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I HOL &ÍANS, BoncO mtuient. TIIIS Oivmi m smniteat the head oí all remedies fer tho ('ollowing disensos which nature is hcir too, viz:- RHEUMATIS.M both 1 Chronio nml inílamitory- Gout - Sprains - Bruispsflnd contmctedTEjXDOIiS.oí long standing. J.t discusses nll tumours - renders sliíi' joints linihcr I ' nnducing a heolthy muscular oclion. Ji ;ssn.-itr;cs p.-iins in Bon!s and Abcibssks. - Jióih1rtgeqïïds it in svfclled önd inflnmed Iirensis in Femalcé, rf ippliod n cnrly stago. prevents rfti[)peraiion or matter forming, .niuí gives in all cases imir.cili;i!c casefrnm pain. Certilicutes ol this fací could be given ifncccypary. This reniedy is ofTered to tlic Public wiih (be full nssurnncc tlint it f'ar cxcels the Opodcldoc'e nnd Liniruents of the picsent day, fer (he above iliseatirs. A trial is Ouly wanled, to give it the decided piel'ercncc to eyery ihing elsc. Many Piiyscianá ot eminence have used this ointmcnt añd bxtóls its meiiis. n9 The nh ivo oinlment is for -sale liolego1e nnd rétoíl by L. B.ECKLEY. An n Albor, f lover tevn) Juzic I5ih, 1842 9Tü PIIYSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCIIANTS. THE subscritor invites thcattention of Phy ficians and Country Merchants, to bis present stock of Drug?, Medicines, Paints, Ons, Dye SluiTs, Varnish; Brushcs, kc. &.c. coinprising one of the lurgest and ïullestassorttnents bronght '.o the country. In lus present stock will bc found: 100 oz Sulpli. Quinine, superior French and Engllsh, 20 oz. Sulplj. Morpliia, 10 oz. Acct. do 00 oz. Carpenter's WilheriU'e Extract oí Bark, 1 bbl.PowderedRImbnrb, l CliObt Rlmbarb Koot, . 1 bbl. Powdcred Jalap, 50 Ibs. Ciilomcl, ScasksEpsom SStg, lScasksFall and Winter strained Sperm Oil, .40 boxes Sperm Candles, L000 ibs. White Lrad, dry and grnund, 4catká Linseed Oi!, Dentisü Instnnncnis and Sloclc Gold, Silvcr and Tin Foil Platina Ware, Porcelahi Teeth. A general a-söttinnu of Palent Medicine?, nll of which vrill be sold on the most reasonable terrns. PIERRE TELLER. 159 JeiTerson Avenue, sign ofthe Güt March 13. Mortar, Detroit. TAILORLVG BUSINESS ! AM.ÑOBLE, would rcsjicctfuliy inform the citizens of'Ann Arhornnd itsvicinity. ihat he lias oponed a shop in tlieLower Tuwn. mmoliintely over the late mercan til e stand r{ und & Cxib.son. and opposite tlie siore of J. Bccklcy & Co., whorc he is prepared at all times todo work in lus line, with promptness, and in a neat and durable mqnner. Particular ancntion will be paid to cuttinf gnrinents. Produce will be taken at the usual pri ees, for work done at bis shop. These who have cash to pny for services of thts kind, are particularly invited to cnll. Ann Arbor, April 27, 1842. tfDR B AMISTE R'S C ATKAR TIC PIUS. TUIS pill lias not only been used by myself, but by a number of Pliysicians of higli standing, both in ihis and other States, to great advontage, .By. the frequent andrepcatedsolicirationsof my rriendáI have conscnted to ofier ihcm to the public os a most efficacious reniedy for all those bijlious disensees originating fn a nevv country. The above pill is for sale wholesale ond retail 'y ; -L. BECKLEY. . _- ü Arbor' (lowcr town) Juno 15ih 18-I2. 9 TO CLÖTHIERS. TlIlBsubscriber is jusl in reccipt of a furthcr BupplV of Clolhier's stock, consistmjr of MACHINE CARÜS ,f lvmv dèssriprir';, Cf'.QWER'JS JACK. Aï TJN ETWA II P. ('ARü CLEANSER8 and PWKEliS, SHUTTLES. REEDS, KÈTTLES SCREWS. PAHSOX'S SHEARING MXZhMl? FnlERV referysize,) TENTER HOOKS, PRESS PAPER. ïögettir wUh a wrL sèlected as.ortmmt. oDYE 'WOODS.aud D E STUFFS of the very best growth and manufacture. These goods (coming ns they do direct from hrst hands) the subscriber is enabled to sell er thnn any other house wesf of New York, lic thereforc solicita the attention of firms in the clothing business, to the examina! ion of his stock and p ices before going cast or purchasiiif elsewhere. PIERRE TELLER, Wlnlesnle and Retail Drupgiít, J39 Jeffcrson Avonuo. siirnof thetiilt Mörtar, Detroit. Eái'ATE OY JACOB LAWTON DE CEASED. - Notice is hereby given. that Che undersigned have proved the lest will and lestamer.t of Jacob Lawton, deceased. and have tnken letters Testamentary thereon, ' nnd hnve ■íiyen bonds according to law. All persons iiilebted to said estáte are requested to makc payment wnhout delay. and all persons having claims agaiustsaid esta'.e are requested to present the same to the subscribers, -.vell authenticated, for payment. CEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM. Lxccutors of ílie last will and Testament' of Jacob Lawton. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 18-12. SinTEMPERANC HOTEL, BY BOBERT& TEKHUNE. (COK.VKK OF MICirKiAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES, DKTKOIT.) THE abovc House is plcosantly sifuated nea the Central Railrpad Depot, and is now u.i Ucrgoing Ihorougl, repairs. 'J'he rooms are plen. ant tho B. da and Bedding all new, and ihe Tabn will besujiplicd with the choicest of the market nml the piopiiotors assure those who will favot tfiem wnh tlieir c-ustoin, that all pains shall be fáKen to make ftieir stay with them ngreeable. l'AKK, very loto, and accotnmodation good.- Uiirinsrcs to convey passengors to and from the IJ o tol Iree of expense. Detroit, Apn1?? 1842. T';f,conomy is vvealth." IIE Suoscribers will pny pny twn cents per pound in Gooils or l'nper för an quantity of ïoo.l clean SW1NGLE TOW, delivcied at the Ana Albor Pppor Mili . , , JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Aibor, AprH 27, 1342. tf NEW"(GrOODS ! ! "p' DENlSOiV has just received a complete ,kt S0f DRY-GOODS, GROCERIES AND CROCKEIIY, which will be sold vcry iheap for money or most kinds of produce. Des:n,Mions and prices will be given at thcStore. Ann Arbor. June 1, 1842. IAIíARATUS - A prime artielo in boxes or O barrels, for sule at ihe lowest prices by ,, ,-, F' DEN1S0N. Sfejt. 24, 1312. ftT R WALKER reepectfully iniorms him O incnds and the public in general ih has recently conimcncecl business, in the'tai'lo . ng hn,oiie door east of Bowcr's dry goode stoio where be is prepnred to execute orders in tha neatest and most faahionable stylc. Gafthems-Wil! be made to order, in strictconformiiy wit i ü.e present préyafline fashlon and tasie ol the doy, and warranted to fit orno charge. llu Ladies' Riding Hnbits made in the latcst INew ork or Philadèphia fasliions. Fnends.. or Quakers' garments will bc made in the neatest and plaincst style. Cuttiny done af shortest notice. All kinds of Mil. lary Uniform and undresa epata andpantaloons. made agrceable to (Lenres ent military or regimental order. ' . . , ' WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25A, 1842. 14- 3ni. IU1MBKR constantly on hand and Tor sale Í by,n ÏQ F. DENISON. Jnnc 10, 1842. ,r pARSON'S PïlEARJNGMACHJNKs"' J. - Ihko. IL E.vroN Sc Co. 138. Jeffcrson avenue, nreihe sole agents of these vcry cclebrated niaclmics. iO ClAJTIiVETT WARPS ON BEAMS.I O I iiKo. II .Latos & Co., 138, JefTersoT Avenue, oíler for sale a larpe stoel, of Snitineit Warpsj from the iew yo,k milis. Theee Warps are contsidered supotior to anv oiher in the country, and wil) be sold, for cashat a mail advancc. 12_gw Wool Carding: andCÏöür Drcssiaig". rfiE Subscribers respectluily announce to the X citizcnsAnn Arbor and vicinity. that they are prepared to card wool and dress cloth for cus tomers. in the best style, and at the shortest notice. Haying good macbinery. exporiened werkmen, and long practice in the business, ihey have the utmost confidence that they shall give complete satisfaction. J. BF.CKLEY & Cö. Ann Arbor, April, 2ï, 1-42.


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