Selections: Abolition At The South

The proceedings in the Latiüier case have much alarmed the slave brceders of Virginia. The leading papers are discussing (he important (uestion- '-Whiit shnll be done?" And the conclusión is- vót'itngi We find the fjllowing in the Albany Patn )t : From the Lynchburg Virgtninn. ': We ara for draming the cup of forbearance to the dregs - but wlien we are driven to tlie wiill. we nre ihen n favor ot' using a!l the weapons in ur hands to overpuwcr uur nssnihmts. Onu ol these means is 10 "abdiiel" thrse negro-stcalers - for tiiey can not be nrrested - to bring ilieni beâ re mr tribunals of justiee - to give them a fair trial - -jDii to p'unish them il they are fouVid gÃiTfy - as we wnulii arraisn and pucush a negro-stealri or kidn:ipier, cauht in the act of seizmg or running off his stolen goods. Tlie N. Y. American ileclares that this is a "rabid proposición." and ia surprised to see it in ihis paper, which it is pleased to compliment for the general inodt-rjtion oà its tone. Jiut does 'he Auièncan suppose thnt -Soittliern people have no Saxon blood in iheir veins? Ddes he suppose ihat we do not know â ur riglus - or thnt. knowing. we h..e not the spirit to maintain them? It the able editor ol :hat paper imagine, if one whum he deeins so e itpernte can counsel so Mabid' a propoai'ion. wljat niust he the státe d eeniimeni amóhg the ;ieople iiencraHy - and to whnt a feurliil state oà Lwciiement public feeding will reacli, il" ihese outrages be repeaied. We gain wam the people of ihe'Nórih, hinds ar f." Tuo Riciüiiond Whig. the iendins paper of ilie modi lavorible pany to aboliiion" soutli of he P.nomac. in contnienting on the hbove, jvinces p.-jin] violem-f (if'Jisposuión vvitli a stil à ,'reatei aiv.l more intellieni consoiousnees ol' the uiter.impracticahiihy oi doing any ihing for reef It i a pitiabie oöndition the slave (-..lders (ind themsclves in. to sce tiieir Jol dispiaed. a .d iheir ulory tramuied rtnd"r foot, whUe ihey can lo n jihing to help themselves. It is enough to :nake them frantic. From the Riehmond Whig, Dec. 7, 1842. â¦In every sentiment of detcaiaiion ex.uesseil liy the V'irgini.ina oi tlie doingü o: Ui â i.iad and iiiisenievous Kanatics. we ejineiy concur. - I'ht;re is no sip, liowever i-xireme nnd violenl, Nvhich could bt taken to arifst these disturben o! liie public peace. wlnch we wiu!il not rcaiiily ulopt. But that sfep. to cjnimaiul our approbaUon. must be eff'cctii'e, or at letst bid f.iir lo be so. Wi; coniess uuiselvus at a los to w svhat this step is. 1 he lüiafSrtune is, tlut we have enemies wiiiiin. as wèli as witluuit. We can nol reIv upon a.'l the ïsoufliern iv.en. Tl,:, w.i. ppniully (lemonsiniied s in; linee years iig.ij whyij tire Souiliern membeis of C.mrcss licl.l x mei tuig to devise (KJne measiire io siay tlu progress ot Abolition. Ji was iound, on coinpuniig opmioiis. tliat u luce p.irti'Hi of tlu.-e present were. ui e.iect, very hule b'.Mter ilian Aboliti.uiss. and WOuld eoucur in iiotlnng that was sugescd ol' ;i character sirong e.'Mugli io puduce any good. - The lact is. wu !;;ive u gieat partv in our liiidit, who are c niát inily preuciung unicersul eguulily - the very essence of Abolition -and if uas enect, u must wc i ken Hiu cause o! domesue alavury. and will, in ihc end. totaily subven it. We d- th;it pany ihe jusiice to say, iliai ih'ey ïinve 110 desire 10 produeo t h is résult;- Hut ;t is the inevitable effect ot ttie full (levcfity. inciii und ruitiun af ihe docirii:e$ tlu-y incúlcate. The coinmon mimi can not driw tintje mtc disihiciiune, which assen ih.-ti it is tho rirst low oi God und Deiitocr.icy, hsn til l ihêft me qunl. nnfl in tl 10 same time tli;u u Is right and priiper limi Afncans sliall l.e depriycd ot ilns equtijijy nnd held in liomlnge. Meséis. JefferáÃi'n II.-.ikJ .!.Ii. :md Ut echte t Co. wiio wnh vt-ty dis-critiiitiatinu (Kiweie, enjoy a clasticiiy ot' odiiscÃhco. muy nbile ihese conti ndict"ry coficlusiiuts - Bui iliPir folluwers will le iin.ihle to keep pneê vvhh tliem: and ihvy will find. wc (e:n. uiicn it is too late, iliat they h,ve sown tht: whirlmnd. Tliis notion o univcrs.-t! i q'inlity. it luny bc bservtuJ liy ihe way. is a F;nch noiion - , diicovery ol tlic Fr-nch Pliilitsophrrs, whj) plantecl tlie sreds at the FiRücli RëvoJuya'n. It fris no An;Io-Sa.viiiiisii) in it Onr Kiiylish nnccstoip alw va lookcd at hiinian nature us it is. and had roo mui-li sense to concch'è sncli an nbstirdity. io. it oriyinnn-d wiih rtici Ficncli - ihnt gtiHnnt ni'f merciiiial pcopli-. wlio wiih all ilieir virtuee. neyer Iih.! nny just conceptlon ol' ihe mo.-ms in preserving gémiine liciilnin. mul for tlie w mt ol ihat coininon sens; wliieh lnsai'ays disiinuislied .John Ikilhmd his Anc)i-gnxyn lloo(l I evtr it is lóünJ. nc'vèr ejnjoycd iliè blcMihsa "i wcll reftiilnted liboriy. Vuivrsal rqvl,tâ! v.W iiaiiiic stiini) faiwiion.l upon il; ;in, yC neh is the laiuiiy 01 man. it bonsja ihe mo.t enthuaiatic j votnries. and a long ca-;iloytm üf bluoi-'y vintinis! Uut tqucliing 't ri-nicdy for the eyila u-e labor itnder. Wc have alreadv Ãsüited that wc know ol j none. As to n SouiIhtii Convention - w a n it do? Our litara are that it wnuld evajioratc in tnokc or worsc Jl party ckii 'il be kcpi oui ut ii - tfong rc-sohniwi)i - thosc gr'cat jn fïivVit itc implciüents Oà Suiittirrn wiirt'nro - vvóijlfl ile adoptcd. and the ineinixiiK would rt-tnrn to their i lio::iÃ-B porfretly sntitÃo thnt ' t!iy lm! slain thumonster. Ju thia way, ;i new diluy ol drcisivt iciioij wuuld urine, and wo shuuld bc worso oli ;hiin we ara now. We have thought that the bet thing for the South was to brinir mattere to a crisis a s on at Pasible-- before the defección amonu ounelvcsliill. Irom ihe canees obove advr.rd to. lmv( spread throughout vur entire linins. and renderen til resisiunce or even on eflf,.u nt nny. lutilü aml univ.iiliny. It' a Convention conld hnsleii thé c u.iMruphe, it hould have our hc.-irty support.- In the mciin time. however. uniil wo see tnat it produce tlns efleci - ihe only good one, W( enn iinatrine-we must be comént lo awaii süiikothf;rand more potont remedy." '"S-wiie o'her and more patent reme.iy"' mus' be wnited lor, bm nfter ail, none othcr is suggetted. Is not that giviug ii upï Odservc thnt ilii ndvocrite of law and order ia ready for any de;d. "however ex reme or violent," that th dmbo'i en! imnüination of the overseers c.n devise, lm: t must i;nt lenst bid fnir" lo be elft cive. and they nredeiporately "at a loss to know what tliis step is," that will even pnunisc n:!ier. Observe, too, thesrid confession ihat the sluvëholtTerfe '"aVènöw more fvor nssii'cd by the aboliti.mists. and â lesa nble than ever" tn renrl them. and afi to n renu-dy-'-Wf: KNOW OF NONE." That's hone.:!. they have no rén'n-dy but one. nnd tliat 1ülxiliiion. _Try hoinoeonnthy. emleinen. Aholi'iou in Virginia would spee lilv cure abjlition in New York.
Signal of Liberty
Old News