New Year's Preaching

A Phcnd ui Philudelphia wiitee, Jan 5: "My gnod postor, Rev. Albert Barnes, in bis New Yenr's sermón, spoke upon slavery ibout-tcn minute. I was tsorry nt to hear it beincr in JrCv Yoik, but my friends eny it wag most admirable, and thnt tliey never knew mm 6o amniated. All wlio hit ve spoken of it to me, beinp gond ontisluvery ineii, Imvo p'ráised irin the lnghcst leinis. I the afternuon he ag.-iin nlhidcd to the subject - ayuin in tho evonincr ftt priyer-.neetin; ond on Monday at tlie ronntiilv concert, at whicli 1 was piescnt. I licurd t'ie Rev. Dr. Cox, of firoöklyn, in tlie nficrnoon, and he spoke a lew wurd.s, very pointed on ihe subject, and bs told me thut in lus morninj serinon he dwelion it nuicii Ii.ntr. So ymi see Chrititinn min sters are beginninpfiobe laiihCul. The goud cause isonw.ird. Mr. liarnos said "you tniht os well c-lop ihe OiiriJi in iis revolniion, us to.stop the oinvurd progress of the unti-s!avery cause."
Signal of Liberty
Old News