Slavery Vs. Literature

-A writer in theChnrter Oak sums up the lit-;raturc of the Slave and Frce States ns IpHowj :1 he Sinvc Stnies compose Uro thinis of the territory oftho Union. V4iatJut alávcry makos ihia mighty dillorcnce n iheliie ature of the ivo SccÃions1 Tin: follinvingrrsulution w a adupted at an nnri-?l irery Convnniion in Ohio: Rssolrc;, Thnt the African kidnnppT, the American {Invrhnl.ler. thu clorncsttc slave-irnder. ilie Tree st.itfi kitlmpppr. and the cilizcn, constnl)le or ni.-iyiátra'e if n Iree siare. who lietrnys. se:.cs or S"irftl)llitrfi u), a fugrive si.nve. - nreall oriuiias of ilie same stimp gmliy of t lie sume attrocious - the criinr1. oà púa t ing the mosi prc!'U3 rijjhts of human nature - niid shoulil thoforc, be regarded as eueu.ics of t!ic human family.
Signal of Liberty
Old News