Classified Ad

AÃ.YIINIáTRATOKá SALK. PÃRSCJANT 10 nn order atibé Judre ofProbare. for thc cnimty ol Washieniw. made on lie twciitv iliird' Ãrsl. ituihorizing :hes:ileof re:il state of El.-n Wilinot. deceased. I sli.-ill se!l ni mciio.'i ilic estaip. heieinnfter rlrsc.-ihcd ii ih 'Jwi-lling formerly oecupicd y the s:ul deivnsed. in ihe viihire ofS;i!ine. un Tliuisüny. tfce six'eenili d:iy â ( I'V'liru;iiy ni-xi, at one ü'click in t!ie aficrniMin odhai d.'iy. to vi:: coitmioncipÃ; on ihc souih of Heuery siiect iluec cbnibend welve links cast of.tlie nonli comer, ot'ilie Bst moniinfr houfc lot, aiu! rumiinjà souüi live clmine ai neht angles nf snitl street. ilienco eosi p:ir.illcl wiiisaid sueet one cTiuin. liii-nre rifrih !Dv:irds Hcncry sinet. paniili-l wiiiisai.i Ãiret Inu fivc chnins. liiencn west onecimin, t ilie i Incfl if bcgnrin-g: cjntninintrone inl' no e of Ifind. !i;in.' :hc same preniiscs on wlilcli lite saiii Citen WillitiiÃi lived oreviuns ii lirr dt' ISIÃAKL WIL1JAMH. Afliiiinimrator. Dve-.i Saline. Anirnsr tÃOili. 1842. 3J-4-v. Dtt. IJA.MS'l'KHö X.'KIJ'JHKA'rhD J-tVFR AGÃE VlIsLS.-l'iinl,, ÃVjÃhÃÃ. s'ife, speedy. and snre icinedy tor Icvt-r anti üÃiie. cJu-n aune, clull fever. arnúihe biliuus disc.isfs pecuIÃaV io n'ew coimtries. Tlie.-c pulsare ásÃ'néd 'or ilic iñl-ciions ofih iver and oilier intehÃnl orÃ;nns wjiich n'tietñd tlic spases of the ncw and iniasruniic portions oÃ'oui .lunti v. Thc [iroiiiietor finy:ng iried ihcm in n grest nriety of JohfiÃÃeiitly believea lint ihev are nperior to any icm-dy ilñi lg ever been ofiefd lo the public Ã"or ilm nbove disensos. Jt Ãs purely V.ctuhlc and pe fectly hnrmless. mi can !c taken by any person, niale or femaif v i t h perfect snfety. 'J'he pills are prepared n two separnte hijÃtó, arkid No. I and ÃS'o. 2. and aceoompanied wftÃfi ull diieciions. A real nnmber of c.ervñntvB niiaht be procir j ed in favor of ibis nu-Ãüeine. lea he prepriete; as tlioiiiÃht Ã.t notto usen ilieii. in ns mncli as J e depends upon tlie meiits oà tiie sinie for itt ! t'p:itiin. Tiie above pill is kept conatsmüy on find by ! ie propriptpr nnd cm bc had at wholf'snlé nnd reiil at ihe stor? ot' Reckley Sà Co. ürucr Ãron: ie lountn' prompt'y (tended to. Aun rk.r. :iowr tov.n) Ma'y20th 181"}. 9 L. BECKLEY
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