Lard Oil

n e are now wriiin? by the liglit of n specimen of lard uil, â maitiifiictured at the esinMishmeiit of Hridumaii nnd Purtriilyi. by Messrs. farmer mul Kennedy, mid a belter light. ora clniror firticle of' tiil we have never seen. - Messrs Farmer and Kennedy oivn the pntent tor the manufacture of tuis article in ihiá Temioiy. Wc h.'i v -.â been politely furnisheJ by theiii wiifi a lew tenis coneeriiing1 ihe mamilucture "filus ariicle whicii wc npprehctid ivtli be nut a liti!e intoiestmg tu our rèadttrs. Tlie cübi of the mnchincry and fixtures herts from a ]0 to 00 dull.irs. and une ninn can mnnuinct'.ire from (10 to 65 callojis of'oil per dny. The la:d from corn led porie wil yiel.l about b') per cenÃ, of'oil, and 40 tu 45 per rent ofsteariue 'l'helard ritu iimst or ilisiiilery led jiork wil! yield rom 70 u Hà )cr cent, bà uil. The pn.cess of its ni.inuiiciiire is t coinl)ination ol chflBj" cal i 1 1 cl inechnnical iipenition.-). Tiiia oi! wilj stand ihe cold until triaches 7 drgrees b.lw freëziiig point; or 25 dègré'ês abuve zo. A good anide uill weiyh nbftfti 7 nnú one ha! i pounds to the gaMo.i. The present price is one I dullar per "illou at retail, aiid syveniy-llve ceiKs I al whoksak'.
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