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To Families & Invalids

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The follo-vnug indispensa'b! fnmily remedies iriHy be found at the village drug stores, i nnd soon at cvery couutry store in the state. '■ Seinetnber and ncver get them uuless they have the fac-simüe igualare of '&?Si'Líy'oL on the wrappers, as all others by ihe same nanu-s are base imposilions and counter. ; feitfl. If ihe merchant nearest you has üiem not, urgfl him to procure thrm nt 71 Maiden-lane, the ■ next fimc he visits New York, or to write for ihem. No famïlij sJwuld bc a treek without these remedies. WSSBUBBR BALMOFCOLUMBIA.FORTIIEHAIR, whïcffi vtift stop it if folling out, or restore it on bald pluces; nud on chjldreh malie it grów rapidly, or on those who have Iot the hair from any cause. ALL VERMIN that iafest the heada ofchildren in schools, are prevented or killed by it at once.Find the name of -$fajLtejfoify on j it, or never try it. Semember this always. ■ ♦ ■ RHEUMATJSM, and [jgg[g positively cured, and all shrivellcd muscles and limbs '■ nre restoreil, in the old or young, by the Iwdun ' VEGETABLE ElDCIR AND NerY'E AND BoXE LlNIMENT ( but uevcr without the name of Comstock & Co. on it. are wholly prevented, or governed if the attack hos come on, if you use the only true Hays' LiMMENT.from and cvery thing relieved by it that adrnits of an outward appacation. It acts like a charm. Use it. ■ HOUSES that hare Ring-Bone, Spaviñ Vind-Galls, &c, are cured by Roofs' Specific ; and SPGlltldCi'Cd horses entirely cured by RoofaFouuder Ointment. Mark this, all horsemen. DaUsy's Xföagical Pain L tractor Salve.--The most extraoidinary emcdy ever invented for all new or old nd sores, and sor e ig3 It has deligutcd M liousands. It will take out all pain in ten minutes, " nd no failure. It will cure the E] LIN'S SPREAD PLASTERS. i better and more nice and useful article never was n lade. All should wear them regularly. -■ ' [n Lllf S TEItlPERAIVCE BITTERS : llJ i the principie of substituting the tonic in place of 0 stimulant principie, which has reformed so manv % unkards. To be used vvith j LIN'S ëMJjgglH PILLS, superior to an ' hers for clcansing the system and the humors affect. - g the blood, and for all irregularities of the bowels, ld the general health.Jí - %. . [See Dr. Lin's Wf)Cthï-%& ULïj n nature, thus :1 ' ff, ■■■ IE ASACBE ü 3R.SPOHN'SHEADACHEREMEDY pú 11 eflcctually cure sick headache, either from tho !)il JSgSa or bilious. Hundreds of families aro !'y " '" using it with great joy. , ■ - - y DR. SPOHN'S ELIXIR OF HEALTH, J the certain prevenlion of [j SSi or any neral sickness ; keeping the stomach in moet per. H :t order, the bowels regular, and a determinatien to n : surfacc. WaHlBfij Bro8jpj ins in the Iones, hoarseness, and B'Q 1 quickly cured byit. Know tlus by trying. C. H CORNS.- The French Piaster is a sure cure. "'' ' ' ' i rf t3 cln ir any shade you wish, but will not color the skin. nm SARSÁPáLLA, comstock's tm. )UND EXTRACT. There is no other prepara. W1 n of Sarsnparilla that can exceed or equal this. ï- you arè suro to ge t Comstock's, you will find it -- )erior to all others. It does not require puffing. Jh the CELESTIAL BALM S ? CHINA. A posiiive cure for the piles, and all :cnnil ailings - all internal irritations brought to the aïa face by friciiou with this Balm ; - so in coughs, satr elled or sorq. throat, tightness of the chest, this Balm a'V )lied on a flannel will relieve and cure at once.--3sh wounds or old sores are rapidly cured by it. jr Jaö 1 prevent or cure all incipient consumption, c;i ia time, and is a delightful remcdy„. Kemomthe name, and get Comstock's. f7T 1 KOLMSTOCK'S VERMIFUGE ■ IlillMLII ■ WJIJJIM il will Jieate all gg ZSJFifiSw 'n íflüdren or adulta „j li a certainty quite astonishing. It is the same as !e" t made by Fahnestock, and sgljg 'yith a rr.pidity'Gp ost incrcdible, by Comstock cJ-Co., New York. Can lloh TOOTH DROPS. KLINE'S-cure eflectually. ♦ red nccording toilet of Concress, n tlicypiirlB-JO, bvComvtock fry 15., iu tho Cltrk's oflice of the SoiUhcm District of Kcw York. ( I íy applying'to our agenta in each town and , ige, papers may be had free, showing the most nn icctablc names in tho country for these facts, so io onc can fail to bclieve them. Ai j-jïe snre you cali for our articles, and not put e iï with any stories, that others are as d. HAVE THESE OR NONE, should be T? ir motto- and never can be trut and genuine -"- out our names to tliem. All these articles to be ■ Ni l Wholesale and retail only of us. cn.ea! y . cript !#2Ztfcm$0 Wholesal Wgists, _ Vlaiden-Lane, New York, and of our agents. QA m. S. &, J. W. Maynard, Agents. Ann Arb )r l hsí


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