Anti-slavery Publications

The suhHcribp. informe thcrs inf-niLeot Anli-SlavcrySodetic-.nnd nll peremw who do âre to read tiie SJavery puhlicatioiw that have wiedïrom the Aim-ricuM pres, that he ha purchncl all the books, pampliletH, tracis, print. etc. Jatcly beloning to the American Anti-Slavery. Society, nmniiiiting to nbout fflglH thousand dollar?, at ojd prices, vvhich he oflers for sale bv liis ngent in any ouanUty, at low pricts for cash onlif. Samples will be kept at his office, curner f Ilanover ana KxcJionce sfreet?, and orders will be promtly attentled to. A catalogue of the principal püblieafions wonnexed, and the prices put against thom are the present (-educed) retail prices. By the luuidred or lartrer qimntity, Uioy will be eold lowri - say f"r bound volumes 2: ner cent. discount: on pamphtets. tracts and yicturrs, 50 ppr cent. discount. Witli rt-'spert to most of tliem this s below the nrtual coBt to me in cash. They wero not purchased with n view to Sfll at o porfit butto siibservetho Aiïti-S'avery cause. Su:h an opportnnity fm not preriouely occurred to obtain Anti -Slaciy pnblications al these reducen1 priceö, and probably will iwt agnin. Oy'Kiliiors of nvvspiiper.- are roquested to copy tliis fldvortisrmrnt at k-ngili for tiiree m'4)thp,nnd llieir tulls wiil bc ptiid in bookf,etc. Plonse sond a copy of the pnpnr cnntaininr the advertisem-nt. LPAVIS TAPPAN. New Vork, March lst, 184-2. BOUND VOLUMES. American Slavery ns it is, muslin üo Anti-Slnvery Manual 20 Al;on Riols," bj Pres. Beechcr, of III. Coll. l-2ma 25 Alton Trials 25 Slavery Record, vol?. I, 2 and S set 50 Apimnl, by Mrs. Child 37 1-2 Anti-Slnvery Kxmniner, bound vola. 5() Ue.iuties of Phihui'.hropv Sñ 1 3 Bdutic's Piclurn of Slavery 50 lJnxton on the Slnve trado 5ü Cabinet of Freedom (Clarkson's history of theslave trade,) vo'f. 1, 2 and 3 eet 1,00 Chloe Spear 25 Chnnning fin Slavery 25 Dunean on Slavery 25 Eman. in the W. 1. by Thome and Kimball miBÃn 50 Do by do ?' boards with mop 25 Enrmiesf Cont ilion discovered 50 Foiintain, nlain binding, o4iüo. 12 l-à Gustnvns Vhssh 50 Grimke'6 Letters to IViiss Beeclier 37 1 2 Jay's Inqniry 87 1-2: Jay's View 50 Li'ght.uid Tiuth 20 ].ifo of Granville Sharp 15 Molt's Bioffraiiliicnl Sketchrs S7 12 Memoir of Rev. lemuel flanes 75 Do of Lovepy 62 1-2 North Star, t-dgéfl 33 1-3 Pennsylvnniii I In II 75 Q,MiirterIy Anti-S:ivftry Mnrrnzine, Cvo. 1,00 Ri n kin 's' Letter.-, inm'r. 100 pp. 20 RÃ.rbt nnd wronff in Hoston 20 Star ofFreedorn; miwlid 12 1-2 Slaverv - contBming Declaration of Sentim!ntsnn! Con-ritutÃon nf the Amer. A. S Snoiply: V:spyVnn'iLiii;s on Slavorv : Does Hip Btble sfinr.tion Sla- vcry? Addrpsato the Synoil ofKentuckv, Nirativo of Amos Drossor, and Whv work foi Uio Slave? bound in onevol. 25 Sl.ive's Friend, SSino. vola; 1 , 2 and 5 pet 50 Sonrs of the Freo 33 1-3 ThoiïTijsons ltcception in Great Britain, 12mo. 20 Testimony of God ngainst SLivery, lömo. 20 Whently.'Philiis Menioir of 2f) West iridies, by Professor Hovry 50 West Ãiküph, by llurvey and Stiirge 75 Wetdey's Thnnghts on Slavery, in inuslin, with portrait 12 1-2 PAMPULETS. Sets A. S. Almanacs, from 1336 to 1G4I inclusive 37 12 Address to tlio Frec People of Color 1 AnciiMit Lnudnvirks 3 Aimloay lor Abohi.ioni.sts 3 American Slnvery as lt Is - the Testimony of a TJVousiind Wilnpsses â 25 Adilrcss on Right of Peiitmn 2 At'drfss to Senators and Roprcáentativea of ihe fren Stntos 1 Address on Slavery (Germán) 1 Adiliess of Congrega: ional Un'.on of ScotIhnd 1 Addrfss of Nntional ("onvention (Ciprinnn) 1 Ann. Rep. ol'N. Y. noi' Vigihuii-o iü Do. of M;isH. A. S. Society 12 1-2 Appeal to Wonien in the noininalïy free States . 6 1-4 Aoll-n!ic Anccdntes on Amcricnn Slnvery 2 Addiess lo the Clmn-li of Jons Ciirisf, by the KvHiigclicftl Union A. S. Society, New York rity. 4 AnM-Slavery Catecliistn, by Mrs. Clidd 0 1-4 Ad'ins', J. Q,. L;iter to liis CmisiitiiPii-a 4 Adüins', J. Q. Sj)ecc!i on the Texas Qucstion 12 1 2 Annnnl Report? of Atn. A. S. Society, Sd, ' 4!h. Mh'nnd h 12 1-2 Aniiii-il Kepurts of N. Y. city Ladies' A. S. S.iciety 3 Appcul to t.'ie Cliristain Women of the South 3 Bibte ajTiiinst Sl;ivery 6 Colleclion of Vahjnble D-icumcnts 6 1-4 Birney's Lp! tors to the Cuurchea 2 Birnev on Cdoniatoii 2 Chñttel Prnifi)le- a Stinimary of the New Testfiment urgument uu Slavery, bv Brria!i Green C Chipihnn't! Disronrse 3 ChaiMiiujj's LeltPis to C!ay 6 CondiUon of Free People of Color 3 Cmeuddi. Reu!pn, Trial of C Difsertation on Servitude 12 1 -4 D'okinson'K Bértn li 3 J)ots the Biï)!e pancMion Slavery? 1 Dc f Sent. and Constitutiou of the Ara. A. S. Society 1 DfrcasMoM bet ween Thompson and Breek - inndpo 2.0 Dresser's Narrativc ï Extingnwher EjtÃinjfnishefl S Eliiioie Corrcapowlence 0: do in slects 4to. 2 Enimcipation iw West Indies Thoinc and Kimhall 12 1-2 Emandpation 'm West Indies in 1833 3 Fri.'Hdoni's Defonve 6 Addrots at Broadvvay Tiibprnaclc 6 Guardián GpiiÃus of the Federal Union 6 Genetpup Planter S Gill'iitV Review of B' ishne) i's Discourse 6 Itn'.nedintp. not Gradunl Abojltion 12-2 J.iv's Thongfita on the Duty of tJie Epiaooi)al Chn.cli 3Liberty, :vo. 2::io; lemo i; Morris' s Speot'li in ñnitwer to Ctay S Maljnñs Hev. Julm li. Trial in Keiifm-ky 12 1-2 Martyr Aje in America, by Harriet Murtinoan 6 Mofcrh Eïpdiency Conmderfiil 6 Power oà C-'nrcáá over the Dibtrict of Columhia 5 1-4 Plwi fi.r the Slave, Nos. 1, 2 nml 3 S Pr(cédni?6 of ho Meetimr t(i form B'o;tdw.-iv Tabornaclo Anti-Slavcry SocieliC Pro5!avery RvirJ CoCccf HaitiRoper, Alosen Narrativa of a Fugitive '- Sla ve RiÃÃhts of Coloreó1 Men 12 1 L K.urglesrd Antidote RijrliL and Wrong i,i Boston 12 1-2 Sla very Rhymes Slndèf 8perch in Congres in 1838 3 Siniih'ö Gerritt Letter lo Job. Smjlie C Do. Letter lo Uenry CJy 6 SInveholding Invanably Sinful, "inalum in se," 6 Southnrd's Manual J Star of Frccdoni Si-Iimuckerand ámitli's Letters t ' Slaveholiler's Prayér 1 Slnvriioldinsr Wéighéd 3 Slaverv n America (London); do. (Geripnny) 8 Thf! Mnrtyr, by neriah Grcon Tliings for NorJiern Men to do Views of Ciilnnization, by Rev . J. Nmirse Views of Slavery and Eniancipation, by Miss Martillean 6 Weslcyan Sin very Review 2.' Wnr in Texas, by Benjnmin Lundy C Wliy work for the BlÃve 1 Wilson's Address on Weft India Emanciptitum 4 TRCTS. No. 1. Rt. Domingo, No. 2, Casto, N. 3, CnKmization, No. 4, Moral Condition of the Slave, ' No. r, W,at ib AJjolitson? No. O.The Ten iotnmnndmcnta, No.7 Ã).ingernnd Safoty, No. 8. Pro -Sin very Bihle, No. 9, Prpjudiee nninst Color, No. 10, Northern Dentar n Slavee, No. 11, Slavpry nnd MÃskiods No. 12, Dr. Nelson's Lecture on Sluvery. The above Trnrls nrp sold at 1 ccntcach. PRUNTS, i'.tc. Ãllustralinns of tlie Anti-Slavcry Almanac for 1Ã54O à The Eimnoipntcfl Family 2; Slavs Markct of Anerica Correspondence n O'Connel and Stevenson L Do. do. Clny and Cnlhoun 12 l-L Printer' Picture Gallery 2 Leiter papur, stanped with print of Lovejoy scheet 13 Do. wiih Kncelinr Slave sheet 1 P.iyer for Slnves, with Music, on cardo 1-2 Potrait of Gerrit Smitli .'0s In addition, are the fojlowinnr, tlie proceec! of whicli will go mÃo thc Mendinn fnnd. Argument of Hon. J. Q. Adams in the case ofrhe Amistad Africana 25 Argument of Roger S. Balwin, Et;q. do do 12 2 Triol of the Captivo? of tho Amistad 6 ConL ressi nul Docnment relating to do. fi Pórtrait of Cli:jqnoz 1,00 Marcli Sil, IC'i?.
Signal of Liberty
Old News