St. Clair Banner

The Signnl of Liberty says thni '-the nlmlition vote in cjglit coiintioa in ïhis Sinie is 1655. Vill ilie ''Sigtnl of LiU-ny," he so obliging s to ihat not one f ilicm was given in tbr county of St. Cl.-ur. The ';sliing!c wenvèrs." are too honest and hiih-minded to lend Ãhcir jiil in ilie innnticisin of n few lcmliriE: spirits, w!in. io fjbroin thcir cmis, would willintlv imdcrniine (lic pillars of our governmcnt. liy iniinmine thf. Dnssions of Nonbern cit z 'ns agninsi their breibren of the South." In the ssme column is the following : "ITRemembcr the poor. ye who hnvcn comfortnhlc fire. wnrm clotlnnL', nnd nn nhundnncé of aröwd tbin;9. Think of iliosn who nro snfierins for nll the.e comforts, .-nd stretch forth vour hnnds to succor them. lt wiil bc returned to yoti herc or hereafter." In pleiding the cause of the Slnvc, and susMining bis rihts. we do mótt cmphatic.iily remeniber the poor" - thoac who are poor indeed so poor ihot they Inve no "warm clothing" of their own. nor any "gom! thing" whatevcr. - They do not even own theiTisclvcs! Are not i these poor deserving of pity and nid? Are yon 'streiching forth vour hnnda to succor them." Sir? Do you practico wliat yon preach? Ordo you rnthcr sneer at pil cfforis for iheir relief ns "Il tcill bt rtlzirned o ? o , kire er hercaftir!"
Signal of Liberty
Old News