Classified Ad

HOLMANS Bone Ointmciit. TillS Oi.ntmknt Einndü at the heul of nll remedies lc{ ihc lollowing (liseoeci which n ture is hcir too, viz:- RHLUMATISM botl . 'hronic and inliani itory - Gout - Sprnint - IJru lies and eontrocteü TEKDONS ol long atnndIt disctisscs nll tumours - ronder stiflT joinif iiinber by prodiicingr a healthy muscular nction. It nasimges pains in Hon.s and Ahcksks - Volhing equals it in sw'dlcd imd inflan. ed BrensiK n Females if applicd in enily stnge. pri-ventF .ipperation or matter forniinr. anti pivce Ãn pi! rws iiiin't"lintc case from pain. CertifÃcales o lus fnci eoujd be given if neocieary. This rcincdy is oflered t tlic Public witfi tin uil nétirnrice tlinl it far e.xcels the Ouodcldoc'f ml IjniniPPts of thp piesen' day. fvr the nbove senses. A trial is onU wan'cil. to it tht ecided prcfeienoe 10 evcry thinp elsc. Mnny 'hysoinns ot cmim-nce have lu-ed this ointnen' r.d exmii its mcrits. n9 The ahove ointmen. is for oalp whflcinlr nnd , all t.y T BECKLEY An n Albor. Ãlowrr u vn) Ji n I T 1 1 1 . 1841? Ã) TO PI1YSICIANS AND COUNTRY MERCIIANTS. TIIEiibscriler nvilos theattrntifn oà Phy ricinns and ('nmtr ftlfrchanis, to iiiireseiit stock ol' Prne, Medicines, Painte, Oili--, T)e SlufïV-, Varni.n, JJrulns, ic. kc. comprisjng one oftlie largest nd lnl!et assortinent bn)iirlit 'o tne country. Ii. lii.s preelJt â itock will be round: 100 oz Sulpli. Quinine, superior French and tfniflii-K L0 oz. Snlph. Morpliia, in oz. Acrt. dü 50.-Z. Curpenter's Wilheriirs Extract of Bark, 1 bhl. Powderod Rlmbarb, 1 Chest Rniibnrb Koot, 1 bbl. Powdcrpd Jalap, 50 he. Cu), mei, 3 Epscin Saltp, 15cnsks Fall and Winter strainetl Sperm Oil, 40 hoxes Sprrm Candlep, 2000 .bs. White Ij-ad. tlrynnd g_rnund, 4 rnk Liti.-eed Ãi!, Denthts Instnimnits and Stock Gold, SHvrr ind Tin Foil Platina Ware, Pmcrlain Tveth. A ppjieral a-sorfinnn of Patent. MerlicinPr, nll ïf v hicb V1! be sold on tlie most leasonable erma. PIERRE TELLER. 139 Jefierson Avt-nup, sipn ofthe Güt MWh 13. Mortar, Detroit. J,vll.üKhG liUSINKSS ! AM. NOBLrJ, would respect f ully intorni tlie ciiizens o'l Anti Arhorand iis vicinity. tliat u; luis opened n shop in i!ie iower Tówn. I iinielyovi-r ihc l.'ite mercnn'ile sinn.i f Lund A Ãibson. an-l oppoMite ihe po e al J. I5r:ckliy & j ' .. whare be is prepared at all tintes todo wotk ! n li Ã3 line. witb promptnees, and in n nent and lui-;il)le nifinner. l'.iniciilrir a'tention will bc pnid to enttinü 'lienta. Prudncc will be taken nt the nsini jiri ees. for work done at bis shop. These whn have c;ish to pny for sofvices of (hts kind, are pnrticuluily invitcd to cill Ãnn Arbor. April 27. 1842. tf PP BI8iKR'S CATHAET ICPZI.I.S. rffIIIS )ll has nor ci)!v bfrn ïed by inyjL seJfi but by a number of PJiysiciatiá of higii standing, botli in hia a..d other States, tu ciiiit advnniaL'e. iïy the Ireijuent and repeatcd S'ilici'afioiiFof my Iricnds, I liave eor.snnl to pfler (htm lo the public ns n most crrlcncious remedy for all those liilliütis diseosees originating in a new country. Tlie above pill is for sale wliolesnle nnel rctail by L. BI -CKLKY. Ann Avbor. flowor town-J'Sfrw tf'h l. 0TO CLOTUIERS. TUE subscribir i? jus' in rpceipt ui' n fiirtlior Mii'plv of Clnlliicr s stock, cnnsi.stMiL' of MCII:N'-: CM.'JJS .Æ . y â ' s rÃpi t v; clotuiers jack is. al tnetW R'. VMID CLEWPEllS tank Pl'Kâ ;. S-HUrn.EX. REEDS, KETTI.ES. ÃCIEWS. P.MiXO.XS HEAMNG JWAC UNE. EMERV. (tfijizc,) T ENTER HOXmS. PRESS PA {'ER. (ogethet int', a ii l siïkctÃà 'JÃ6 'm ni.of l) EWOODS.uuil DYE S'7'Ã.'PÃ'.b' oà the vcry btst giuwtli mil trinninoture. TIn fi'; gpods (coming :-s iluv do direct from ilrsl liaiulh) the sul seviluT is ('niiliftfl "' scll lwit ilvin ;inv othcr luiiisi' wr-si ut .V w Yi'ik. hr thereforè s-l c-iis ilic nth niion of fint s in the '"â il'lliiiir iM'li'nCÃS. tö llic r.ri innlirtl Ol II is Stock 'int p ied beibre ijoing onsi or plirtihositT} elsewliero. PIKRRE TFXLF.n, Wh ilesnlc nnd Rctail Prifgist, KÃtJeÃLrton Avenue, siyn of (lic Gilà Mortm. I)( i. il. EÃTATF, OF JA'O]i LAWTCN UK CKASKD.- ..tiicc bcK-by k!vik tltVti fiit; urwier.'-iL'TH'.il liáve provecà thé Inél will nud esuunvii'. l Jacob Iavlon. l'ceiseii. and have inkun leners. TcstaiDeinaiy therëon. nnd have liiven bonifs accordirir to law. All persons inâ Jebted to piid estáte nre rpqnrs'od to p'iy'nent wiilnMit rlclay. aiul nfl haviiijr c1:iiii!t i'.'ainsi snid rs'a e are lequcsti-d to prepent ihe suite to the subscribers, .vell auiheniicatetl, for pavinciu. GRORQK F.. T.AWTON. J)WU) T. MTOLLUM. F.xfcutovs of tlic last will nnd Tesiiimcnl ot Jacob Ln-von. i Datcd. Ann Arbnr. May 7. Ã3-. Sm trmpi:ranc hotel, IfOnERT & TERHU3ÃE. 'CORNKK OF MICHKiAN" AND vV ASHl.N'GTOS AVK.VUT.S. IKTKOIT.) T'IF, nbovc Tloiisn is plcasantly s'itiated neatheCentnd Rnilrond Dpoi.and is w'w iu leirifoing thornucli repniis. 'I lic roit-sare pica. ;iit. tli J5 (!.- and l-crldinsr all new.nmi ibe Tnbn A'ill be supo'ir(l vïth the clioicfÃt ol ihn ninrkot nul tlir tiropriotors assure tbose who will favo he:n wiih ilicir custoiii. iliat al pniii? sbnll he taken to make tlieir siay wiih tbeui airreeablc. Fvhk. ren anl aceommodniion good. - Carrinces to convoy passengers to and from the Hotpl free o(" r-xpensc. Detroi', Api-lo i-'ü. IXJO.NOMY IS UEALTII." T'I F. Siinscribcr.x will pny jffiy two cents pt'i pon d in ("i.iciilc or Paper tor nn quantity o( rood clean RWINGÃ.E TOW, clelivered nt ihc V ii ii Arbor Paper Mili JOVFS &. ORMSBY. Ann A'bor. April 27, H42. tf "NEW GOÃÃ) SM T7 DEMSON' b's ius rceoivc I n crt$n1.efc 1 Bonk,n HRVGOODS. GROCEME? N ) CRO!KERV. bieb will !o s-old very clu-ap lor monev or most kinds of produce. DesCfitiojU nnrl price will bc ivcn at tlicS'tore. Ann Arbor. Jim1 I, 184'2. . i SI;ARTUS- A pririM' anicl in boxes or barrols, foi sale JU the lowrpt prirri bv F. DEMSON. Sr?. 21, 1942. ft 2JR WALKER respcctfully informa hia frienda and the public in general, thnt una rccently commenccd business, in the lailor n iiiii-.onc door e-ast ol Bowcr's diy goodsstoi e A'licie he is piepnred io xccute uidcrs in the ne;i!st nnd most tashionuhlc ttyle. Gnrimms will bc mnde to order, in rtrict con ormiiy wiih tle present prevailing faÃhion and is;e of the day, and wiwranted to fit or no harge. Ladies' Riding Ilr.biismode in the latcst ftew Vork or Philndephin füshions. Friends. or Quakers' gurments will be niadi n he neatist and plainest style. Cutfing done at shortest n-jtice. All kinds of Military Uniform and undre oonts and pnntaloons. madf ntirccable to il e pret ent military or regimental ordi-r. J. R. WALKER. Ann Arbor. July 25th. J842. n14- :!in. Ll'MBKR cou6iantly on batid nnd for sa by F. DEN1S0N. June 10, 1842. tf PARSON'SSHEAHLNGiVJACUIIVFi - Thk. H. Eati.jà &. ('o. i:;8. Jt-ff: . sou nvënüc, oiélhé sole agents of these ciy & . fitiriifetl mnchinrp. 12-t. SATTINETT VVARI'S ON BEAMÃá -w ThBO. II. Eaton & Co.. 138, Jeflerso.T Avenue. olTer for snlo n larpe stock o( Sutt.ijirtc frorn the New York milis. Ihrta Wnrps are conMilercd supeiior to nny oil tr in the country, and will be sold, for cath, at snmll ad va nee. 12-Hw Woul i ardini; and EJo(h Dressing'. THE Subscribers rpspectaiily annoiyice to tl t ciiizens Ann Arbor and vicinily. thai thev are prepared to card wool and dress cloth ('o cus toniÃ-rs. in the best style. and at tlic .-hortc st notice. Havinj: guod m.-ichineiy. e. erienred work. men, and hng prnctice in the nuinets. tl:cy have the utmost conlidence thut they shall give complete satislaciion. J. BF.CKLEY & CO. Ann ArKor. April. ?sÃ. 1Ã-4'2. "33 lajs of tïfuhinj JKfne foro." JACKSCKT TüMPERANCE HOUSi, BOTANIC IVIEDICAL STORE, With Hot and Cold Baths r. J, T WI1SON, Kust c-i'l of Main Ft rcL Jacksov, Mich. Rivor Raisin INSTrJTUTE THIS lnsiiiution is 1 icntcd in the town of Ruiein, nêor thenorü. bank of the UrgutiÃut rivef whcise naine'it benrs, ne nilc cast ot il. diroct Iroin Téciuiiéeli to Adrián. 'l'liie eiie h ;s bcon Bvlcctcd for itt qnici scclusiun. ihc ftrtility and elcvatiou oi in soil. i:s pure and lieaithful titiiiosj:ht'ic. Ãdu pitas ant sceii'-ry. Hoo.tis. - There are now on the p.-cniiscs stiitble umins tor the nccominodniion of ttrty tiodenis: wliic-h rue il;sipned to b occuj)ied lor .iivate study and lodging Oilier ncc-ssi.ry build ing areprovidcf' Vir 'ci'Pt'oriF "nel boaiduig. EXPENDES. Tuition per Tcrin'uF eleven wecfiÃ, jj'4,0'V Boatd with 4 hours svork cach week, 7,57 Room Rent, Jrt Incidental, f0 Total, J2.9S Th"re will bc nn addiiionnl charge of one dollar lor thogc porsuinf: the hichcr branche as Phi losophy, Alf;i-bin. CeonuMiy. Asüononiy. &c. For Chen.iis.pT?, iaiin. or Grcek nn nddition of two dollars wil! be made. Scholars re exjiecfwi' to provide thfnisclvcs with wlmt fiiniiure tlx-y will need in tluir room, nho, wiih liphif-. (ue!r and washing - none will hornilla board ihemBills to hc fettUin ulvnncc. TIn: school is upen to ;ill applicnrils ot nt.-hta nie and mond diameter irnspecthe oi cliujUxitm or condiüon. QU77.t fccowl term of this smnvicr tcl.l com men. e WedÃi. s Hú) Jultj tiÃtó. Ii i? very desirnble ilint nll % ho drii;n to at ttiid ihc school, bhiiulil lio on th grerand - Iinvc tlieir bilis scttlccl. ;inl thcir rooms prep;ired, bé fore the fust In y of ilie Torni. Any unlter inforiii.-ition enn lc obtniiiffl fit tl.t' In.'-tiin, :u u, t .-Hi.lictsini.'. piiPi pnil. J. S. Di.on, l'rmcii'ul Jlnisiii. LennweC C'n Midi. iriisin. Mny linh. )4'L n.r- 'im New ; F.1JLZ, .V.YgP WINTER N. Y. CÃII.AP SSli THE subsrnhrr lma just reiurnerf Trom New Yoik with ih'o hórptffii rtiid heel stlccrd ns H.imuii t DRV (.OODS. GIWCERIES, cnOCKIJiW BOO'iii ? SHOES. AyD YAXKEK yOTlUNS. ever br..i.g,i into lina ïmiiket. puiclüisrd piovious to ihe tarifi' uhich wil] run! Ie liini to ücII for c.-iali. ncliei(j as utiy CHi:ililislül:cnt west of Rui.VaI.ö As wo do bu s!ihs on 'lif Rv.m y P. Ãvs'tim wc wifl not bi ui)doi6ol(i by any iné in this marliet. wjiioh wüliie tbr liie inti-it-st of die purclms-er nnd ;e;ilcr. V'e would s;iv to the f;irii;crs thnt we scll' poods in prnporiion to ilie prit-e of wlu;u n buslit'l ol' wlit-at wiil purclüise as nmnv guoe's m the picsent !ow pi ices us it ditl last fid!, .uw the line for pcuplu 10 buy pooris-.if t!u-y buy tliem cltenp. The neaortiiitnt consist iaait of the followinp ofiïclfs: BRoADCLOTUS, PI LOT rio. BEAVEItcf S TI NET .ii.d CA SS! Al F. RE, KEiTUCKYJEAiS. FULL'D CLOTHSr TLANiNELL. (t di kinds. ) SHEF.I-'S GKEYS. I.MliRELLAS, S1LKS. MUSLIN DE LA NES. ALAPfNES. MERINO TAGLIONE, CARSI.MERE SHAWLS. VICTOilA d VICTORIA do CAKLÃSEdo. ROÃ] ROY nnd BROCIIEA. do. BRASS CLOCK. STfE-R! INGS. TIOSE',. SHIHTINGS. TI( KINGS. CRAVATKr TWILLED JEANS. COTTON YARPÃ. CANTÃN' FLANNELS. GINGHAMS, COTTON I54TTING. HDKF'S. MATER and Tnhlr Cloihs. IVIITTENS,. CALICÃES, (o' .-!! kin-!-.) L Dl ES BWIF.SS II D'KFS, GI-OVES'. (of all kin-'s,) LOOKING GLASSES, &c. Ac. A choice ssortinent ot Giocerioi. uch nr en?. Susais. IVl.ihfscs. &c-. Ac , ; ÃI o Inch" 11 p stdd at wholcffile or retnil. ''e llart ,-m bc supplit-d at this estd-lilm ( ui low a? to npionish iliom. Tiu'sii'xsc'-ibpr riVeiiis it üsrelcöp t- eo 'nto fur her dctiil. tnt asks ifiein to cnl! nnd r.XAMi)fc or thetnselves. D. D. WATERMAN. Ann Arbor, Sppf. 20. J4'?. " NEW GOOD.Sà FDENISON, Ã9iow receivineas nsiinlly " well selected nssortment of fatl'and winter GOODS. wbich will be sold clicap for cush or bartpr. N. B. Ar chenp n nny in town. Soptcmbcr.24, 1812, "
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Old News