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Let the distrnstíul man lookabout hun, and watch. the progresa of childien learning to wa!k-or to run - to swim- or to riele: tlien let hïiti lift up his eye :md watch the progreis of uil beginners in business - business of life. Beginners are ahvays timid- vet in business, beginners are nlmost alwnysstccessful. Anditisonly after they have become in a degree succcssful - when they have cnlarged their business- wl:en iliey have lust their timkiity and become over confident in themselves. or prosumptuous, thnt their star begins to stand still - and their credit is questiottcd - and ihcir dovvnfall prophesicd and expected. Watch )he progress nevertheles9; andas they cure then-selves of their timidity, do you cure yourself of yjurs. The rash child begins to run too earïy.nnd gets bumpei! into a more unjust opinión of 'hiir.self. Uc is s non cured. Ent tliough eured, he is hy no means sure of heading the timiil. self-disirustful child in th e long run. The courage of the soul. and tliat only. is to be depended upon. And what is the conrnge of the soul? Jt is that courrgv.- thnt fixod and holy confideneo in ourself and in our destiny under God- which is derived frotn a long course of trial and experiment. The timid child. instad of rising np from his stool, and walking off at once, to be cmibt by lus mother. sitsstiil and tremblcs nnd whimpnrs. or faces about and dmps down by little and little, and fora long time cannot be conxed into tiusmig himsclf. But watch iiiin- and by and by you find him holding achair- then standing alone-- then trying to walk led by both hands - ihen by a single finger. Or watcb the saüorby vvhon ho fust goes aloft- how tiniidly hc bravcstfeel their way! how bravely the tiniidesi mountthe dizzy mast aftcr a whítd And then. which .'s the better gaibr, uil! depend not so much upon their animal courage, as upon ilieir cotrimn sense. and their habit of reasoniii" with ihemselves.The first plunges at once- and would he rxrseverc, nnd tliitik, and reason wiih liimself. he would keep aliend nl! his life; but hc seldmn does. anti is olten outstrippod by the sc'f-ilstrustui but persevering. The second fcols bij way - gathers coniidence - nnd by litile he begius lo overlook danger, to forget hiin$r;li, nnd to see notliing but une great objeel beforc him - dnty, tluty to himself- to his 10 s.jdety; all tliree resolving themselves at last, iim onc and and I lic same duty. Take another exanipic. A íve barred Lnte i? before you. You are on horseback. and havo a preity good seat- but for tlie werft you would not. venu-re to take such a lenp. Yet others. no more accustomed to leapincr (han yoursc-ll', ridc at tho gate and while some'clear it wiih a triuinphantchcer- others are left in the mud. If you are timid and sell-distrustful, wliat shonld be jrour course? You are urged to try- you are told there is no danger- what oihers have done Dou't believe a word of it. With your present feelmgs. if you try you will surelv stick by the way and spoil your horse- to puil hun over backwards upon yourself, or to break your neck. What tlen shall you do? Go home -go to a nding school- or betake yourself to a open field, and practico by yourself, or with n friend- bcginning at one bar- then trying nl two - three- four- and finally at five, if you think t seriously worth your while, and know your boree.- - Pt-rhaps yoa aro Icarni (0 swim p Jivinj TV"'"1""" tr'roin bfS P'acea-lo ka fifsf.wiih t„.ir legs 8lrait and fee ; , 1 You would Sive a world lo be ie eo !,, „ Bilt you are surrounded by injuj.c.oufnends. Try_try_you„ do tl They v„i' n 3'0Ur UfeV IfyOU nre clf-distrusiful. JOU wM be uu to fall fla!-_Or to turn over, as you dive- nnd prétiy sure to bc disoouraged, or ?. l , . JÍ1 yur Progrcas. W,at thên s!nI ou do? Begui small. Go where you know you safe. Do what you know ycu can do: 'orthatyou wll Ao boldly; and ihïf will givc you conhdence. Oc tfHng al a Irnc, andbut n i, jjcgm as a líale ehiíd. Be icacl.ablc and Ia .ent And mark n,e-ify0U nre fahhful to yourself i you w,!I Le eu-e of outstripping the ovor-confident in the long ruu. Do you know that Curran broke down in his first speech and made a fooi of himself? And so did n halt ahu.rl.eJ m ire who afrerwnrds becamr dist.ngmshed. 'ii,c man who Hrst speech is wonderiu!, never made nnoiher, nor never will. worih listeuing to. Of suc:h men there is no nopc. Do you know thnt Frederick the Great rnn away iq I113 first battle'? That Lord Wellington showed the white feather in Indfnl- Unvo yoa ever heard the story oftwo fb'ung otl.c.;rs, who werc sent afterwards undur Wellingtons own eye, to mke a charge uu. on a body of French cavalry in Spain? As ihey rode togc-iher, one grew pole, tromblin, and hm h'oi shook in his stirrups. His companion. a fine bold fellow, observed it, and reproachr.d him - You are of raid, said he. Thai's truc said the otlur; I am afraidand if you werehalfso much ofraid as I am, you would turn your horse'shead and ndo back to camp. The other indignant, returned to Wellington to "teil the story, and to csk for a worthier companio.i. Clap spurs to your horse, air! was Wellington' rep!y: or the business will be done by your cowaidfy companion before you pet thore. He was right. The business was done. The coward had swept down upon the enemy in n whirhvim] of dnst - and ecattcied tncin like chaiF. Which of these two was the braver man ? "I'll try" said Miller. And irying, he din what an over-confidcntman would have prom'sed todo, nnd failed. So with all the business of life. Try try keep trying. You will assuredly succeed at last, if you live. And if you do not hve whose fou't is il if you fail? Begin afar off. Begin cautiously - as cautiousy as you picase. Try your strcngth by little and little, and after a fe.v years not days, nor nonths, b:it years, you will be astonished ut your and be cnred of.yoiir self-distrust. Persevere. Think well before you begin. Rut having once begun. persevere through good report, and throuh evll report - und as 'sure as there is a God in Heaven, you shail have your reward. - JtA.i Ncal. Mr. Calhoun. - The committec of the Legisture of South Carolina, to whom were referred the letter of resignation of Mr. Calhoun, have trude a report nccompanied wiih resolutions, complimentary to Mr. C. The conduding rtsolulian is in the?c words: Resolved, Thit the people South Carolina are deeply sensible of the fnithfnl and long iried sorvices of theirdistinguished Senator. anJ would regard the withdrawal of histalents and integrity from the councils of the Union with profound regret, we e it not for the expectation tint they "ïi ie nbuut to yield up their separate claim upon .iis services, to share them in cotnmon with the hole Union. Il is very manifest that Mr. C. intends to be a candidato for President, rnaugre a National Convention.


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