To The Wesleyan Methodists In Michigan: For The Signal Of Li...

Dear Brf.thken: - Ãt is but few worda ihnt I wish to sny to you at this time ; n some of you, at least, will see our plans nnd object, together ith cur prospects and encouragements. rfeveloocd from time to time, in ;The True YVesleyan." I lieve rejoiccd grcatly to henr of the movemer, t n Michigan. I am glad you did not wait for yjur Eastern breÃhren. I ara told ihat there nre some six liundrcd in the Membership, and some twenty in the Mmietery, (travelling and ocal I suppose,) who have leÃ't a Church controlled by slavery, and ruled by bishops ; and that vou have already organized a small Annurl Con "erence. The stand you have taken is a noble ore '.t will have a mighty influence on unborn generations, as well as upon the presem. What I vish more particularly tosuggest non-, s, the propriety of our all becoming one body. - This I uüdersiand to be tho desire of many of you, and perhapa of al!. It is very" important that we ail unite upon some general plan of oparations, to bo horeafter agreed upon. "Wehave not only taken the same name, but we are agreed in doctrine, as wel! ns Ãn our reasons for lea ving tlie old thurch; and 1 ma y add, that I hnve no doubt we are agreed al33Ãn the general feiturcs of n plan of ecclcsinsticnl economy, or church polity. We gave, in the first No. of the True Wesleyan, a brief, but very imperfect outlinc of what occurrcd to us at the moment, would he a plan suited to our necessitics. This, after heing pnhlishod in extenso, in future Nos. of the Truo Wesleyan, wiil be submiitcd to a general convention in the Spring, to be modified. amended, or improved ia shall then be thought best. It is our wish that the riühts of travelling p:eachers. focnl preachera, and all the membes of the Cliurch. should be properly secured. And tnia o!ject. we have no doubt, will be fully acc:mplis!icd before the plan is completed. We hope there will be a strong representation from Michigan, at onr general convention the Inst of May, or firsl of June. I tliink the Eastcrn Brothren will bc willing to meet you asfar West as Utica, N. Y. This wiïl be a very. imporant meeting, and wo must have a Inrge gathering. The conveniion to bc held in tho Spring will cxertise the power of a general conference; as it will bo necessaiy then and tÃtere to complete our orgnniznt)on, arrange our discipline, divide the work into annual conferences, and make sume disposition of the whole, for the time being. The prospect is now, that we shall have from thrce to six annual conferences, of respcctnble dimensions. to commenee with. The prospect in the Ea6t is muc'i botter than wc nnticipated it would be at this time; and it is daily brightening. Will you not, dear brcthren, do all you can to circuÃate tho True Wesleyan? This we want you to do on two accounts. Ist. That you may knowwhatisgoingon, and aecondly, tho paper neetls your aid. I air yours for truth and Ãbcrtr.77 - SCOTT. Boston, Mas3. Jan. 16, i 843. "The Wes'eyan Methorfists in this Smte have not, we believe, reengnized in thcir discipline a Local Minietry EU. Sig. ÃÃTThe Suporintendant of Public Instruction reports tliat "The whole number ofchildren. between the nge3 0f5anfll7 vears, is reponed nt 54.70): umJer 5 ard ovor Ã7, at 10 031 : aitcnding disirict cnool. at 56,173; privntc schools, at 3.1 06.- 1 he number betwe0-, 5 and 17, belonging lo famïiirs hnbitunlly any other langun?e than the English, is 1 019, on ! oà all ages belongin? to "'l" '"tilica, reponed at the district schools. 7.Dn. lito fi.imberatfending school, where hooks not ir jfae English brtgufipc nre uaed, is 16' - fKâir u nnd German ndulta who enn rond ilw?:stnoiiheEngii6h ianzzc arere(KBVj'1C-anl?'ntor0rtrrioney actnally nÃ5cd in the
Signal of Liberty
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