
In ihe House Mr. Campbell presented iho Joini llcsolutions of the Legislature of Souil Carolina upon the suhject of tnc Iteventu Bil and oih':r public matters. The Ilesolutions, af ter setting fotth ihe grievances of the State fron - which they emannie, and which grey out of a protective tariff. say they rely upon the Demo cratic party to correct these gricvances and to re peal ihe lnw. If this is not done, nullification is thrcatened by the action of the State, in wha form. however, is no: staied. In a speech delivnrcdby Major Butler of Ken tucky in justification of General Jp.ckson's proclnimin and enforcing Martini Law in New Orleans, urged as one of the principal reasons. the insufricien.'y o" troops to delend ihe country without the most rigid cniurcciuenl oà militar) law, against a foreign foe, and the slave popuia tion of Louisiana. He said it was well 'knówi ihot the citizens of Louisiana who wouid otherwise have resorted to New Orleans to deiend the city, "were préyentod, from leaving home, from Wftll groundtrd npprehensions ihát the slave pnpulation wuuld insta'ntly iise and join the invading army ! He seemed 10 feel the humiliaiing conoition in whieh this fnreed ailmission of ilio rt-al truth presen'ed the wiiole sl;neholding country. their utter inibeciüty in time of war aid invaion, and in ordor to break the force of the admission, ie snd, all slave States luid not such n disafiectcd slave pópúlatiún as Lónisiann then had, and ke lortliwith proceetfed to culogize the sluves of Kentuuky and insisted thnt lic would 80oner entrust the delinee of :he Untà to the slsvesof KTcntucky, than to rheir canting, ?o.t.iing simpithizcis ui the Norpi ! Th.-: Ãi.avk Cask. - The bil! for the paymetu of n slave lost in the service of the United States in Florida, w:is again caüed up, when Mr. Adama mad'i a close argument upon the laws referring to the case, bul without touching nny of the wcitmg topics growing out of the institutiun of tslavery. In the Senatc. the Oregon bill was stronuotisly opposed by McDuflie, because it was a mea-ure of hosiility to Kngland. aiid bt-ca'ise it was irnpolilic and unpatriotic as a tncustire of colmii?;ition.
Signal of Liberty
Old News