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Threshing J}f achines. THE undersignrd would infonn the public1 thnt ilicy continue to mbnüfffclure Hobsk PowKsmld TunisttfXG MácHri&fl, two nnd a Hall mil es iVnni the villngc of Ann Arbor. on the railroad. Tiio Horse L'owéf1 is o late invention by tí. W. Fosler, and is-decidudly superior to any other ever oilcred to the p'dlic, us will op'pear hy . the statements of tliose who have ised them. during the last yenr. It is üght in weight and sinnll in conipass, bcing carriud together wiih.thc Thrcsher, in a conimon Wttggón box. and drnwn wiih ease by two horses. Jt is ns lutle liable to lireak. or et out ot repnir. as anv bther Horsc Powcrj I and v.-i!l Wörlc as ensy and ihrash na niuch wmIi fmir Iioi.ncs attaclicd to it asniiy oilier power uirli jiv, horses, as wil] appear Jiosn the reconimeiidations below. IVew pattems have been made for the cast f rem. anti addiiional woiglit and sirength appüed ivheraver it had nppeáred to be necessary frofh onc year's use of tlie machine. Tlie subscribers deern it proper to state, thnt n numlxT of horse powers were sold last yenr in the villneoi' Ann ArbÖr wfeiph wcre believed by tlie purchasera to be tliose inventod by S. W. i'ostcr. and tliat nist or all ol them were either made niateri il!y dili'cient. or iltered beibrc sold. so as to bo ni.üeriaily dill'crem ("rom tliose made nnd soldby the subscribers. Such nherations bcing decidedly detriment' to the miliiy of the machine. Thcy have rood reason to Belicve that evcry one of thosíí retnrncd by ihe pnfchnse'rs as unsntisfac:or wereof t'.üë class. Tbèy aro hol aware that any Power that went from their siiop, and was put n use. as they made it. has been condemncd or laicj asideas a bad mochifie. All who wish ti buy are invUêd to évamine tliem and to enquire of those who have nsed thnm - There willbe pnotbr examination at N. JI.Wim.'s. Drrrr villagc; and one at Martin Viu.m,n sto:ehm$c, ii D.loi! - botfi these gentlemen beinix ayenta for the sale of them. The price will be sl'Jt) í'or a four horsc power, with a threshing machine, with a stave or wooden har cyliniler; and ijl 30 íor a horsc power with u threshing machine wiih an iron bar eyliniler. The a! tention of the reader is invited to ihcfollowing rcconiniendations. S. W. FOSTKR &.CO. ' Scio. April 20. 1S4'2. R : ( OMM END A TI ONS.This is to cenify that wr have used onc of S W. Fpster's newly inventetl Horse Powers for ahout live rnonLbs, 'nnd rl.roshcd whh u nbpojl 8)00 busliëls', mik! believe ii s constructed on minclples tlinn any other 1 forse Power. - One of ihe ur.devsiprncJ has "-wnodnnd usèdeiffhl difieren t kinds of HorsePowf-rs.niul vo ÜcliéVe thni four liorsea wiil ilir.isli nè imicli wiili ihis Powor as .'■.- wiil witji niy oihcr power with wliich we aro acquainted. H. CASE. S. G. [YES. Scio. .Tnnnniy. ]2. 142. T_is is to iifonn tiic public ihnt I li.nve purohosed, aml liavc hpw in uao. oflc of tlic Horso Powera recèYitiy iny.onted by S VV. Fostcr. made by S. V. Fo8tèr, & Ci.. and believe it be construct cd uio:i betfer nrinciplei. nnd ■■.uires tnss s'rnrrt'i of hthrscs i!i:m any oilier power with which 1 ani acqaauuod. A. WEEKS. Mount C!cincii5. Sopt. S. 19-11. This is to inforni the pnblic that I have purclinsed oneoi the UTqrsq Pawers, rcccntly inventc.l by S. IV. í'o-íim-. and u.? -d it lor ;i numher of nu milis. and believü it is the hest power in use. work'ins with leas sfrcnaili ofborea th'an nny otlilsr power with which I nni ui.-quninted. and being smal] j in dbmpass. ia cnstly movetl from one place to anöfher. 1 believe -1 httrscs wil! thresli as niuch with tbia power ns 5 will with nny other power. Tho plaii nnd ihe workinif of this power have been univcrsaily opprovod oby wliom I liave tiir.-ishcJ. E. S. SMÍTIÍ. Scio. Ai)iü II. 112.SMUT -MACHINES. The', - mnlievcry .r"('(l SMUT MAGIÏLVES whieh thoy will'sell for s'iD. This mncliine wis inVented Iiv'oüc ei" the subscriberé. who linshnd iiuniy ye.-ir'sexpcn'encciii the niiiüng business. Wc invite tho.-e wlio wish to buy o u'n J'J mnchiñc for a fair pricc tobuy of ns. It is vvori!i as mu;li ns most of tlu machTnes ;liat cost froin 150 to $300. S. W. FOSTER & CO. Scio. April, 18, 1842. Woolen Hlanufactory The subscribore havo reccn;ly put in operation a woóllen mnnulactory for mnnufacturinir woollen cloth by power looms, two and a half nulos west from Ann Arbor viljage. on the raihoad, wheie he wish to ïnanuiactuic wooi uï.o clolb. onjhnreB, or roí ay by the yord, on rèasohal li ict'üis. Tiicy have oiiij'ioycd i-. jwi jt-iu i:(J wolkuien and ieel cuntidem work 1 1 1 bc wcll foiie. 'J'hcy rhirreïure respcctfuily ask a shnt q, .■Ijjublic p.nronngc, cspeciatiy Oom these whoare ui favlnr oi ui hü i.iu. t:;y. AVool may hu lef i u 5oiu vi H age. S. W. FOSTER &. Co. Scio. April IS. 184?': Peters pills. 'Tis iun theysay to get wcll wnh tliem, ALL mankimi thioughout thcir wide and iinn nse circulniion ilmt ever iry theiñ conuijul' to buy ilicin. Peters1 Pilis are ptirely veè lalde; they vvork no miníeles, nor do they prol'esa t'i cinc all disensos, lec;iusc ilicy are the scie A.ü: compbund ota reyular pliysicfan, ulio has made his jnofession the study of his li'b. Dr. l'i-K ra ia a graduiie of Yale College, nUo ui" the .M:iss .!( 'husetís Medical College, and liris Bonievli;iulib'jiiL'uishc(l Ijiuisetras a man of scieucc upd genius nníong'áie fbrhily of the late Gv. Peters; Peters' Vegetable Pilis are simple intheir preijnration, niild in their aeiion, thorouh in ifteír opet'uüon, and unrivalled in heir resul s. - The towíi nhd countiy are ahke filled with thcir p'raisé. The pnFüCe nnd the poor house al ke echo wiih ihcir virtucs. , Jn all elimates ilny will retain their wnndorful powers and exert them unaliired by age or situition. nnd this the voice ot a gráteful córnmiihíty proclaimed. - Peters' Pills prevent - keep i íF diseases ii' tiimly us'.'d. r.nd have no rival n eining billious íever, fóvej ;url flgue,dyapepsia, liver Sick hc:idachc, jautuhee, nsthina.dropsy. ríietimatlsrrf, eiil ntrenient of the pplen. piles, colic, feni:ile ohítruction. heart hurn. furred tongue, nauach. d:s!on:inn ojf.the stomach andbowels. ineipie:it diiinhrm. flatulence, habitual constiveness. toes of appetitc, bloched, or sallow complexión, aad in all ciscs öftArpor of i!ie bówelsf vtfhere a eithartic or nperient is indicnted, produeing neithor nausea, griping nor debtl.ity; and ive repeni all who huy them continue lo try thein. Tlic móst triurfiphaht success lias ever altenEled their usé and enough is nlrcady known of them to i:n;nortal.e and hand tliem down to pos teriiy wíth the mprovcnicnts oftlio age in nièd ical sciencc. Dr. Peters was bred to the I iiiíí art, and in order to supp'Ty deminds, he has .riirinritcd and cilled to his nirj the only sieam ■iiivc i inachincry in the world for pill workin?. "Pis perfec', and its prqeess inipnrts to the pill essen lia I virttíe. because by peing per'féctíy wrotígh't. al! thc pills' hidden virtuo is reVëalödj when ealled into action. and here also it is Peters excdsall the world and takcsall the premiums. medals and diplomas. So clenr the tract fnr'tíie Engine - Peters' Pills are coming - a million of wiinessescan now be herd for ihem- resistiese - do yon hear that! while a host can tes:ify llnc ihey helievu ihey owe their, sahation Ironi diseasc and death to Peters' Pil!, and if calomel andknivcsarc getting partially into disuse wc are only niistaktn.Ckhtikicates. - This pnpcr conld be filled with thcm by residents of Michfgfln, by your friends and neighburs - our apenis. It is now weil known ihnt the pc op i g w i 1 1 hnvc Peters' Pilis, and lo binder would l.e (o stop ilio rushing wind. Price 2ó or 'tO cents per box. Tbe rosis'lrss Gatee oí tbcse truths - tlieir universal rcc(;p;ion. added lo the u-stimony otinülio'ns, "keep it bcfore the nnistand will be benrd ihioughout this vnle of tears. Their happy infkienct; on 5oung lndies while suilcrin uridcr the usual changes of life as diregted by the lnws of nature, tliey inipart a buoypney of henrt, frelins; nnd nctioo, an elastic step, velvet check, lilly and carnation complexion by thoir nciion on ihe chyle. i&c. and ladies in del icate situations always admit their power and innocence. and take them two or three at a lima wnhoii'. in ihe sliglitest degree incuiring the hozard of an abortion; which facls ai e of the utin ,8t importance. Pimples: n yoimsr lady sent her love to Dr. Peters, and says she feels tr.ore grateful to Tijm for thercstoraiion of her beauty ihnn i he had snved her life. 'Tis fun fo get wel! with Peters PiHs.for they cause the blood tocourse a&limpid and genile through üie veins as a rauiintiiin rivulet; 3 or 4 is a common dosc, henee the pa'ient is not compclled to make a nieal. TRO'JBLE IN PLUTO-S CAMP. Quite nsíofiisfied Oíd Pinto carne to Ncvv Ycik. ( Hearing lVicrs had got bis Pili Engine at wörk.j To resign bis conimission, his hour glass and scytlie; I have come to deliver thcm all up to yon - Sir. n-y calling is over - my business is through; I have been for three years in a terrible siew, And J ïeaily don't know what on earth l'ain to do.- Not of your ii'ighty sirc do I come to cnrhplain, Bul a tarnal New Yorkcr, oue PETERS by name; The discases my aids. in this war of nunkind, Are subdued by this Peters, wlnu help eau we findf I would yicld him N. York. str, if' thcre he would stay; But, sir. Peters wül have ihe whole world for his .sw.iy. ♦ Whifé miising in cogncil what coursc to pursuc. Thai Engine ofPèiëra.bfökè forth mto view. The Kinprof terrors looked a while. As tbouli his soul was tur ed to bile, At thnt unspnring scóiirge of i 1 Is Byall naren known as Peters' Pilis. These Pilis ol Peters' stop the slaughter. And leaves the blood as pure ns walcr. Now Peters makes. I've benrd him say, Frvé hundred ihousand pills a day; So that ibe chance is very small Of people dying tbere at all; For soon tbe cheeks. si mnrked foc-doom, Begin lik e any rose to bloom. Liok h:re! all v.h tnj ocniinuc to buy (hem. For sale as, by Metórp. Ab !. O. Grenvilie, F. J. B. C'rane. Mnynard. & Co.. G Ward, S. P. & j. C. Jewett, J. II. J.unl. II. Bccker. Dick.'nson & Cogswell, nnd S. K. Jones. Ann Arbor: Geo. Warner & Co-, and J. ftlillerd & Son. Dexter, ïïm, A. L, Shaw. Lima; .'. C. Wmans, Sylvan. U.df, & Smiib. Grasa Lokej W. Jackson. Leoni; D. T. Mertironn, Jackson; JVJ. A. Shocmalier. Rii'cl.ignn Cciiiio; Biotbcrson & Co.. L. B. Kief & Gill'cit. M;incbostcr; D. S. Hay'wood. Ssline; Snow & Kevö, Clinton; J. Scattergood '& Coi.Plymcuth: Stone. B.ihcock & Co., and Juliris. Movius&. Co.. Ypsilanü; Piorre T Hor. l)e:iot; .1. & J. Uidwe.'l. nnd Dr. Underwood. Adrion; Mart & Aiosher, Springville; tlormen & Cook. Brooklyn; Sn.ith & Co., Jonesville; L. M. [Jovee, Chii-aüo - and ul.nost every wherc sise. Oct. 10: Í112 27-lyTO COUNTRY MEHCHANTS AND TÍÍE PUBLIC GENERALLY. rjpHE subscriber has on hand and ojTors for i salo ai low rale?, a large and general as, -ortment of Drugs and Medicines, Phints, Oils Vnrnish. Dye Siuils. &c. &c., wi'h cvery arnele in the Drug and Poiri( line. Persons wish mg lo purchnse any anieles in the abovc line are reijuosted; befure purclmsinr clscwliorc. to c;ill at TIKUU-; 'J'KLLF.irS, Wholcsilo nnd Retnil Drutrgist 139. Jeilcrson Avenue. Slgn oftheGiit AJortar, Detroit. ifySífí f ELL.F'N WILMOTDECEAJ-i J fc.D. Nolico is herc hy given Ihat tbe undersigned has been appointcd by ilie Hou Gcorac fc'edirwifk. Judge of Probate n aud for the County of Washtcnaw. admimstrator on the estáte of Ellon VVilmot. late of Saline in said Countj'. and hnsgivcn fond"saccording to Iaw. All persons having demande against said qstüte are-i-oquested Jo present them for adjustment, and m persons indebted tosaid estáte are request'cd to makc payment without delay. ' ISRAEL WILLIAMS. Aan Albor, Juno 'ü, IS 12. 12- Ow


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