Communications: For The Signal Of Liberty

Messrs. Editous : - Deing a subscriber and a regnlnr peruscr of the &igmtl, md knowing t to be open to f--ce discuasioi), I would respcctfuliy leg leave tj oceupy a brief s;)uce-in ita coluinri.o. I bave been so-.newliut intercaieJ in the communicaiions of liio Rev. ÃUr. Scotfurd, which seum to have been ealled out by ihe ïnauy and uncaUed for ntlacks tunde upon the M. E. Churcli. I proffss n j conneetion whntuver wiili (lint Cliurcli, noitheram [ ;in advocate of iheir P'icul:;ir tentitsor furni of govermneiit - nevenhe lesa I confess à fuel too niucli lespeet, both for thejr principies, nucà their ntcgrjty, to reaJ witli cpmp'acéncy i'l the calumny and eoiiiumely ihat hns been licnpcrl upon :he:n, nnd too. n some iir'stances, by their viwéd fnends. It has ihereÃne aflorfled me, nnd na doubt innny others, much grntifieation to know thnt Mr. S. taken .isinnd in delence oftlie Society of wliich ho is a member. You wül pardon me, therefore, Messrs. Editors, for expressinjj a wis!) tint Mr. S. wül continue in the field. If. aa I suppose, thu charges against the M. E. Churcli have been, iit somp respuL-13, tinfounded, nnd the Churcli wroügfully censured, I have no fears Ãbr Mr. S. ÃÃe will, no ditubt, inr.intain his ground, and cstablish I) is posiiions. Tiiat Mr. S. has heen mnde by the Editor, (I ï-penk with uil defeienc(,) to ar,sme a falso posi;ion, as it respeeis ihe mode of trfeniment, tuust ha Ãpiinrent to every discerning mind. 1 d not profes8 'o be thorouhly acq.ininÃed wiili tlie yovernment of the .M. E, Clnircli. a;id n.-iy therefpre niisconceive, but I canot undt-rstand how a Conférence in Michigan crin ! e held csponsible f.r 'cver'y act of a CJiiference in Georgia. The f.ict, simply. that a cohnéxion cxi: .. c; nr.ot i)iofee ii so. lis, iben, the North a equ:il!y cu!pnh!e wiih tho Suutli, as it rctpecfèthe syatem o! slnvery, and in tfe.1t c;ise n'disMutioii of flfé Union would bv tJfe oiAv consistent couisc. .Uut tnusfar ihe mosi inconsiderutc AbnlltioniÃts ;irc uowiljilig to go, So tar as gngging is ctjHtrefBed, I can cor.ccivo "f no -i_v. in whieh Mtnisien, of cvory denoraniitunr, coufil hc s. EfTcctunlIy gaggècfnti respecta iboliiiun, ns liiü Cinirsi. jnirsiiuii hy Politicn! Abâ iliiioniss. â The Miüislcr now, wh'o uirempt lo Mti.-l.üiii .ignuiM fKivry, no cddv wiiriher he advocatc üiornl snasion or polutcni i :i,Ki-.ince, is i;iiiJutiine;l as a umlcrd brnwlfir. :ii'i s iccusod of havii.-g prusiiiuïcd !iis s.icie: oÃlicÃj to ilie base design of advnncitig'aorruj poiicicnl nspirant.
Signal of Liberty
Old News