
The Synml of Rrnt.irky, nt in recent nicctii'ir.adon'ed Ãic lulowuiL resoJu!ioj),by a vote of'tÃG lo 3. "Resolved. Tn ihe j.idjrement ofthis Svnod, ilint the Scrip: uros di notflx lie rafe of intcr rst on monoy, bul they clenrly nnd diriinrily COndtnnn nl! nppre-sjon and fxfoitior. une llini ns the JavhJ of iho land linve fixd llie rnte ol inirrest ni six ver cont., Tliorefnfë, wo re cotiiincix] to all tli inoinhers 'mder óúrcñro (o nl)-t;iin l'rorn nnd discontinue ihé prnciirp ni' IoidÃdÃ.' inoiiey ot n hiii'-T ratc tiian tljat fj.od bv tiie Inw of üw Stafc." Piob Iv förty-niné ÃiÃ' citis of llm cloric.i) nnd Ãjjv gPliUfmñi, wlio piiord iliis (esolution iir; S!:ive-ln)!d(irs. 'V'tmy -jaüy "exiort ' frnHi ilioir Slavi, excosrivo tuit, wiilioui coiiipcnsatidi), nnd Jny iipon llieir necks tliv crricrvotis o!;n of nnn)i:_':itetl "oppre-siiÃii." Vel, tliey en talk nud reróivü nt;'aii'..-t nsnri.ii8 nlerost on money, nnd quote Scripturc iii eondoinn;itioii of if. Teil utf, if tliis is not .traiDing at a gnutand sw.allülvúng a caiuel? Ãn i'!ir;f?t:itp of New-York ilu re r.rc fourtecn ! ilinusan'i omo linnilrt'l nul etc ven ) nién. or on; to every Diiu liiinJr''il an.I 8 vnty â t wo of the jopu! ïti'iM. â ' 1
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