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Plan: For The Signal Of Liberty

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cruing the nations ofthe car-t'n it is Wlgreat pi-riod of time. We judge from the histury of naiioi s, ihat the time bas neaily e.vpired lor the breaking up of American Slavcry. We j.idge fanhcr, that if we. tle Áílerítd people. who aie rcsponsiblo for tliis evil. tlu not deviso mcans for thoir liberation, that Gu;l will, by signal iets. take t!io matter inio hisown hands, and ddiver ilicm from their servuudc. Untler this estublished pr inciplein the divine govcrrimcnt. and wiih a view ötour rolatïonshjp to it and to American Slavcry, what sliould be done? We answer, unhesitatmyiy, i-!)rea!i the bands m sander, and let the üppress cd go rrnnedintely frec." Uut this will not meel the views of the mnjorityofihc Ameri can people, nnd hence the phianthropUt will be disappointed in view of that -.ctiou which would inect bis warmest feelings. Fu view of ibis, we would propone a plan, cmJracingand harmonizing the di.Torent plans, and rt'hich will cover the entirc groiinrl and accomilish the event. We have believèd for fome time bat the plan nnd action of the abolitionista were 00 droumscribed and vould not ultímate in the ;ranl design ofimproving the African race to ho extent vvhicb might bc wisheiL Our scheme contetnplates the destruction withna short (inde.'inite) numlcrof yéars, of negro lavery througl o t he glo'e.and ;he general bcn'it of tho A'rican race, anJ continent. The chemeis this: l. Colonize. 2. Emancípate gradmlly. 3. Abolish immedinte!y. 1. We would colonizo all who would or could ie prevailed upo to go willingly irom tbiscounr.v- Our place for colouizing ihem, ís the coaet of Vfrica. Iu doiniï this, it would bo ri gbt and it to give the colonist as good a preparation and utfit as the circumstances will afTord. For this wenefifjn two important and sufficient reasons. !. The first is, by formirtgcolonies on the eoast )f Afrioi, the slovo tradc would effectually be iroken up, which isnow carr'ed on as extensivey as 1 1 any former pcriod. 2. The' secor.d' is, he bpncfiiing. i. civilizing. christianizing and jevating tbe condition of the hordes of África. - Ve believejthut the elemenrs nre in the Southern statcs for legislators. suliool tuachers. jurists. ag iculturists mechamos, incichants and' tnis3 ionaies for tho African Continent. We sec nothng which would forbid our sopposiftg that God, n his wise providentialarrangemetits and govrntucntal care, will niake this disposition of a sufficient numher to answer ihis end. 2. We would grndually emancípate. This is hc second featu c oí this plan. "We propose his to harmonize wiih the foeüngs of the more iórtlfern of the slaveholding States. Influenccs :an he bouglit to boar upon them. so as to inluce them to emancipare fheir slaves in a short mmher of years. Into iliis measure some of he more S.uthern siates woulJ uot come, as oon ns miglit bo wJsbe'l. Wo are pnrsunderl iiat Virginia. Marylnnd. Kcniucky and Missoa1 inight be inilticed to emancípate. 3. We would then abolish, by naiional enactïents, slavcry va those siates whera ihe emanipation acts wcre refused. In doing this we 'ould preserve the union of the statcs, enJ slavey, bicak ïp the slave trade. colonizea sufficient uniber of negroos to civilize and christianizB p African Continent It may be said that the nbvc embraces three fferent enhemes, rather than one. We answer n. Either of the foregoinj features ofitseF. ill notaccomplish lbo end contémplate d. By nibining and unititig1 colonization, emancipan, andaboltiion. we will be able roperform the eat work. And we will farther be ablc to lire the belligerent parties which now divide ï country, niía accVfmpuaK "nottííriff. We wil! = able to meet tho wishes of the northern slave ites and slavelioldcrs, or oihcrwise iake away cry excuse which they may offer for not = ming thisdecd of humanity, and exculpating jmselves from guilt and punishment. As to the feasibility of this scheme, we think re is more than any single one which has been ïsented. As to this, thero may be dilierence jadgment. We hope, if not disturbed and ,i sed, to bc nble to show the perfect


Signal of Liberty
Old News