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Win du pttaJ.siHt-i every Aluiirjay niorniny in A inArbur, Waslueiiiw Counïy, Michigan, by tliu Kx.icutive C.itivnittee cir. Micliran Stuir Anti-SlavTf v .,- â T. N. CAÃLKLNK, JWtkr. Tcrvs - Two Dollars per ni,num,.'nrfrnc. Tw: ])ll:ir8 and titty cents will lw. iequireJ,il mt pai'I till theexpiration ufg.x months. Any pers n who will forwnrd to u the nnmes of toe ne.v s ihrihcrs, wal the nny in advnncc, â hill le en i-led t one cnpy wih ut chargé. Ni pi;cr disontinued untilall arrcarugesare pa d. (CTPers)ns wishins to ndvenise will flndthis Paper .1 v.ilniblc medium 'qf rommunicati n.nsit ircuhrciin néftriy overycomüy in thcStnte j-n A lertÃ3e ncntsinserledat the usual pricesin th'it vicinity. A!l rentttances an;] nll covimncatim? dtsignrd .'.r pitbtic ition. or in any m;mner rclnfinir to thi piper. will !ir licrtÃfter nddrosjcd. post paid [TT vu. or Ltbkrtt: Ann Arhor. Mich j
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