Classified Ad

Thresh ing 9Mach in es . 'jPIJE undeisigne.i xvouK! inionii the public ihai '- theji conrinue to inmulaciure Hoksk lownsiiiul TiifiKSMi.v M tc.HÃXES, two and a li;.-l' uil os ruin thf vülage of Ar.n Arbor. on ihe railrond. The Horse l'ower isa laie mvention by S. W. f'üster, and is dccidedly superior to uny otlier ever oliured to the public, as will appear by thistatements oi 'ihose w.hö have used them durin tde l'ist year. It is light in wcight nnd small m cumpaes, being carried logether with ihe Threshur, in a conimon wnggon box. ani) drawn witl - ease by two horscs. Jt isas lnt!e lialile to break, or gct out ut repair, ns ny other Horse Power, nnd vrillwork as easy and tfirash ns inucli wjth fjmttP horscd attachetl to it asnny otlier pöwër'wirfi fiv : liorse?, as will nppcar froin the , :ioiis lieli'W. I"Cev pMtterns liave been made lor t lic cast Iron. :ind addiiional weiglit ond strensili ïpplied whercver it had a)pearii to be nccossary l'roiii one year's uso of the machine. The subscribers fleem it proper to stntc, lliatu nunilur of horse powers were sold last year in :!e villageol Ann Arbor whicli wcre believcd lij the )u;chnsers to be ihose invented by S. W. Koster, anil t lint mest or uil oi them were cilher mrid' unie! i illy dilliïient. or altered butirire Rold. so a? to be materially differeiii from tbose made nd aolJ by ti-.e suhscribers. Snch nltirations bfin docidedly detr riientn to the uiiliiy of the machine They hnve prood rcaqon to.bélicvë that cxery on of tjiose returncd by the pu reliase rs as unaatisfac ior wure 6T t lia crasa. Tfiéy are nol awaje that iny Power v. weiit from their shop, and was put in nse. as they male it, lias been condemiicd oi laid adideaa a bnd maemne. All who wish t ibuy areitiv'.ted to examine tliciu Tnd to enquire of those whil have used - There will Bc nnrtbr axirniinntjon at N. II. Wix,'. tillusc; nnd one at Mtimn Wim.sos'à 'it.o'eh'iifc ii D.t oit - bot)] these geiulomcn bei na ni'cnts for the pale ófihem. The price will be $120 fnr a t'onr horse power, with n rtfresliing rnnchinV, wiih a sÃave or wooden :nr cyl'ndor; an-l ft'M) f, r a h'rs! powe with a ihre&hing rpnefeme with nn iron bir rylinder. Tbc atteniion of ihe reader is invitcd to thcfollowing reconiinendatiojiB. S. VV. FOSTKR&CO. Scio. April 20. 14'?. RBC OJMMENDJ TIONS. This is to certify ihnt w.i Have nsed one of S V. Foster'8 newly invented Norse Powers foi -ihon; live moinji. and thrcelied with it about 8)0() hu.=he!is. and believc it is constructen1 on licUer pi ina pies than anv other Morse Power. - fne of the undersisjned !ias â wneiland nsedeii.'ht liflêrfenl kind? of Horso Powers. and we Ixlicvc thnt f mr hoi-ses will thrnsh as mnch wi'h this I'owoi is fice will with any other power with whicli wr ure acquamtcd. II. CASE. S. G. [VES, Scio. January. 12. 1CJ2. T. is is to inform the public that I have pnrehased. and hnve tiow in use. one of the Horsc Powers reci-ntly invented by S U'., made by S. V. Koste!-, vfc C .. and belicve it be constiun iid u;i"n better principies, nnd requiris Zeis s'rr.ivst'i of horses than any otlier power with which l am acquainted. A. WEEKS. Mount Clement. Sept. 8. 14. This is to inform tl-e pnblic that I have piuchasod oneof the Horse Power?, recently invented by S. V. Foster. and us d it for a pumbier ol mooths nrl btilievc it is the bcGi power in use. workim with toas sfrengih pf iiórans tlnn any other powei with whicli I nrn acquninted. and bi-inpr small in compass. is easily moved from one place mi inother. I helieve 4 hrtraep will thrcsii as mucl. with this power as f will with anv other pnvnsf Tho plan and iho workinà "à 'his power havt. been unrvenaljy approvodofby furmersfor whon à have tlirashed. E. S. SMITFI. Scio. April II. ï 12.SMUT MACHINESThe üiibsrrnbprs mnkevory rroo'l PMUT VI AOIIIXF.S wlnch thcy will soll for Thi.mnchjno was inventad hv on of the ráhfcnbwv. who h-is hr'l niany ycir'sexpfirioneein the niillin:'mainpgs. We nvirr thor& who winh to bnv i â s'ioi] mnchine ror n "air prire tohnv of nt. It i.-worih ns nimh ng niost of tli i mnchinos iliat oos rom 150 to $H0O. f. W. POSTER Si CO. Scio. April, IR. 1 842. WóoFlen IMtá&iiffetffory Tlic sulscril)ers hnsé recemly put in operntioi i wojllun rh.inúfnciory forrnnnufneturinsf wooitei ::lili !y power Iponis. two and ii half miles wes from Ann Arbor village. on the rnilrood, where he v ith to majjufiictare â w&ol iro lotb innares, or'lor pay by the yard, on 'reaaunahW urine. Tliey bus e ewployed expenenced wiknen ontl teel confideni tnm work will be wci. lüue. Tliey tliurcfore respectfully nsk u shaie I public pa'ronagc, espocially Ironithote wlio me .n favor of m m.; iKDütTitY. Wool muy be Icli nt Sao villugc. S. W. FOSTER & Co. Scio, April ISr 1845?. Peters pills. 'Tis Ãuu they 6ay to get wdl with them, AIAj innnl'.iii'l throughout thcir wide and niinense circulution that ev try ;hem coniinue to buy ihein. Petera' Pilis aro puicly vog dable; thcy work no nnraclrs, nor do ihcy pÃoess to cure all disontes, tec;aiEC tlii-y are the sce; compound ola regular physician, who mis rmide bis profesión tlie s:udy ot tus Inc. l)i. Peters is :i grndu.-ttu uf'Ynlel.'oIlbge, also oà the Massai-husetts Medical Collogr, and h:is some wii-it ilit-tiiiüuished iiiniselt'i'9 n mnn of scieucinul yeuius anión thc Ininily ot thc late G v l'eters; Peters' VefUuhh; I'üls are simple in their prepnration. iniid in their nciion. tliorougli in ;lieir operation. and unnvalled in iheir resuhs. - The tovvn and country urn alike tilled with th'-ir raite. Thc palace nnd Ãlie poor IiouÃc al kc echo with ih.'ir virtii08 In ill climntt's tlu-y will retaitj thcir womLtIïiI poweta and t-xert i hem unaltrred by ngc or Eiiirit'mn. and tlns the voice ot n lirnieiul coininnnity prcl--iiineÃi - Potora' l'ills pruveni - keep ff distases il tiinely useil. and hnve no rival in curing biliÃous lever. 'ever and njiic.dyspepsia, liver compl: .ints.gronp. sick hcminehe, jaundice, is lunn.dropsy. rheuriintim, pul ugcüicnt of the sjilen. piles, colie, female obstruction. lienrt buin. furred loncue. nausea, disientinn oftlie Ptrtinrtcri andboweÃs. incipi ent dinrrhaei. flütolértcéJ habitual eonstiveness. I ss nf appetite, bloched.iÃr sallow roniplexion, nul in all c:ist-s of turpor af tin: bowt-ls, WÃere i oothorfrc or aperien' is in-üented. produeing ueither nauseo, grÃping nor ilcbility: nn'l t'e recat nll wlio buy ilicni cuniinue to try t!iem. Tlie most triumphon; success has ever ntien leil their use and brlöusth is nlready l.nown ol' cm to i'DiTiortaüze and hand 'hcr down ti po? ;rity with the iinpruventenis ofthe nge in nied :al seience. Dr. Peters wns hréd n the henlnÃjan.and in ordr to supply dem inds. he hn. riein-iicd aivl cilled w his ai'l the only eienm 'rive i iiiacliinfrv in the world for pill' woikint'. Tis perfee1, and i's procesa impnrtK to the rill 'ssential virtiie. bfcatise hy -eing perféeth' wroniÃln. all the piils' hidden virtue is revealfd. vh( n called into ac'ion. and here a'so it is Petei s Is all thc world nnd takesall the premiums, Ãiedals and diplomas. So clear fhe tract fiir ihc Engine - Petéis' Pills are coming - a million ol witnessescan now be herd for ihein - resistW? - do you bear that! while a host can tesily Int rhtÃy belieya they owe their snlvntion tron l'spfise rmd death to Peters' Pilij and if enlome! -ind knivcsnrc getting partiully into disti6e vc iré only nnsiaken. iTrs. - Thfg pttpor conld be filled '. 'Wm by n-aidenÃs of iVlichigan. l.y your fckfBt niii neighbyrs - mk dtli npci.ip. Jt i now wpü kniwn thnt the p Dplr II hÃiv'c Peters' Pilis, iinl Ãn hindpr tñuld letosiop the rushing uind Prire 2") r f)0 eenta per box. Xbc r 5.;sics3 j'oifà of '.hcee futlip - thcir uni versal re'-r)iiun ndt't-d to the irstimony ofnnll ions. '-l-ep it he f o re rl.e pcsriplb' nuistand wili i.e henrd ihrouchoiH ihia vale of tcars. Their happy inÃüsnce il oinitr lidies whi'i ufii;rinc un rthe usual chances of lile iis diecied by th' Uwa oà nfÃiure, iliry itnpnrt a bupy â iiu-y of hwirt, Irelinu Ã'nd action, nn elasÃic step. v-lvet rheek, lilly anfl carnation complexión by heir netiou on ihq cliyle. &c. and ladies in del icatesiiiiHiions aiwnvs ndinit their power nml in uocenec. and tako h 'in two or tinco at a i:m uiihoii' in tlie slihtest cicÃrree inpu'fjrihé tlie laz nrd of an abortion: w hich tacis ore of the utm ei iniportnncc. Pj tupies: n yóons lady sent her lovu lo Dr. Peiprs. and eays slic foels PiOre 2rat; u' t hini !or thr Ãestorniion ol her beauty ihaiil he had savfd lwrlife. 'Tis fiin tn get wel' wiih Peters Pilis. for they cause thehlood toeours-nslintpid and gntli" throutrh tho veins as a monntain rivulet: U or 4 is n eomnion dose, henee tlupatiënt is not coinpelled to make n ir.eal.TROUBI.E IN PLUTO'S CAMP: Quite nsionished O!i Pinto eire to New York. '' Hearing Petere had got liis Pili Kngine :it woik.) 'I'o resiizn his cominission, iiis hour glass aui ecytlie; j l have come to. del ver tliem all up to yon - Sir. my cnliin is over - niy btÃsineñ istlmuigh i I have let'ii tor ihree yerirs in n terrible sew. And J r.enlly don't know wlmt on eaith J'am tn do;- Not of your h'ïgKfy' re do I como1 to cntnpTmn. lïut a tarnnl New Yorker. otio I'KTKRS bj nnmc; The diseases my niils, in tliis war of nUind. Are stilulued ly this Peters. Whnt help can w Bnil? I would yi.-ld liini N. York. sir, if therc In woind süiy : But, sir. Peters will hrve ilic whole world for liiBwny. Whilo nius:iiiï in ros;ncil whnt course to pursiu; That Kngine ofPeiénj broke (-"rilj .nto view. The Kmirol" ttrroiH !nUed a wliilc. Ai 'liDiiüli liis soul was tur fd to bile, At ih'it tmsparinii PCOUFCO of ills. I'y .ril ikph known as Peieis' Pilis. TliPse Pili ol Peteis' .top fhe bluitglilrr. And lenvps thehlood ;s pure as water. Now Petera makew. I've imaid liini ay, Fve hunrlifd tlious:ind pi ] Is a; _Si t lint the clmnce is very stnnll Of pcople dyimr ther' at nli: F'ir soin the cheeks. s m: r';ed for doom, BeL'in UUc any rose to Mooni. L)ok h re! ui! v h' tri oo?iiiue to bny the-nt Firs;dens ollowp, t.y MorSi?. Uent-h Sr Alul G. Gniivillo. V. .1 J Crmit!. MnyiVari?. & Co. G Ward. S. P. & J. C. Jewett. J. H. Lund H. Beeker. Diek .-nson & ('oiiswell. nnd S. K lonrs. nn Arhor: Geo. Warner & Co-, nn'd .? Mülerd & Son. Dtxu-r. Wffi A I.. Fh.vw. Litin; 3. C. Winniip. Syivnn. llrdf, &. Sn ii . Ornas Lake; W. .Inckt-on. I.coni: 1). T. Mniman. Jaokson; M. A. Fhoeinalicr. Miei i_Tn Ctinic: Brothetsmi iS: Ca.. L. J{. Kiel & Gil tiert. Manchester; J). S ln wood. S#. In e. SlijiV (J Kevd. C'lni'iin: .1. ft-atlet gKd & Co , Plymuth: Stone. B-'beock Jt Co., ittii .ttilins". Mnvi is & Co.. Yi'silanü: T'ivrrc Teller. 1 irt t 1 r : .1 fe J. Hidweü. nnd Dr. Undfiw.uu!. Adrioii ilart fc MoBher; Spirtpvillèj llniirtn CuolBronklyn; Sniih & Co.. Joneivil!e; L M Boyeo. Chic"Lro - nnd dlinost cery wheieel.e Oc. 19. H2 27-fjto cuuviuy mkrchants and tui public: gknkrally. TUE suhécribèf iris en lian I uu] ofièrs f' s;i!n a low rnics, ;i .rg-q n ixl geiif-rol n ortment o Dniirf n.iiH Mc.lieitics, Pa nis. ütl.Vnrnish. Dyo SJiiiTs. Ãfec. Vc. wi'li ovt ry â 'iele in th! Drug an-i Pmnt line. Portons wisl nc to purchnse nny nrti;!rs in i!ip tilove lincjiri cqurfteJ. btÃfore i)urcli:ipiiiii o'sowlifrc. to culi n PI KR RH TKLLÃ:RS, VVholosilc nrid Rptnil Drnaci t lÃ'Ã). JcÃTers''i Avenue. Ãirrn oftlieCrih .'orta". D-'roit. GU:T BVRGA1NS. -R. Baufca resp tTnlly informa t!:e fnrmors nnd oihers vin t.t Dciroi. thnt he still cfti'innea nt hi ol st snW on Vi)Ofll)riilL'e sr.. adljoining Wanieü s blu'ck, n') kffi'f in bnH t pppnrnl 'fsn1 tnient 01 READY MADE CLOTHfNG, v'iieh ho is dtrmined 10 sM duaper than th 'e 'neit. for Cifi. R. Ià hns jusl receivpd from ili Rnst n asâ irtinfnt oT C'l.yhs. fVssimo' s. Siitinrfs nn 'rn-tnrt:s. wliich will lic mndis np 10 order f. f;isJiiüiibIo siyl'a Gt eliort notioc. R. BANKS. Detroit, 6ep. 5r ia. 90-6m
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