Grave Stones, Monuments, Tomb Tables, &c.

The eubscriler n Impe nssmti rni of I'o hit of the ticsi Qunliry.sunnble lor Gravk Stok Momj-:eÃÃ. &c. whicli he wil! sril chenp lo cns'i. nr exchanL'e lor producé; nt Iiis old stand No. 90, Woodwon] Avenue. Detroit. Persons wisiiing td b.iy wül do we'l 10 cnll. ns tlioy will he sohl much chenpér ilir.n hè o ever been afiorded in tliis Staie, and ofa Quehty Ui.n cannot lail to pl'.-ase. x WM. E. rETKRS. Dot rni-, Oct 27. 134$ S9- 1v
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