That Fine

--The proposil to rciltiml the fine o!.$10)0 to General Jackson, wïth interes!, lias â i it on!y been discussed by Oongress. but. by n n amber of ihc Smte Legislafurcs. Fur our own opinión, we nreag-iinsL piying tint ilne, or any similnr one, from the National trensnry. The people pay tn.xes ior the purpose of sustnining the nctión of government. If the fine iuposed on General Jackson wasjust. the naiion is nol cnlled on to mnke up a purse for liis iclief: if it wos unjust, there is no proprit-iy n tnrng the nn'ionio mnke good afine collectec! by n judge in New Orleuns fora private oflence son-.c thinj years ei.-ice. We object to t e princ:ple. Tiiis case would open a door for the re-in-biirsil o! every otlicr tino which thö person wlio pai ' it mny conceivc to bc unjust: and tho entire time of Congicss miyiu be oceupiÃd wiili di;cussing the propriety of all the legn! fineever inposed. We bnvc no hostility agninst the o!d General. We areinclineJ to think ho is at lianri n sincere patriot, however he may hoye bcon niiftaken on s)me pointa. Du' we conceive all the legisla ti ve discussions on tliis eubject have been mercly a waste of time, an expense to the people ofthirty or fi iy times the sum in question, respecting a transa-tion cntirely beyond thtii â jun'sdiction, and foreign lo the business lor whieh they were clected by the people.
Signal of Liberty
Old News