Capital Punishment

-The propricty ofI itnl punishmcnt Ãs bccommÃj a matter of general (Ãscussion tlirough the country. nnd the numbet in favor oà r.xpungingit Ãróm tlie stntute book seems to be fust increasing. We Inve not exnrr.incd the question rey thoronghÃy.birt from all v hve tliouyht and rcad upon the subject, we are inelinee! to' favorita nbolition. Wo do noi seo why nprisonment for Ufe would not answer every purpnse oà sccuriiy to society. Wc would not, however, have thnt impiisontnent sdi'ary. Such a state is unnnttirnl, and productivo of no good to nny one. A bilà to abolish thrvenerable practico of hnnging liumnn beinca alivtlias pntsed the Home, and it is s:iid will pass tiie Senaie. 07WC Imvclately hecn favored with a number of poeticnl anieles, wiihn request to publisli We nre sorry that wc connot coniply with ih â wishes ofthe authors. Good poetry s gcnerally ndmired. Bula p or or comnionplace article receives but little favor. Those we Jiave received contain "more truih -han poetry;" and tnuh, diesset' n rhyme. unless well dressed, does not appear to advantagp.ETThe True Whig, Mr. Clny's organ al Washington, is defunct. Some of Mr. Clny's fri-;nds hnve bren suhscribers to the nnount of from 20 to 50 ntimbers a week. It was edited by Rev. C'nlvin Colton. of whom it is said tlmt bc was fonnerly n Presbyterian Minister in Le Roy, N Y., epent four yenrson the Comtincnt fyid wroteone or two pretty clever books, carne home ;ind took orders in the Eiácopal Churcb. wrote a few bitter tl-.ings ngainst Presbyterianism. tnrned politician, wrotc n labored jns'ijicatioaofthc Gag Rvlc f the House of Rep centutices. ihen the Ciiiis, published just previous to the eleciinn of Gen Hnrrison, got a clerkship in the War Dcpnrtinent under Mr. Heil. vva9 turned out by Mr. Tyler, and tlien commenced editiüg the Tri t Whig, n ranipant Ciay paper, and that beingnow defunct the Re. Pol'.t'cinn ia once more at Hberiy to accept üwhudest cali he niay chance to have. ETIii his Message to the Legisliture. Gov Bouck, of Ne.v York, discusics the subject of slnvery, and hrs yielded the ground contended lor by Governor Seward. in the Virginia controversy. Th 2 Albany Patriot says, "II is Exceüency bas decjarc.d, in snbstniiee. thrit ir.' a!(Vir 'antjonc State, declares to hefulnny Injits latos, is to be deenmi felnny, ivlihiij the menninc of tlin U. S. Cunstitmion. And if any vcis-m is dtmindn ly any State, asa J'i-gitire from jast i er., on Ãk: charge of cnmm''i:i-ig un act irhict isfclony. trilhin its Hm ts, hc icil.l surren der the aaused for trial, no natter how prai.seworihy our own laws mny regard liis coiiduct. ' lLj"It is said there are only seven Ioco menibers uï the present Congress wlio believe n free tradc and direct taxation. Some of the Whigs beiittre in it nsa theory. but there ia no dnnger üf its being reduccd to practice formany years.[LfTlie 'Americnn Citizen, fornicrly pubüshed nt Rochcstor, hnsbecn tncrgcd n th Tocsin, nt Albany. This last has exchangel its nppellnt ion for ihe Patriot, and is now published daily and weekly.
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