A Whig Nut For Abolitionists

The FlichmOtVd Whij refers to Mr. Chiy'slndiana speech in reply to Mendonhuil, and obsüt: ves, thrt!, "If the Aboliiior.ists now support Mr. Chy.br the Wluya who sust'iin limv. ihcy must ceiiuinly bis the most foryising oà Uto l.umun incc!" So we sny, nnd nol unlv tins. wliich we woutd do "for the enuse's snke." bui the mosi stupidly uicotiibK nt, also. - 1 'vimcipator. The Philndelph'm N itiona! Gazette snys tbat a letter boa been received in t!iat cuy, (ruin a gentlemnn in Chinn. which staies that ;at the city of Chn-Cian-Foo. 3)0 wo.ncn comÃittiÃl vicide in prefeience to beint; sul.jectetf lu the savage liceiiiiuusness ofihe 13riusli si-lliery.'
Signal of Liberty
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