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State Printing

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. - Every year, in evoryi otate, there ís a contention among the prinj ters who shal! have the State prinling. The quairel of the printers frequently yctb into the legislaturc, nnd occupies tiieir lime and iittention. The only way to obvíate the difficulty. it appeara to us, is to lct tilo priuting to the lowest bidder who will giveg.od secuiily for ite proper performance. A proposilion by an office in Detroit to do the printing for less thnn it is now done, ronsed the indignafion of the typos, and the sociely memorialized the legislature on the subject. The eubstance of their argument is, that prices are low enongh novv, k. ihe coniracts oujht iot to be Jet to the low. bidder, bccausc theomotint eaved to the State wou ld come out of their wages. It is obvious that the laborers on our ra.lroadi, and indeed all persons in employ of the State.on the same principie might coinend for Jiigher uoges thiin those for which otherá would be willing to do the same work. All jobs would tl;en be díspelised, by favoriti.-in, at atbitrary prices. Such n state of things, we apprehend, would not. promotc the public welfare. The right principie for the Legislature to act upon, is to let those have the printing who will do it properly at the lowest price.ff7We hope our friends will tluow away tlii; distinctiojis ivhich have exihted os whig obnlitionts, end drmecratic abolitionists. Jf cherish'd &t adher'd to witlj tenaciiy,they tend to créate jealcniirïs bctween men tvho diflfer more in nome thnn rcality. Thw.js the only rock on which wc ca be ehipwrecked. Let us keep clenr of il. We need not steer our course by the marks folloveJ by deccased.rot ten, or broker, down parties. While we adhere to the overthrow of thn Slave Power as the great object of oiir enterprise, there s ampie freedom on other points for personal preferences. But if we are to be anti-slavrry whtgi, and anti-slavcry demócrata, it is plain we must org-nnize twj partios. We find that as men become ottached to the Liberty cause, they bccome less and less interested in tf;e movements of other parties. - Some of our 6ubscnbers,once whigs, feit rather sorc, at first, at what they cooceived to be onr anti-wkig course; but now they can see its proprieiy and necessity, and fully approve it. The same is tme of some democrats. Our business, es a party, must be to takë a judicious and independent course, without being led by the action of other partios, andfollow it with wisdom and untirintr energy.


Signal of Liberty
Old News