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HOL MANS, Bone Olntment. THIS Ointmknt stands at the hejd of all re medies for the following diseases which nauie is heir too, viz:- RHEUMATISM lioth Jhronic and inflamitory - Gout - Sprains - Bruses and contrauted TEJTD'ONS of long standIt dicusses nll tumours - renders stifï joints iiuber by producing a hcalthy action. It nssunges pains in Boils and Abcesfks. - Noihingequals it in stelled and inflaincd Breasis .n Femnles, tf applied in early stage, prevente "ipperation or matter formina, and givos in all :ascs inimediate easefrom pain. Certifícales of his fací could be given ïf necessary. This remcdy is uffered to the Public with the 'uil assuraiice that it far e.ccls the Opodeldoc'e ■nd Linimeius of the piesen! tlay, for the above Siseases. A trial is 'only wanted. to give it the 'eeided preference to every thing else. Many 'Kyscinns ot eminence have used this ointment ■r.d extols its meriis. " n9 The above ointment is for sale wholgsale and by L BECKLEY. An n Albor, flower tbvn) June ]5ili, 1842 9 TO PI1YSICIANS AND COUNTRV MERCHANTS. TIIEönbscriler inviivs theottention of Pliy sMcinns and CmnHrv Rlerchnnts, to hij recent stock of Priigs, Medicines, Paintf, Oüs, Dye Stuffs, Varnish, Brush(?s, &tc. k.c. 'ïoniprit-ingone of the lnrgest and fuUestnssortlaents bronerht 'o the country. In his pretent ■itock wiJl be found: 100 oz Snlph. Quinine, superior Freiich and F.nlish, ' 20 oz. Snlph. Mbrphia, 10 oz. Acct. do 50 oz. Carpenter's 'Witherill's Extract o ' Bark, 1 bbl. Powdered Rluibnrb, 1 Chest Rhubarb Roof, 1 bbl. Powdered Jalap, 50 lbs. Calomel, 3 cat-ks Epsotn Sulfs, iScasksFall and Winter strained Sperm on, 40 boxes Sperm Cantiles, 2000 ibs. White Load, clry and ground, 4 casks Linseéd Oi!, Dcntisls Instruments and Stock Gold, Silver md Tin Füil Platina Ware, Po'celain Teeth. V general a-sortrnen; of Patent Medicine?, al ■f which will be sold on tlie most reasonable erms. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefièrsoiï Avenue, sign of the Güt Ylnrch 13. Mortar, Detroit. TAILÜRING BUSINESS ! A M. NOBLE, would respectl'ully inform the lx. citizens of' Ann Arborand itsvicinity. that ie has oponed a aliop in theLower Town. ininie iately over the late mercantile stanu '-f Lund fc Hbson, and oj)posite the s!o;e of J. Beekley X: ').. wbsre he is prepared at all tinics to do work n his line, with promptness. and in a neat ant htrable manner. Particular a'tention will be paid to cuttiner garlents. Produce will be taken at the usuai pri ■es, for work done at his shop. These who have ash to pay for services of thts kind, are particu irly invited to cali. Ann Arbor, April 27. 1S42. tf DR BAMSTEB'S CATHAHT XCPII.Z.S. TÍIIS pijl has not only been tised by myself, but by a number of Physicians of iiih standing, both in :his a:id other States, to reat advantase. By the frequent and repeated solicitationsof my riends, I have consented to offer them to the iihlic as n most eificacious reniedy for all those illious diseasees originating in a new counry. The above pill is for salo wholesale and retail y L. BIX'KLEY. Ann Albor, (lower town) June I5th IJ4'2. 9TO CLOTH1ERS. TIIE subscriber is just in reccipt of a furflicr nipplv of' Clothier's stock, consistid af MACHINE CA1WS of tvny thsr.riptn; CLOTHIER'S JACKS. AT TLXETWARP. CARD CLEANSERS and PICKi:i;S. SIIUI'TLES. REEDS, KETTLES. PCREWS. PARSON'S SHEARING MACHINE. EMERV. (ei en; size,) TENTER HOOKS. PRESS PAPER. tore.thcr witk a tod', sdextcd asi Qtijnani, oDYE WOODS.aud DVE STUF ES oï the very best growth and inanulncture. Thc(se goods (coming as they do direct from first hands) the siibscrjbêr is enablcd 10 sell lower th;in niy otlicr house west of -New York, lic . therefore solicits the atleniion of firms in the clothing business, to thee.xan ination ofhis stock and p ices before going cast or purchasitiL elsewhere. . I PIERRE TELLER, Wholcsnle nnd Retail Druecist, 139 Jeficrson Avenue, biyii of the Gilt Mortar, Detroit. TÉSTATE OF . JACOB LAWTON 1) E Hj CEASED. - Notice is hereby given. thnt ihe undei&tjjned have provcd ihe Ipst will aiu! lestament ol Jacob Lawlon. decensed. and have raken letters Testamentar)' theveon. nnd have ■.'ven bonds to law. All persons inlebted to snid estnte are reqnested to niakc pny:icnt without delay. nnd nll persons hnvinp claims ".rniiist said esta e are requested to present tiie ■sime to the subscribers, well authenticated,' for ;ayment. -ad GEORGE E. LAWTON, DAVID T. M'COLLUM, Executors of the last will and Testament of Jacob Lavnon. Dated, Ann Arbor, May 7, 1342. 3m TEMPERANC HOTEL, BY SIOBEI1T & TERÏÏIUNE. (CORNKR OF MICHIGAN AND WASHINGTON AVENUES, DKTHOIT.) T 1 1 f I E above House is plensantly situated ñca _fi_ the Central Railroad Depot, and is now uj liei'fQiug thorough repniis. The rooms are plea, int. th' B ds and I?edi1ingall itew, and ihe Tabn will bcsupplied witlj the choicest of tho market irj.d i!ie proprietors assure those who will favoe thein wiih thnir custom, that a'.l pains shall be taken to rnake their stay with tliem agreeable. Faiík. very Icio, and accommodation good. - Cnrriaires to convey passengers to and from the Hotel free of expense. Detroit, Api-;1?? 1R42. 'I'X'ONOiMY IS VVEALTH." TME Sutiscribers will pny pay two cents per poui.d in Goods or Paper for an quantity of good clean SVV1NGLE TOVV, delivered at the . Ann Arbor Paper Mili JONES & ORMSBY. Ann Avbor, April 27, 1842. tf NEW GOODS ! ! FDENISO.N' Iris just receive;! n complete stock of DRV-GOODS, GROCER1ES AND CROCKERY, whicb wül be sold very clieap lor money or most kiridfe of produce. Descriptions and priers will Bc iven at theStore. Ann Ardor. Jim'1 I, JP42. SVLARATUS- A prime alucie In. boxea or barrels, for sale at iho lowcst prices by F. DEN1S0N. S$t 24, 1842. ft 2rit WALKER respectfully informa nis friends and the public in general, that aörecently commenced business, in the tailor ng lint-, one dooreast ofBower"s dry goods stol e vherc he is preparéd !o e.xecute orders in the icaicst and most faehionablc style. Garments will be made to order, in strict con brniity whh tlie present prevailing foshion and aste oí the day, and warranted to fit or no ihnrge. Ladies' Riding Habiis made in the latcst Psew ïorW or Philadephia fashions. Friends. or Quakers' garments will be mado n the neatest and plainest siyle. Cuiting doué'at shortest nonce. All kinds of Military Uniform and undrcss :oats and pantaloons. made arreeab!e to il.e present military or regimental order. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor, July 25th. 1842. nl4- 3m. LUMBER constantly on hand and for soíé " by F. DENISON. June 10, 1842. tf . PARSON'SSHEARING MACHINES - Theo. H. Eaton & Co. 138. Jcfif - son ave.nuc, arcthe sole agents of these vcr'y a ebraied machines. 12-t SATTINETT WARPS ON BEAMS - Thko. H. Eaton & Co.. 138. Jefferson Avenue, offer for sale a larpe stock of Snttinett Wi,pa, iïotn the New York milis. Tlicso Warps are contidcred supeiior to any other in the country, and will be sold, for cash, ai n srnall advancè. 12-8w Wool and ClolïT Dressing-. THE Subscrihors respectiuily announce to tj citizens Ann Albor and vicinity. that they are prepared to card wool and dress cloth for cus tomers. in the best style. nnd at the shortest notice. Having good machinery. e.xperienced workmen. and long prnctice in the business, they have the utmost contidence that they shali give complete satisfaction. J. BECKLEY &, CO. Ann Arbor. April, 25, 1M2. _ "33c ïras of fcrírtftínfl mint fotLot." JACKSQN TEMPERANCE HOUSJ?, BOTANIC MEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold Baths Dr. J, T WILSOIV, East end of Main Street. Jacfcson, Mich. Rivcr Raisin INSTITUTE. f 8 lHIS lnstilution is located in the town of _1_ Raisin, near the north bank of the beautilul nver whose name it bears. one mile enst of the direct road iiom Tecumseh to Adrián. This cligible site has been selected for its quiet seclusion. the feriility and elevation of iis soil. i;s pure and healthfulatmosphere, and pleas ant scenry. Rooms. - There are now on the premisos suitble rooms tor the accommodation of foriy students; which are detiigned to b occupied for private sludy and Iodging Other necessary build ing areprovided for recïtntipns nnd boarding. EXPENSES. Tuition per Term of eleven weeks, $4.00 Board iw with 4 hours work each week, 7,57 Room Rent, 88 Incidental, í0 Total, 12.95 There will be an additional charge of one dollar for those pursüing ihe highcr branches as Pliilosophy, Algebra, Geonietiy. Astronomy, &c. For Chemistry, Latin. or Greek an addition of two dollars will he made. Scholarsare expected to provide tliemselves with what furniiure they will need in their rooms. also. with lights. fuel, and %#lhing - none will hereafter board theni sel ves. Bills to be scttlcd in ad vanee. The school is open to all applicants of auitable age nnd moral character irrespective of cuvijilexiun or condition. QZP'Vi: second term of this suvimer ïcill com menee Wediu s-.luy Julu 20Á. II is very desirable that all who design to at fënd the school, should he on the ground - havo their bilis setiled. and then1 rooms' prepared, before the first ctay of ihe Term. Any lurtlier informaiion enn be obtnined at the Instiiit, lion. of by adlressing. post paid. J. S. Djxon, Principal, Raisin. Lenawee Co Mich. Raisin. ISlny Htth. 1H-12. n5- 2m . NEW W.1JLE, .ftJYKfi IVIJVTER N.Y.'CHEAF TORE. THE subsenber has just returned from New York with the lnrpcst and best selocied assortmeni of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, CROCKERV, BOO'IS $ SHOES. AND YANKEE NOTIONS, ever brought into this niarket. purchased previous to the tariil' which will enable him to sell for cish, ascheap as my esi!ihlisl)ii:ent west of Büffai.o As we do bu siiiLss on tlie Ready Pay System we vi!l not be undersold by any one in this. market, which willbe for the interest of the purchaser and dealer. We would say to the farmers thnt we eeil goods in proportion to the priee of whe.-u- a biisiifl of wheat will pinchase as many güm.s a: the present !ow prices as it did last fall. Now the time for people to buy goods if they want buy them chcap. Tle assortment consi&t in art of the following anieles: BRuADCLOTHS, PILOT rio. BEAVERd SATINET and CASSLMERE, KENTUCKY JEANS. FULL'D CLOTHS, FLANNELL. (oí all kindfi.) SHEEP'S GREYS. UMBRELLAS, S1LKS. MUSLIN DE LANES. AL APIÑES. MERINO TAGLÍONE, CASSLMERE SHAWLS. VICTORA do VICTORIA do. CARLISE do. ROB ROY and BROCHEA. do. BRASS CLOCK. SHEETINGS. HOSE, SHIRTJNGS. TÍCKJNGS, CRÁVATS, TWILLED JEANS, COTTON.YARN, CANTÓN FLANÑELS, GINGHAMS, COTTON BATTING, HDKF'S. DIAPER and Table Cloihs. M1TTENS, CAIJCOES, (of all kinds,) LADIES DRESS MD'KFS, GLOVES. (of all kinds,) LOOKING GLASSES, &c.'&c. A choice .'issortment ot Groceries. such a eas, SiiErars, Molnsses. &c. &c, allo which ill be suld at wholesale or retail. r.on94 Pedlars enn be supplied at this establihm tnt low as to aslonish them. Thesuliscriber deen)s it useless to go into fur her detail, hut asks them to cali and examiné or tliemselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sept. 20, JH42. 3m75 NEW GOODS! ! F DENISON, is now receivingas usuolly well selected assortment of fall and winter GOODS, which will be sold cheap for cash or barter. N. B. As cheap as any in town. Siptember24, 1842. tfi


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