crumhling verge of time. second irut: is p'ist behold the third tcoc cometh quickly. The aizth trumpet has sounded, and the scvcnfh or last trumpet will sound I believe within fouh sHor.T moktiis. O my brother, where are we? Where are yv? Are you crying "My Lord delayeth his coming - t'-.e end is no yet? Are you saying "pcace nnd sttfclyi" A thousand ycars of peace and safety, th3' world al consumed &c, when God hath not spoken it Tou will peruiit me to be plain. I feel a dee] solicitude in your icelfarc, present and future. f have spent many pleasant hours with you. I often cali them to mind. You have preachedrighteousness to me. and I wish I had obcyet your precepts, I wish I had sought and founr futl salcalion, and lived it in after time, but ] liave lo mourn my hcart wan derings and con[brmity to the world. Slill I bless God. that amidst all my unworthincss. he hns boen with me, and is stilt wi'.h me, and Ims promised to be with me unto the end of tJte world. Broiher Beckley, wc ilJiUlerites," as wc are called, are 'e ofTscouring of all things,' but wc seek not tlie applausc of men. Our niaster was made of no reputation among men, neiiher have ns disclple3 been popular. 'í hey have been espised by the ungodly world these eighteen mndred yeurs. I do not mean your slaveholdng, licontious and war-making religión. No ir. I mean Christianity or Holy-Ghost religión, Gospel salvation, or f retdom from sin, standing b'nh in all the fulnass of tho gospel free from very yoke of bondage. Why, air, religión, is s popular ns the Devil wants it to be. I had at her be a highway robber thau to be a slaveïolder or pro-slavery. The American religión the great bulwark of alavery. I teil you it is of ie Devil from top to bottom, from centre to reumforence, and when the stone "att out of e monfitnin tci'hont hands," sliall smitc ilic magG on his fect, the Kingdoms, Civil and Eccliia6ticd, will be broken to pieces with the eligion of the world, and become as the chaiT ofmimmei's thrushing cnrricd away nnd no )!ace found for ihern. teil you. fiat asfpr yon He. I fecl it 1 ik e fire shui up in my bones. Come OUT OF HKR. MY l'KOI'LK. Examine Mitlertóm on your Unces fcefiire GoJ, Do not triile with the sunject. ;Tlic Jutlgo ótnnfleih befoic tlie door." The "inulnight c.y," is now being made - "bchold the Bridetirooüi camcili, yo ye out t meet iiim." O mny God grant that you mav lnve your lamp tnmmed and burtiing and oit in your vessd. ihut vvliea he comes you mny bu propniod to go in io the mnrringc of the,Lamb. J have wifnessed ffliction sílice I snw you. I hnvc buried the compnnion of my youtli- shc fcü nslirp in Jcsus - I eliall sce her next year. G'o 11 ' OoH You have passed tliroush tike áííliciinn, and can sympitlrso wih iné. í'lcase write ine a line. I ntn anxious to hear from you. I have written you some of my feelings - excuse my hursli language. do not fail o write. Rcspectfully yoiirs in hopea of meeting yon nml all the rfidecmed of the Lord ncxi vator in Glory.


Signal of Liberty
Old News