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I he Presbytery of Washtonaw will ho!d its semi-annual meeting at Hamburg, Livingston County, on ihe aecond Tuesdny of February next, at 6 o'clock, P. M. Bishop Marsh i. expected to preach the opening sermón. The stattstical reporta should be presented at thai meeting. I. M. WEAD, StatedClcrk. Ypsilanti, January 21, H43. NO TI CE. On the 8th próximo, the Liberty friends from vanous qunrters wi'I assemble at Aun Arbor, three hours ride of Detroit. The Ceñirá 1 Committee demring to bring al! possiblo influence to bear on the cause, propose to hold severa! successive meeting in Detroit, after the close of those at Aun Arbor, to be addressed by all the prominent speakers in this parry. Mr. Birney, Rev. J. P. Cleveland, and many others will be present. The proceedings will be important and ■ ntcrestin?. Tlie Committee trust, that all who desirc to particípate as speakers, or be present, will arranye, so as to sp .re the necessary time. the Commiuee hereby assuring them óf the hospitalities of their City. CÍ1AS. H. STE ,VART, Detroit, Jan. 20, 1843.NOTICE. The subscriber would respectiully acknowledgc the receipt of $30, paid by the Presbyuriun Society of Ann Arbr, to consiitute hún a life inember of the Amanean Bible Society. Of ihis 8um t is but just to .-tnte tliat 10 was contributcd by the Young Ladies Sewing Society connected with the congreghtïón: WM. L. CURTÍS.


Signal of Liberty
Old News