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J ir. 131 lie b.l! leiülive o Kiie Depntininis in nconiórutPil villagec? iniJ i'jfie was passrd. 'J'lie Itill i'XRinpis Firemeii ('rum rnilit :i i y du ty aiul setting on j '.tien fureypr Ilioicaftc, nfu:r li:i vïijfr sêived si ven years: nul ppunit tlic C-'iniiion (Jonncil to p-iy each Fneinaii five dollars a yar vli has laillil'ully ) érlOTDièd lii. iluty: aiitJ the fi. e companieá to sue tlieir iiiemtierd f'ur fines. On mitiii of' .Mr. GrrrNlï tlie Straie ( ook lip (li joint ieoln!imi 1 j aiuPiid Ilie ion s'itui'in n-l.iiive 1o Ekciioná. (Providea íoi lioliüiifr Elec-ioiiïi i ne ny cnly.) Rea tl Lhircl linis üii'l pa-i-el unannioi'y. Biohop Mc Cockiry aniJ llev. Mr. !Iarrion wcre iippuwieii Chaplüins ii tfie Seuai'.-. Iii the IIoiisp, Mr. I.atiirop presetited a memor[J l G. Birney, and moxcdits refVrerice to the jin!ici;ry Coü.m ttoi: ,which grnve i o to s';)n;e 1 -bailan r su ed in its rt'f erence to the CVnim it;co on Ftderal relations. Ou a motjon to ptint tlie report of the Juflitiarv Ci'iumitti'e in regard o negro snffiar(, Mr. Lothrop spoke 'n oppositiön, becnu-e he tljfinfflit th;i! tito Coni.nitíeo vid mistaken the prsyor ot tlie pelitioncrB. The latior not allidd to tlie subject of domeslic slaverx, which foitned n (arge porliou of ilio report . - Mr. GqndwTn pnppnrted the inoiin, fot t!ic piirpose )f diffïisirn; light on the subject. - Mr. Lthrop nnd Mr. Li1 ]i-j ihn, conlihued the debntf?, the bitter répelling with spirit, tho rlinrjre of trávéli'n bpyrind the record. Mr. Johnson alsii thoufjiii theprintinjr imneoesFary. I Ie said that no rrasuns would eversati.-fy tlie pel itioni-rs. Mr OKefie suppor ed the rcpnc. Ttie mot ion prevaikd. A pctition from WtushtnnHW Conniy for an extensión of the rigfatof.8uSr.-igo was presen ted.ín tlie Senafr, Mr. offered a joint resohition lo nmend tiie Consiitn'Li) ao as fuitlicr to ex.end the riglit of electivo frnifchurè. A j-iint résoluüon pïöposing an amon.lmcnl ü) the coiiatittiii'in ex tlie elective firanchisp, was rcad twice and iclcrred to tl' Jndici iry C inmitiee. A l)ill hns been repnrted for the división of tlie Siate intn tlü'i o distric s for ilio choicc cf Repre.-entmives in CunaroFS. It is propnsod tliat tlie (!i.!ricts sii'i.'l bü iiüi!e tip as folluvys: sl Dislncl - Wayuo, Wuchituuw, Mönroe nrid Lena wee, d Dialt)cl.-llhd;tp, Brancli, St. Joeepli, Casf, Berrieti, Vtín B.irpn, Kalmnazoo, Galiiuim, Jqckson, Burry, A lp{Jn, Dttawu, Kent and Oceana Sd District. - Si. Clair, Mac-inh, Oakland Ljyjiipsníii, 'i'gliam. fcuion, Ion::, Cliiüon, thi:iv:iissi e. Gt'lx-eec, Lapcerjb'aginiiWjMuckiiiuw ano Cltippewa. The oninunl of ppeciti n t ïio v.inlts of tlie MnsMic!'iictts banks on tlie first Sntu'day ut' ücti'ibór was -.'.C82. 309, twe aggregate circulaOun wae !8,ü'J0,900. The uumber of banks is 111.


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