Association: For The Signal Of Liberty

Tlie practical npur.iiioii of auy ayblem of bo ciiil orgiini itioü clnimtiig to avoiJ most ui the ovilá to which 8ocieÃy is now iubjeut, shoujjd, at be déemed woriljy oi'.i passing n.ticü in a newspaper wliiss pre ït oBjéct is to improve tiia cundido of tlic huijian race. Your p;iper, iYIeVsrs! EJilurs', 3 mi.'y siic-h a ricwapnper, nnd ilie FiJUMcr Assjci.iiion is such au orgiinizi'.iun: And ns prncticiJ ic's uiiüt ;!io pcoplc wanl ii i-::.iW!e tiicm tojiwjgeol the claima pi the s}'atfin. J ieg the pÃvt'c pl'presnCiog to y .ui reiders t!ie fölloivirig a:éiheuts'und retnarks, mndo by n tnernber of the Roshiiry A'sSocintiotr, iMass.mhuscfïi, as publishüd Ãn tfié New York Tfiiinno. "I linve ct fairly at work nt my businr&i, w!:l,i i noVV "''cci'.y ,1, liglitflll. f.t-rntr iice Itoil inxictv on ilic :uii(; óTpurcHnic iiriÃTsiiIe. I tind riiyïetf 8urrounded by, nnd enj yiriii suctiii intcr. (ui'-o wiili. persyus whoso eiÃuca;ÃQD.i ficpompliehmcui rmil i'iïunïierr me .cncii ña wÃuld win rtppmbijiion nnd eieni nrÃj wnert', and s uniiëd 'n nteiiit. iliat do timilit ,-in inie in ilic mii'.d if lli'f ilevo'ion of encli the wuJiare of ii!l. or it the frit'iidsbip f all ior encii of t!c incnbera if lilis C'unii)i:ii:y. lkit is } uuhness'. :m ennui. u dressing ytiuriulf on SuijJny nnd loóktngout ui' wiiiâ fo.v to ser i!ic n'iiji If 'u id Ciiirclf: no Jacte of â wcieiy. ni'Tiiiiii; iioon r evening; no Inck of ï)(io!S.ctinvcrbanpn jr pnsújncs; mid .''.-aur. inoro niorïóus i-iü!. livri1 is nu w'riril ui iisd'uJ cmploylitero. no ot' discliarpi; nr Saiurdny nif;ht r (ii.iiir-il;iv tenors. Oh! lint I eould m;ik', 'inown to nll VVurUinii-Men i'w ihoroulilv ; all the most pressinsà l'sthat nfflÃct ilirm nrr rotriediel by Aswciatioa in it gimnieat iorm."
Signal of Liberty
Old News