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ESTA i K oí Cliarles Tozer, late of Webster, ín thcCoumy of Washienaw, decensed. - 'i'Jie undiTsigned have been du!y nppuinied by the Hon. Geo. Sedgwick, Judjjc ol l'robaic ot llie county aforesaid, Corrm ssioner, 10 receive, examine, aHjist, and aüovv the cluima of ihc creilitors lo wid estáte, nrbich is represented insolvent, and six nionihs aro a lio wed by said judge, ;o said cieditors to present and provo their claims. berore said conimis-siot erg, wbo will mee: lor the purpose aíbresaid. at the Inn kepi by John Waldo. in the iown of Dexter. on t'ts firsi Mondaya oï March and April, and at the Iwclling house of Stephen CeLwell in stíí! Webster, on ihe 22nd tiay of June next, at 1 o'clock, 1'. M. on each diy respin voly. A1UNNJS KENNY, JOHN ALL KV, SCom'rs. JAMKS ÜALL. ) Webster, Dcc. 22, ÍCÍ42. NEW GÖODSit FDEN1SOT, is nuw rtceivingas usnajljra well selected nssortinent of lall and winic GOüDS. which will bo eold clicap for cash oi barter. N.B. As chep as any in town. September 24. J8I2. tft23 WOOD! WOOD! OUR Subscribers nre reqttesied to bnn u any qimntity of DRY WOOD, immediule'tj. in pnymetrt of iheir subscriptions. Dec. 2, 1842.CLINTON SKiMLNSRY. THE fiftlt term of this instituiijn will commenee on Monday, Nov. 14, and continue l' weel; s. Havingproüurcd the assisiance of two experiencedand sncccssful Teachers, the principal is b?tter prepnred ihan meet ilie wan;s of the coiiunutiiiy by giving a thorough Engliuh and Clnssical edue:ation. Tuition, (orsiudies pursned by small cl.iklrcn, in the I'rimnry Department. $2,00 - fot common Eugliah branches $3.u(J- for the lugher Englisli liriinclies. as Algebra, Geometry. Astroncuny, Boolv-Keeping, Chcmistry, Mornl and Iniellcetu:iiPliiloiophy. Logic. Rhetoric &c. ;4,í)0. Latin. nnd Greck, $5,00, Fiencli, and He'uicw. $0.00. Siudenta will be chnrged tuition in ndvnncc from the time tliey entor till tlio clost of ihe term. hut it will be refunded lo nny who mny be detaini-d by protractod sickness. Board niny he liad in good famüios at a very reasonalvle price. A lew may obtain board wiiíi the leacher-. A short Icson in tlie theory and practice of vocal Music wil! continue to form a part of the daily exeicists. No pains will be sparcd to preserve the youth. who mny be intrusted to our care, from inimo"! infliiences. and to rcndi-r thr.m wiser nnd better. Other infornvition will be cheerfnlly given to such as address 113 by letter lor ihnt pnrposc. We would expresa onr gratiiude to those Editors who have fnvoroblv nonced us. Thosc'whn will insert thisadvertiyement slüill bc emitlcd to tuición :o the aniount oftheir bill GEO. W. BANCROFT. Principal. JAS. S. SMEDLEV, Teacher of Frcnch und Hcbrno. Clinton, Oct. 4, 1842. 25 tf NOT'CE. - As some younz ladies repard t as n matter of conseqncnce to at'end school wl ere onc of the teachers is n femnl';, we wisli to siy we hav! very anëxpectedly been deprived of the l.ribnr9 of our femóle te?phér, am] ktiow. not tliat her place can bc permnnontly filledbeforo the comnicnccment ot the spring term. G. W. B. Clinton Sominary, Nov. 1G. 1842.FASH1ONABLE HAilt DRESSING- T. Frceman returns his sincere thanfcs 10 the citizens of Ann Arbor nnd its vicinity for the liberal patronage they have extended to liirn. and onrnstly solicita furthercontuuinnce of tbc snme. He alsü wishes to ptirchnse a quantity of false finir, for whicli he will pay a liberal prico, for the purpose ftf manufacturing ringlers. Mr. Frecman nopes not to give offence to his oíd custoniers, wlien he nforins :hem. ihat herenfter his shop will bc closw! durinr the Sabbath day. He will be ver y anxious and hnppy to rcommodnte them. by workinc .1 litt'e later and more industriously on Saturday evenins. T. FREEMAIW October3, 1842. if, G II KAT HARGAINS. -R. lianks resp.ctfully infornis the ihrmers nnd others visitin Detroit, ihnr he still conMnues at his old tand on Woodbride sf., adjoining Wardell's block, and keLps on hand n cpneral ::sortnient ol READY MADE C LOT HING, which hc is determinad 10 scll chcaper tian the c'ic ipeat.for C. s:i. R. B. has jnst recpived frpm the East nn as S)riment of Cloths. C:issimcr-es. Satinetts and Ves'.miis, which will be made up to order in f.ishionable style at short notice. R. BANKS. Detroit. Sept. 5, 18Í2. 20-fim GRAVE aro.VEá. Ai U:aAltiTS, 'iü.MJj TABLES, StC The subseriber hns a larpe nfsortnient of Mar hle.of the best Qnality.suiinble for Gravk Stonk Monomests. !tc. which he will sell chenp (o c,is!i, or exchange for produce, nt his olJ stand No. 90, Woodward Avenue. Detroit. Persons wishing to buy will do we'l to ccll. ns they will be eold much cheoper than havo ever been afiorded in this State, and ofa Qualny ihat cannot lail to please. WM. E. PETKRS. Drtroi'. Oct 97. 14-2. 19- 1 y


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