Wholesale Villainy

- The N. Y. Expressgivcs thelollüwing list oi embczz'cments in New York Huring the pnst year. The nmoutits. oi conr8c, do net prc'en 1 ro perfect c.x.icinesss.We presume some of the thievcs who stole this largenmoum of property.nvcrnging nearly a liundrcd thousatul dollars each. are s-.ill genilemen at largc, and admiitecl to tho best socieiy. Had they hecit poor and merely stolen a coat, or somt! thmg which they noeded. they w.iuld havo lounr! a l.idgment in 'hc Siaie Prisoti. IJero s an in cquality in the laws which ouglit not to c.int. - ff wéJook at iha ('ipos't'on of these defaulters, (heguüt of such men s not lc$3 tlian that of minor cff:ndtrj if wo regard tho nmount ofcvü occ.ibionod to the communiiv. i t 'm n uch greater Surh gontlemon rascáis nre nbove the liw. One of the first propoeiiions made ot the present ses sion of Congress wrs ly Mr Fwnr'hou!, vhos name has bocome pioveibia! through tlijp lano'. Ãor a compromiso v.ith the govornmem! I( w remember rightly, setnilar proposttons have been mad by Michigan dcfuultcm ?o our Lngislnfure.
Signal of Liberty
Old News