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Anti-slavery Publications

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The subscriba ijjforros"tJt.irs mem'jcof An ti-Slavcry Societic, and all rersons who desire to rcad tlie Slavery publications that have issucd rom the American press, that he has purchased all the books, pair.plilets, traets, j prints eíc. Jately belonging to the American Anti-Slavery Sücicty, ainounting to about eirht thousand dollar?, at oíd prices, wliich he oflers íbr sale by his o'gent in any quantitf, al loiu pnces for cash onlij. Samples will bc kept at his office, comer oí" I laño ver ana Exchange ! etreete, and orders will be promtly aüemled to. A catalogue ofthe principal publications nexed, and the prices pnt against them are tlic i present (reduced) retail prices. By the i dredor larer quantity, they will be sold lotvei - say for bound volumes 2.0 per cenf. discount : i on pamphlels, tracís and piclures, 0 per cent, discount. Witli respect to most of them this i s below the actual cost to me in cah. Tiu-y j were not purchased with a viow to séllate porfit but to subserve the Anti-S'avery cause, Su)h an opportunity has not previouely oceurrml to obtain Anti luveiy publications at these reduced price!, and probably mil not again. (UEdi tors ofnewspo pera are requested to ! copy this advertist'inent at lpnglli for 'three nionthf,and their bilis will be paid in bonk?, etc. Please send a copy of the pnper contnininir the advertisement, LGWIS TAPPAN. New Vork, March lst, 1842. BOUND VOLUMES. American Slsvery as it is, muslin 50 Anü-Shvery Manual 20 Alton Riots, by Pres. Beecher, of 111. Coll. 12tno. L5 Alton Trials 25 Slavery Record, voJs. 1, 2 and 3 eet 50 Appeal, by Mrs, Child 37 1-2 Anti-Slavery Kxiiminer, bound vols. 50 Peauties of Philanihropy 33 1 3 Buurne's Picture of Slavery 50 Bnxton on the Slave trade 50 ' Cabinet of Freodom (Clarksnn's history of the slave trade,) volé. 1, 2 and 3 set 1,00 } ' Chloe Spear 25 ; ' Channmg on Slavery L5 , Punca n on Sluvery ' 25 ' Eraan, in the VV. 1. by Thome and Kimball mislin 50 I ' Do by do in boards with map 25 j Enpmies of Constition discovered 50 Fountain, plain binding, o4n)o. 12 1-2 Gustavos Vassa 50 Grimke's Letters to IVfiss Beecher 37 1 2 I Jay's Inquiry 37 1-2: Jay's View 50 Light and Truth 0 LifeofGranvilleShnrp ' " 15 JVlott'fl Biographical Sketches 37 1-2 Memoir of Rev. Lemuel Hanes 75 Do of Lorejoy 62 1-2 North Star, g;lt edges 33 1 -3 T Pennsylvania Hall 75 ' Qnarterly Anti-Slavery Magazine, 8vo. 1,00 j P' Rankio's Letters, ICmo. 10Ó pp. 20 Right and wrong in Boston 20 Star of Freedom, nmslin 12 1-2 i Slavery - containing Declaration of Sentirnents and Consiitution ofthe Arner. H A. S. Society: Wesley's Thoughts on -J Slavery: Does theBibe sanction SlaRs ' very? Addrnss to theSynod of Kentucm ky, JNarative of Amos Dresscr, and í? I Whywork foí the Slave? bound in one vol. 25 su Slave's Friend, S2mo. volts. 1, 2 and 3 set 50 i tfí .Songa ofthe F ree 33 1-3 co Thompsons Reception in Great Britain, er 12mo. 20 ea Testimony of God against Slavery, 18mo. 20 or WheallyPhillis Memoir of 2 an West Tndies, by Professor Hovcy 50 j West Indies, by flarvey and Sturge 75 ( -JWesley's Thoughts on Slavery, in muslin, .' with 12 t:t bpjFAMJPHLETS. Sets A. S. Almanacs, from 1836 to 1341 inclusive 37 1 2 Address to the Free People of Color 1 Ancient Landmarks S Apology for Abolitionists 3 American Slavery as It Is - the Testimony of a Thousand Witnesses 25 Address on Rigüt of Petición 2 Address to Senators and Representativea . of the free States 1 Address on Slavery (Germnn) 1 Address of Congregational Union of Scotland 1 Address of National Convention (Germán) 1 Ann. Rep. of N. Y. Committee of Vigilance 25 Do. of Mass. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Women in the nominally free States 6 1-4 Aulhentic Anecdotes on American Slavery 2 Address to the Cliurch of Jesus Clirist, by the Evnngeücal Union A. S. Society, New York city. 4 Anti-Slavery Catechism, byMrs. Child 6 1-4 Adams', J. Q. Letters to his Constituenfs 4 Atlaras', J. Q,. Speech on the Texas Question ]2 j.o Annual Reports of Am. A. S. Society, 3d, 4th, 5th and 6h 12 j.g Annual Reports of N . Ycity Ladies' A. S. Society g Appeal to the Christain Women of the South 3 Bible against Slavery 6 Collection of Vakiable Documenta 6 1-4 Birney's Letters to the Churches o Birney on Colonuation 2 Chattel Principióla Summary of the New Testament argument on Slavery, by Bcriah Green c Chipman's Discourse S Char.ning's Letters to Clay 6 Condition of Free People of Color 3 Crandall, Reuben, Trial of 6 Dissertation on Servitude 12 1 .0 Dickinson's 3 JL)oes the Bible sanction Slavery? " j Pee. of Sent. and Constitution of the Am. A. S. Society 1Discussion between Thompson and Breek. inridge 05 Dresser's Narmtive S Extinguisher Extinguished g EImore Correspondence G; do in sheets 4to. 2 Emancipation in West Indies Thome and Kimball J2 j_o Emancipation in West Indies in 1838 3 Freedom's Defense g Garritson's Address at Broadway Tabernacle 6 Guardian Genius of the Federal Union ' o Ge"neious Planter g Gillelt's Review of Buslinell's Discourse 6 Immediate, not Gradual Abohtion 12.0 Jay's Thoughts on the Duty of the Episcopal Church 3 Liberty, 3vo. 25; do; 12mo 15 Morris's Speech in answer to Clay 3 Mahan's Rev. John B. Trial in Kenfucky 1L 1-2 JMartyr Age in America, by Harriet Martineau 6 Modern Es pediency Considered 6 Power of Congress over the District of Columbia 6 1-4 Pleafor the Slavo, Nos. I, 2 and 3 3 Proceedings of tiie Meeting to form Bioadway Tabernacle AnLi-Slavery SocicLif Pro-Slavery Rural Codeof HaitíRnper, Moses Narrativo of n Fugitive Slive Rights of Colorpfl Men 12 1 L RucrglciTtí Ami.ioto i; ft%iu and Wrong in Boston 12 1 L j Slavery Rhvmes t Slade's Spefcfj in Cungrese in if)3R 3 SmiUi's Gerrill LcüpMo Pfflj lie ti Do. L;tter 1o lienry CJuy 6 Slavcholding Invariaby Sinful, "mnlum in se,' G ! Southard's Manual 1 j Star of Frcoiloni 4 Sclimucker nml ániilli's Letters B i Slavcholo'er's Pr.-ijrr 1 I SlaveJiolcJin? VV'eii; fefJ iï ! Slavery in America (Lemlon); cío. (Germanyj 8 The Aliirtyr, by ücriai) Groen Ttfjngsfii ÑnráíOin Men to do Views of Cdlonization, by Rev. J. Nnnrjsé Views of Slavery and Émancipation, by Miss Marlinoan o Wesleyan Ant-Slivery Se view 2á War n Texas, by lienjnmin Lundy ü Why work for tlie ölüVe l VVilson's Adüress on West India Emancipatiun 4 TRCTS. No. 1. 8t. Domingo, No. 2,Cubte, No. 3, Colonizntion, No. 4, Mond Cumiition of the Slave, No. 5, Wftirt i& Abolición? No. G.Tlie Ten ('onmiandmeiits, No.7 Danger and Sütéty, No. 8, Pro-Sl.ivery Biblp, No. 9, Prjudipc i rrninsl Color. No. (), Nor hem Dpalcrs in Slavcs, No. 11, Slavery and Misíions No. 12, Dr. Nelson's Lectura on Slavery. The above TrnrLs arr sold at 1 centeacu PJU:TS, [Hnstrnfinns of tl.c Anti -Slavery Almanac for 1840 ñ The Emancipnted Family Qi Slave Markct of America ' Uorrespondence betwecn O'Connel and Stevenson g Do. ilo. Clny and Calhoun 12 1-2 Printer's Picture G.iücry 2 Leiter paper, stamped with print of Lovejoy eheet j3 Do. wil h Kneüinj Slave sheet 1 'ny er for Slave?, wirh Musjc, on cards 1-2 'otrait oi'Gerrit Smith &o In addiïion, are the followinir, the proceed f which wiü po into the Mendinn fnnd. Argument ofllon. J. Q,. Adams in the cs?e of the Amistad Africans 2.r '' irgumenl of Roger S. Bnlwin, B?q. do do 12 2 ! 'nol of the Cnplives of the Amistad (5 teogreeaünna] Document relating to do. fi ortrait of Clinqucz i,oo fl March 3d, IC42. j'


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