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Selections: Oberlin Institute

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Mr. McNuky brouglit forward a bilí for tlie rppoal of" the clmrter of Oberlin Instituto, ün thc third reading of the bilí, t ho Depravity of the House took occasion tobclch forth is renom against this inslitution. lts two grpat sins are, flrst, tfiat its membcrs and professors, will not bet ray tlie vvanderer; secondlr, tlmt it wonld cxtend the benefits of edncaiion to all, without dist inction of class or color. - For these two crime?, the McXulty nnd ByL injrton school of Logitilator?, would érueh it. They tliink it a disgrace to the Lcgislature of Üliio to grnnt ils siinction in the form of a charter lo such an intitution ! "Mr. Byinpton had livcd u-ithin the sphere of its liak-ful infltir nee for eiglit years. He was liimiliar witli its vcncmons nnd incendiary character, poisonining the minds ofyouth, and distractinjr the peaco, dipnity ond moráis of the State, under a plea of humanity and sanclity, but in dcfince of every obügation of boih. lic denoui:ced with great severity, tl. o individuáis who control the Institule and tlicir praciiccs. There is more evil inflictnd by that institution, (said M.B.) upon this State anJ country, than by any other institution west of the mountains. Il isa bandi'.ti oflaw breo kers and nerrro slealers stippoited by eneniics of tliis country abrosid, and emissaries o t home. (Jentlemen demnnd evidence, (said Mr. B.) Why, sir, the evidence of the iiiI qmtous chnracler of that institution is as { broad as the light of dny, nnd those wlio control il, eï'ory in their villainy. Such beinff the fact, it was folly to waste time. Rumor, with her tHHüsaiiJ tonííiic-!, hnd publislre! the enormnies of that institution all overtlie State and Union. lts managers confessed the charms - u-cre pronci of tliem! He uould therefure vote for the bill." Roaïonable men! comlemn nn instittition, repeal its chartrr, wiiliout a moment's investiirationof the chargres btf Hgllt agninst it. - NoU'.in cjro cxccoXihe wickednessandabsurditv of your truc nerro-. hatera. "On mot ion of -Mr. Schenck, tho bill was laid on the table, by a vote of 36 to 35.


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