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Hiver Rsisin l INT!TUTE. ;- rriHIS lnsiiiution is located in the town of f JL Kiusm, near the nonn hnnk of the beautiful river whose name t bears, otte niile cast of the w direct road liom Tecnmsoh to Adrián. d This eligiblcsite hns been selected for ts quiet seclusion. ihe fcrlility and elevation ut'iis - soil, its pure and healthfulatinosphere. andpleas ant secnry. c Rooms. - There are now on the prèmjöès'suit- bitS rooms for the accommodation of ibriy student sj whfcch are deaigncd to bo occupitd for private study and lodging. Other neergsary buiid- ing areprovidedfor recitntions nnd boardilla. E X P E NS ES . Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, L!.0ü . Board " with 4 hours woik each week, 7,57 f Hoorn Rent, gg , Incidental, f,y Totnl, J2.95 : There will be an additional chnrge of one dol i lar for those pursuinp; the higher branches as Phi . losopliy, Algebin. Geometiy, Astronomy, &c. For Cheniistry, Latin. or Gieek an addition of [ two dollars will be made. Scholars are expected to provide tbemselves with what fiirniiure they i uill need in their rooms, ölso, with lights, fuel, and washing - none will hereafter board tfiem sélvcs. Bills to bc seftlcflin advance. The school is open to all --ipplicanis ol snilnble age mul mofaj chaructcr of cviri]:Uxiun or eondition. ÏÏU"rie sccowl term of this suvimer uill commeniè Wcdiusday Jidy 20tfu II is w.ry desir-ablc that all who design to at tend the scliool. should be on the ground - have tbeir bilis settlpd, n;d iheir rooms pieparcd, before the ürst day of the Term. Ar.y (urther in formaiion can be obtained at the Institu, tion. of by adJiessing, post paid. .T. S. Dixo.v, PTincijial liaisin. Lcnawce Co Hniwn. May IOth. 1842. n5- 2m NEW" N.Y. CHEAP STORE. rTlHE subscriber haa just relurned Aom New L York umi the larires. and best selecied assortment of DRY COODS. GROCJSRIES CROCKEHY, BOOTS 8JÏ0ÈS, AND YAWEE NOT1OXX, pvcr:brp„ght intorhis . niiiiket. pu-.chased pievious to ihe táríffwhich willnnaMe him to wil for cash, asrhenpas uny establishment . west of Uukf.u.o. As we do bu smess on the Ueü y pAY Svstkm we w iü ll0t le undersold by any one in this market, which wi!l be Tor the interest of the purchaser nn4 iealcr. Vewouldsay to the farmers that we sel! goods m proportion to the price of wheat- a buhd of wheat will pufchase as ïr.any good at the present !ow piices as it dij last fall. Now the time for people lo buy goods if they want buy them cheap. The assOrtinent consist in a.'tof the foll.nving anieles: BfiuADCLOTHS, PILOTrio. BEAVERJ SATINET and CASSIMERE, LLKY3EANS f ULL'D CLOTÏIS, FLANNELL. (ol all kinds.) SHEEP'S GREYS. UM BR EI LAS, S1LKR. MUSLIN DE LANES ALA1UXES, MERINO TAGLI0NE , CASSLMERE SHAWLS, VfC'iüRJA do VICTORIA dd. CARLISEdo. ROB ROY and BROCHEA. do BRASS CLOCK, SHFFTLNGS. HOSE, SHIfíTINGS. T1CKLNGS, CRÁVATS, TWILLRP JEANS. COTTON YARN, CANTÓN FLA.XNELS. GINGHAMS, COTTO.N BATTING, IIDKF'S. DI A PER and Tablc Cloths. MITTENS, CALICÓES, (or all kinds,) LADIES D1ÍESS HD'KFS, GLOVES. (of all kinds,) L00K1NG GLASSES, &c. &c. A choice assortment ol Groceries. ■ such oa eas, Sugare, Molasses, &c. &c, all o which, 11 be sold at who.'esaie or re tai I. Pedlars can be nipplied at this estabü hment low as to astonish them. Thesubseriber deerns it nseless to go into fur ïer detail, -hut asks them to cal} and examine or themsclves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Pept. 20. jRj-3. 3m75 DR. J. B. BARNES, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON.- Ho;: -.. and Oflice, a few loorssouiii of the Lafayctte House, where hecaa )e found uightand day. Ann Arbor April 20th, 1842. WOOL, Wheat, Flour, Grass See.I, Burtcr Chee-se, Pork, &c. wanted; also, Black Salts and Ashes. F. DENÍSON. Sept. 24, 1Ö42. tf23


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