Yearly Report Of The Detroit Female Benevolent Association

I SÃstkr Mksibkrs, you are a ware of the fact that it s not cnstomary fofemales to speak or , read in public bul sihce t ha fallen u my Iot,I sacrifice all feclinj of diffidcncc, and yield to your request. Thi? e venino1 one year ogo, feeJing oureelvcsfur beliind iho jntelligfence of the age, we asfcmbled in tliis cJiurch for the purpose of org.nnizing a benevolent society, and nccor dingly il was done, rnd on that occasion every tbingf was conducled with patriotism. Some (hirty or forfy of os united our efforts together; but ajas unfortunntdy envy and BupersUtion were Uirown n the midst of us; fire brande upoji rlrc brnnds wcre thrown ainongst ue, until wc dwindled away to the number of seven or eight, thouph tlie bright lumin.iry that lights up tliis habitable globo pointe.Ã our pal b?, and we ha ve gone on step by step, until we arrived at the broad platform ofbenevolence and sisterly love. And while we continue to go onward, I pray God that we may have the smiles of this generons public, and when we close up our march here below, that our labors may be left as a legacy for our rising poslerily.After ihe report was retid, the President siatcd ifany gentlemen present wished to soj any thing-, they ere now at liberly to do su. Messrs. Hall. Walker, Lig-htfoof, Hoyt, Cfilvin Jockson, Munroe, VVillsnn, Clark and Tucker,addressed the meeting very eloquently. On motion, a collection was taken up to aiil the Society. On motinn, onr thanks were returned to the assembly for their Hberality, and kind attention during onr meetinv. On motion of Mr?. Walker, it was resolved that the procpedings of this meeting be ptiblished in the Sig-nal of Liberty. The meetingthen adjonrneii with praye and bcnediclicn by Eider W. C. Munroe.
Signal of Liberty
Old News